
  1. O

    Hi all....I am new here and I am at my wits end so I am searching for some hellp and suggestions and support. I am the divorced mom of 3 boys. My 15 year old has some issues with controlling his anger but for the most part does a good job. My 12 year old has been diagnosed ADD/ADHD, PTSD...
  2. S

    Just dont know where to turn

    Hi , Im new here and hoping that someone can give me some advice . I am happily married with three children 9 , 5 and 2 , my 9 year old was recently diagnosed with ADHD and ODD and i just cant tell you how hard life is . Firstly he is like Jekyl and Hyde sometimes you could not wish for a nicer...
  3. L

    Hi I'm new, 6 y/o son has severe ODD (? CD)

    Title says it all. Been seeing doctors since he was 3 trying to figure out what was wrong. At first no one wanted to believe me, boys will be boys, after all. @.@ Well he's in kindergarten now, kicked out of regular school just before Christmas, now attends a sort of 'alternative elementary'...
  4. myeverything04

    Introduction and asking for general imput

    Hello Everyone, I posted a few days ago regarding who to turn too when I felt our pediatrician wasn't grasping the effects Adderall XR was having on my difficult child. It was suggested that I start a new thread and introduce myself and my difficult child a little better. I am looking for imput as to if other...
  5. buddy

    Assistant Principal just called....

    Q refused to leave the class swing....the swing is a big deal issue with him, why dont they put one in his room? Anyway.... here is what I think is going on....and yes, much of it is totally my fault this time... This morning I was not very patient. Q did not wait for me to unlock the...
  6. myeverything04

    Who to go to for help with ADHD medication

    My difficult child was diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago. After trying all the 'non' medication ways to help her, we tried Focalin XR in May. Side effects were horrible so after 1 month we stopped it altogether. She started Adderall XR in October and the only side effect has been weight loss. She went...
  7. A

    Day late and dollar short

    I just feel absolutely broken; I think I found this place too late. There simply is no peace in my house. My daughter seems to be actively trying to have herself removed from my care by CPS. Lying to her teacher, counselor, nurse, and/or school psychologist. They seem to think she craps gold...
  8. M

    Our first ride on the Rx merry-go-round: Strike One

    Hi all, I'm a newbie and this is my first post. I am glad to have found this forum. My son is on his fourth school, and he's in Kindergarten. We've been asked to leave two schools, been ostracized from playgroups, and dropped out of more sports activities than I can count. My son is bright...
  9. K

    Fluoxetine/Prozac question

    difficult child was on Strattera all summer and was always having rages - like a volcano ready to explode over a" look" or even just a request to do something. So it was stopped a little over two weeks ago and the generic Prozac was started (10 mg - she weighs 98#). The explosions have slowed down to...
  10. totiredtofight

    Not sure what to do now

    I am a stay at home mother of 3 difficult kids. my oldest who is 15 has ADHD/ODD,then my 9 year old and my 7 year old. Recently my 9 year old was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD, After a major outburst resulted in an ER visit she was placed in a behavioral Hospital last night , This morning i get a call...
  11. shellyd67

    Tics ????

    difficult child may be developing a tic. I have noticed he is biting on his shirts around the shoulder area on both sides to where they are wet from his saliva. Also notice he is jerking his neck around (similiar to someone trying to get water out of their ear) but this is very slight. Not sure if these...
  12. G

    New here, seeking support and advice

    I didn't see a forum for introductions, so I hope that it's okay to introduce myself here. I'm the mother of a 7 1/2 year old girl, and my husband and I are at our wit's end and don't know what to do with her. Most of the time, she's a pleasant, sweet, compassionate little girl, if highly...
  13. W

    How often do medications to be adjusted once they are stabilized

    I'm asking cuz my son has been on Concerta for 5 mos and it seems like it's not working as well anymore. I NEVER thought it worked at home, but school was saying he was much calmer and could focus (I don't see that at home at all). Now one of his teachers is saying he's getting less and less...
  14. buddy

    two fairly decent days and I'm not taking it for granted...

    Yesterday, Q had an issue at school, and had little bumps into me on and off but no major stuff with me, and he did well in his new Occupational Therapist (OT) and speech sessions. (some little hits and kicks transitioning, but nothing major)...Today, just a little opposition getting ready for school and a few names...
  15. M

    Manster off medications

    It's not pretty. Ex is of the mindset that the cure is worse than the disease.. or something like that. Blaming the very issues that precipiated medications ON the medications now. Manster decided not to take the night time ones because he wanted to stay up later (clonidine) and then forgot the morning ones...
  16. Wiped Out

    Ummm, other difficult children think my difficult child is difficult

    Yesterday after work difficult child went to a friend of mine's office to sell her products for the fundraiser his group called peer partners is having (it pairs a group of kids with disabilities with a group that doesn't have them). Anywhoooo, my friend's difficult child was there (he is a major difficult child too) and our...
  17. HMBgal

    Newbie to this forum; a little introduction.

    I've been respectfully lurking for a few days and you seem like a knowledgeable, compassionate group and I've joined so I can learn from you, as well as share any bits of information I pick up that may be of use (you know, those grains of salt). I've been an adapted physical education teacher...
  18. M

    Verdict: ADHD, ODD and sensory issues

    difficult child and I spent 2 hours in the evaluating psychologist's office today. In those two hours I had to restrain difficult child twice, put her at parade rest four times (what I use instead of time out, works much better for us... also prompted the psychologist to ask if I was prior military, oops I guess it...
  19. Marguerite

    neuropsychologist report for difficult child 3

    We had difficult child 3 assessed two years ago by a dream of a neuropsychologist. Well, I've been increasingly concerned over the last year or so by his increasing inability to cope with his already reduced school workload. Last year he was studying English, History & Geography - challenging for an autistic, so we...
  20. Californiablonde

    difficult child 2 is driving me INSANE! Is it the autism or the ADHD?

    I can hardly believe that difficult child 2 used to be a former easy child. Besides his late talking and late walking, he had no real symptoms of Asperger's. He had an obsession with dinosaurs but that was IT. In school he did great. His I believe second grade teacher called him her future engineer. He was super...