
  1. whatamess

    Stimulant ----> how long to effect mood

    Hi guys- taking my son off Strattera for the final time. We gave it 3+ months and the irritability has been crazy, not to mention the positive effects have gone by the wayside (slight increase in focus, relatively less fidgety). I am going to try a stimulant for his ADHD symptoms (we tried...
  2. TiredSoul

    Major Aggression and Meltdowns Daily

    The pediatrician hasn't called us back - I also have a call in to the psychiatrist! difficult child has been having problems at school during recess everyday and has been super aggressive after school which then leads to him getting in physical fights with his friend. We are to the point where we will...
  3. Big Bad Kitty

    medication question and Tink update

    SO, Tink now has a formal diagnosis of bipolar and ADHD. For a couple years, all prior to her first psychiatric hospital visit, she was on Abilify. DUring those years we have trialled Metadate (made her cry), Focalin (made her violent), Tenex (made her sleepy), Prozac (turned her into her own evil twin). She was on...
  4. C


    Well found this site while googling the internet. I am a mother of two boys. My oldest (12) is the source of head banging frustration. He was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD about 4 years ago. He was on concerta for 2 years and then taken off (at the recommendation of the doctor) For a year he did very...
  5. N

    Hope this is not a stupid question...what is normal?

    I have lived for 5 yrs with my precious difficult child whom I love very much. Our lives were in a constant uproar because of his behaviors that all of it over time seemed like a very normal lifestyle and behaviors even though I knew they were all abnormal. Now that we have him on medications and seemed to have...
  6. R

    New to Boards...Need some advice

    my stepson will be 8 in July. He has been diagnosed ADHD for almost a year now and currently being tested for possible bipolar (his bio mom is bipolar) hes a great kid, very sweet and sensitive but there are times when i dont know what to do..far too many lately. ive noticed changes over the...
  7. N

    Still haven't filled the RX for Risperdal

    I know I have mentioned this before, so please forgive me for venting about it again. I am just trying to figure out what to do and it helps to talk about it. My son's dr gave him a RX for Risperdal for his moods and to help with his aggression and hitting himself, etc..that was over a week...
  8. Janna

    ADHD medication Advice

    Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL! Dylan...
  9. S

    question on recommended medications

    Well we finally saw a psychiatrist with difficult child the other day ( we've always seen psychologists or counselors) since we now feel things are so bad with him that we have to try the medication route. After her evaluation she diagnosed difficult child with a mood disorder with some signs of adhd (said he does not fit...
  10. M

    Metadate vs adderall?

    I was just wondering if anyone has experience w metadate? My difficult child has been on it since oct. first it was 10mgs then 20 now 30 mgs once a day. I have noticed side affects since increasing like J being very quiet, not eating, saying his ears ring ect... I have been splitting the pill 1/2 in the am...
  11. K

    Before Adderall; After Adderall

    My son's problems occur almost entirely at school, so I rely on his teacher's notes to determine if medication is helping. So here is one of her notes before Adderall: difficult child starts off the day in my room. He kept climbing on his chair and trying to stand on the back of it. I asked him to sit...
  12. TerryJ2

    Back on Concerta ...

    It was too good to last. In fact, over a week too long. The first three days were okay, but moving on up to 2 wks, boy, oh boy, what a cranky, mean boy! Luckily, we had an appointment with-the psychiatrist yesterday, and he listened to the symptoms and the explanations (the drugs stores ran out, difficult child is always mad...
  13. S

    OK, we go to the psychiatrist tmrw for ADHD medications

    The psychiatrist is leaning towards Concerta. I asked earlier about this, I just wan tmy ducks in a row prior to heading tin there. I hate being ill prepared. I know several of you mentioned the crash. How long does the medication work? And, what happens when it wears off? Am I going to be dealing with...
  14. G

    What's next with ADHD medications

    At the end of the school year Mr. I had been on an increased dose of Concerta. (36mg. up from 27) At the higher dose he had stomach aches, had stopped eating, (and I think growing too) and had periods of spacing out like he was over medicated. I convinced his parents to let me get a lower dose...
  15. TerryJ2

    Ack! Nasty note from teacher about difficult child

    I had just sent a mass email about difficult child's medication changes to the teachers but wouldn't you know, I accidentally left this one off the list. Sigh. I responded by telling her that is unacceptable, on or off medications, and that he would make up the work. Fingers crossed. *** Good Morning, I wanted...
  16. TerryJ2

    No more Depakote; difficult child is going back on lithium

    :crazy2:We saw the psychiatrist today. difficult child wants to go back on lithium. He has been having side effects from Depakote and has also been really nasty, so he figures if he's stuck with-side effects, at least he'll be in a good mood. More or less. His hands have been trembling, so it's hard to write; he gets...
  17. DS3

    New Medication

    So we went to the psychiatric today, and being that difficult child 1 was starting with 'tics' with the Adderall, and Adderall XR, the doctor has now put him on Methylphenidate. Anyone else's difficult child on it? We were told that it was a smaller form of ritalin? I was looking up side effects and they're still quite scary...
  18. Kptica

    Adhd medications

    My son takes Adderall Xr and it works well from 8-4 but mornings and nights are a nightmare. We just started risperdal for irritability and mood swings(dr thinks possible bipolar too) but havent see any difference yet. I m desperated and frustrated!Should we try a 24 hrs non stimulant or just...
  19. Californiablonde

    difficult child 2 and his continuing sleep problems

    Ugh, I have no idea what to do anymore. difficult child has been taking 2 mgs of Inuniv for about two weeks now. His teacher says she has seen *some* improvement so far but he still needs to be redirected throughout the day. It's better than nothing. We didn't see any improvement at all at 1 mg so some...
  20. T

    New diagnosis

    My son has had health problems since 13 months. He had his first seizure then. He also has asthma, allergies (gets 2 shots once a week), was recently diagnosed with Aspergers and ODD. I've known for years that there was something "different" about my son. He is 11. The fits started at about...