
  1. L

    What to do next!? my little dude...turning 6 at the end of November has been diagnosed with ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) and Auditory Processing Disorders (APD). This is his fifth week on Strattera...only 10 mg, will be increased over time.He had his Occupational Therapist (OT) assessment last week, he tested around 4 yrs10 months-5 yrs. So we are looking at schooling options, we...
  2. A

    ADHD with anger outburts

    Hello everyone, I am new to your forum, though I have been lurking for a few months now. I stumbled across your wonderful place while looking for support for the situation in which I currently find myself. I have finally gotten to a place where I can not handle this on my own, and thought I...
  3. S

    anyone hear of ProCentra?

    I haven't posted here in a while. My son just turned 11. His dr. put him back on abilify. He is now taking 7.5 ml. each day. It seems to help somewhat, but he is still has occasional "fits of rage". He dr. wants to put him on an adhd medication called procentra. The pharmacy has not filled it...
  4. TiredSoul

    Chaotic home life!

    Things are so chaotic around here. difficult child has to be watched every second. If I go in the other room he scares, hits, threatens, bothers, etc his little brother. Every. Single. Time. Seriously - I cannot go to the bathroom or take a shower. The aggression is getting worse. I don't know how to...
  5. L

    tenex or clonidine for my 6 yr old - your experiences?

    We will soon have a decision to make and begin our journey to the place so many of you have been...filled with hope that our almost-6-yr-old son will have one tool to improve his early kindergarten "bully" label. For my aggressive, defiant, grouchy, mean, physical, friendless and fit-throwing...
  6. TeDo

    difficult child 1's question

    difficult child 1 asked me at bedtime last night when he can stop taking medication. I told him maybe never. He said he's not going to take pills for the rest of his life. I can see his point, he's been on medications since he was 5 and has had 2 REALLY bad experiences with two different medications. I thought maybe if...
  7. P

    new!-ptsd, Borderline (BPD), adhd, anxiety

    Hi everyone, im a little new to this. My daughter(17) has post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, adhd, depression, and social anxiety. She currently takes prozac, respidon, and concerta. I am always having problems with her. She was raped at an early age, and has...
  8. S

    I have a Ritalin Question for all of you experts

    So, difficult child had a psychiatrist appointment. on Thursday, and difficult child explained how the Concerta was wearing off around 1:30 or 2. And how she was having a hard time getting H.W. done in the evening. So, psychiatrist added 5mg of ritalin in the morning, and 10mg of it at 3. difficult child said she doesn't like the way it makes her...
  9. I

    Very Concerned

    Several months ago, after trying my 10 y.o. daughter (difficult child 1) on Prozac, it was a disaster. Her meltdowns, which were bad, got out of control at home and school. Took her off the Prozac and they didn't stop. Now after having her heavily medicated on Risperdal, Concerta and now Zoloft, she's...
  10. C

    So Tired of Defiance and Verbal Abuse

    I feel totally defeated by my 13 year old son. He has always been difficult to deal with mentally, but when he was younger I could handle it. The last 2 years have been exhausting. Every day is a battle to get him up and to school. He has been suspended numerous times for disrespecting...
  11. J

    Behavior Contract

    Hello - I am a newby and have been so grateful for this site!! I will update with my story later but I am in a bit of a crisis right now that I could really use your help with. My difficult child was caught sexting...again...for the fourth time! He is extremely disrespectful and violent. Our therapist...
  12. Malika

    Last day of school term

    The last day of the school year here in France - you "break up" (as we say in the UK) much earlier in the States... We just heard that J's best friend (well, and only other boy in the class) is leaving, as his family is moving. Poor J - he will now be in a class with three girls and that's it...
  13. Malika

    Ritalin and impulse control

    I also belong to a French forum for parents of children with ADHD. Whereas prescribing stimulants for ADHD (Ritalin and Concerta are the only stimulants available here) is generally very poorly viewed, with a lot of hostility to it, these parents largely seem enormously in favour of stimulants...
  14. F

    Where to start

    Hey everyone. First time poster. Forgive me if this thread was placed in the wrong forum, or if it runs a little long. I'm 28, and I'm not a parent. I'm posting this on behalf of my parents, who are in their early 70's. My parents are raising my 14-year old and 9-year old nephews (their...
  15. HMBgal

    Question about "Anger Overload"

    I found references to this in may articles, mostly as put forth by David Gottlieb. This, more than anything else describes my grandson to a T. More than ADHD, for which he is currently on Concerta. But, the rages continue, despite Explosive Child techniques, individual help at school during...
  16. LoonyAlana

    5 Year Old Referred for Hospitalization (Mental Health)

    I am new, and trying to figure out who to survive raising my youngest son. He's been diagnosed with severe ADHD at around 3 years old, but there is something else in addition to that in play. We've tried Play Therapy for 6 months with NO effect- it did not help AT ALL except to show doctors...
  17. S

    Mother of an 8 year old out of control Aspergers child!

    Hi, I'm new to this site hoping to find other parents that are in my same situation. Someone to listen to me vent and let me listen while they vent. My son was diagnosed last year with Aspergers. He was a very good baby until he started school and thats when it became worse. Right now he is...
  18. whatamess

    Ritalin and the perfect/horrible day(s)

    Ok guys, help me out here. difficult child started on 5mg/2x a day of ritalin almost two weeks ago, after a few days of no change the plan was to up it to 10mg/2x a day. On day 5 of the medications difficult child had a spectacular morning at school, refused afternoon medications and was aggressive and acting out. Tuesday took...
  19. M

    How to handle "rebound" effect of stimulant?

    I'm curious how some of you may have handled this - we have tried stimulants with varying degrees of success, but the most successful was Methylphenidate - night and day effect with my difficult children. The problem is when they come off it, they are absolutely hell on wheels. We tried some of the longer...
  20. TiredSoul

    Day 15 on Intuniv - HELP PLEASE

    Today is day 15 on 1 mg Intuniv. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to 2 mg. Tonight difficult child is so completely out of control. He is belligerent, combative, quarrelsome, antagonistic, contentious!!! He is annoying everyone! He is in all of our faces. He is acting like a crazed maniac. Looking back...