
  1. totoro

    Going In to see psychiatrist3 in the morning...

    Just wondering hoping for any suggestions on how to *nicely* push for K to be Difficult Child'd off of the Abilify??? I really want to see the Lamictal by itself, or at least just with the Prazosin... I would like to stop that also... She still has night terrors. She has such incredible TD it is...
  2. W

    Need Feedback on Depakote-difficult child at it again!!!!!

    Hello, I have been away for awhile and need advice. My difficult child is diagnosed with bi-polar. He has currently been taking Abilify 10.0 mg 1x/day and Clonidine 2 times/day (1/2 pill in am and 1 and 1/2 pill at bedtime). He continues to struggle with moods,oppositional behavior and has started some new...
  3. JJJ

    And she calls herself a nurse????

    Kanga has been in the psychiatric hospital for 7 days. They have screwed up her medications EVERY DAY. First they didn't even have Vyvanse in the hospital pharmacy. It took them THREE days to get some. Then they gave her Cogentin without my consent. Now they are decreasing her Geodon. So instead of 20mg AM and 160mg...
  4. totoro

    3:45 K is still up...

    husband and I have decreased K's medications her Geodon by 1/2 from 80mg 40mg and stopped her Neurontin it was down to 100mg once daily. I don't know if the medication change triggered this mood or if it was coincidental? She has not slept, is talking about imaginary friends... right now she is sobbing about her...
  5. totoro

    Side Affects from AP's that didn't go away???

    I have a question? Well K started Risperdal in 12/06 a low dose... the dose was .50mg starting, she went up to 1mg. It was Difficult Child'd on 3/7/07 due to: tongue thrust, drooling, movements-abnormal to her regular ones. Increased agitation. Overall just bad side affects... oh and the weight gain. So...
  6. T


    I am new here. A little background for you. husband and I adopted our son when he was 8 yrs. old from fostercare. He will be 15 in a few weeks. We have made huge progress in his behaviors. When we first got him he had never been able to stay in school for an entire day and spent most of his day...
  7. L

    I think I am ready to give up on her

    Hello everyone, It has been a few weeks since I last posted. Suffice it to say that it has been pretty much one constant crisis with my 17 yr old daughter. Her m.o. over the past few months has been to violate curfew, leave the house and refuse to answer her phone to tell me where she is, and...
  8. totoro

    OK Now I am confused...

    So, husband called Dr. P. our old psychiatrist. Who is the greatest psychiatrist in my opinion!!! (Why do we have her direct #?, and why is a woman this important able pick it up on the 3rd ring and talk to my husband???) Yet the rest of the darn psychiatrist'S in this country can't figure it out??? Back to my confusion, so she...
  9. HEC0417


    At the age of 4 my son was diagnosed with ADHD, Mixed Developmental D/O, and Adjustment D/O with Mixed Emotional Features. He has tried all the basic ADHD drugs and none worked so his doctor (well thats what his shingle said) decided to try psychotropics Respirdal,and now Abilify. I fell into...
  10. B

    Ok, so I spoke too soon......

    She was discharged this morning, we went for our intake appointment. for the partial program which starts tomorrow. That went okay. She was getting a little aggitated because we had to wait in the waiting room for over an hour. She handled that pretty well considering. No cursing, which was really good...
  11. A

    Update on difficult child - Happy Post!

    Well, at long last, we have taken the step on putting him on Risperdal. We are finally comfortable enough with the diagnosis of Tourette's Syndrome and BiPolar (BP) and have had a CAAT scan, EEG, blood tests and have a BiPolar (BP) Specialist who is closely monitoring things. It has been two days on the medication and so far, so...
  12. G

    ER for medication reaction

    Just spent the evening in the ER. About 6:45 pm, he came to me with drool bubbles and his mouth at an odd angle. I thought he was choking on something. He got his drink, and it all ran out and he was jumping up and down, not able to close his mouth. I looked and could see nothing and his...
  13. S

    procentra update

    I haven't posted here in a while. My last post I was asking about an adhd medication called procentra. He started this a few weeks ago. I can't really tell much of a difference in his behavior at home. He is in summer school and I did not give it to him the first day. I have given it to him each...
  14. JKF

    Minipress and Cogentin

    Does anyone here have any experience with these medications? The psychiatrist from the psychiatric hospital that difficult child was admitted to just called and asked for permission to put him on these medications. I looked them up and it looks like Minipress is used for high blood pressure but can also be used to treat PTSD. She wanted to...
  15. JJJ

    Tongue Thrusting

    Ugh ugh ugh! Eeyore has been on Geodon for 4 days and he woke up this morning with tongue thrusting. So he can't take Risperdal (lactated) or Geodon (td) and insurance no longer covers Abilify or Seroquel and our doctor hates Zyprexa and won't even talk about the old school APs...