
  1. LittleDudesMom

    Good Middle of the Week!

    :coffee: Good Wednesday Morning - hope your coffee is smooth! I've an exceptionally smooth cup this morning - I have the fire going and am beginning to wake up!!!! Today is a house day. The painter has finished patching, sanding and painting the hole in my living room ceiling from the...
  2. L

    Inappropriate sexual behaviour....

    I wondered for a long time if it will be emotionally safe to post this thread on the forum....... But, this is something I think alot of us need to deal with, but we keep it to ourselves because we are ashamed to voice it...... Does any of you need to deel with inappropriate sexual behaviour...
  3. H

    Hate that I'm here :(

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking these forums for a few months now...decided to join. A little about my family (hopefully my sig works!). Together with husband for 20 yrs, he's bio dad to all 3 of my sons (17, 10 and 9). We both come from very messy backgrounds...substance/child abuse. Mental...
  4. TiredSoul

    difficult child Stole $63.00 from a fundraiser!

    He is only 8! He was participating in a fund raiser this weekend that took place outside a retail store. His shift was only supposed to be for 2 hours, but he was enjoying himself and the adult in charge said he was doing a great job, so I left him for 2 more hours. Checked in with him then...
  5. J

    Hi. New here and totally overwhelmed.

    I'm glad i found this place. My son is 11 and i feel totally overwhelmed. He has been expelled multiple schools. I can't hold a job due to his behavior because no friends/relatives can handle him. He's sooo angry I have no idea how to help him. I'm a recovering addict (been sober 4 years) and I...
  6. adhd123

    Pee and Pooping pants - 7 yrs old - any success stories

    My 7 yr old son is ADHD and anxiety - and who knows? AD? He has ALWAYS had a little poop-in-pants/holding it problem but it wasn't daily. Last year, we moved and he started a new school last Sept - he started having peeing accidents. As he adjusted, it got better and then we had Xmas break and...
  7. shellyd67

    I could use some advice PLEASE

    The last few days difficult child has been giving me a very hard time about taking his medications. He is complaining they are making him feel nauseous. He has been on the same medications for over a year now and hasn't had any side effects other than some sleep issues. He is VERY immature for 10 and can be very...
  8. S

    New here! Glad i found this forum...

    I have been on other forums for other reasons, but for whatever reason had thought to seek out forum for these reasons... Here's a little about myself... Or my boys! Oldest is 13, diagnosis Jan 2008 with ADHD/ODD. We started on Concerta, and used Melatonin to sleep... Fall 2010 added Stratera with...
  9. G

    New to this and feeling very overwhelmed!!

    Hi everyone, I came across your forum while searching for help on understanding ADHD and Aspergers. My 8 year old son has had quite the history of not being able to function well in a learning environment, even back to preschool and daycares before that. All his life I have had various people...
  10. W

    at complete wits end

    I am a stepmom to 2 and a mother of 2. All children live with me and my husband. He has an 8 year old son CC that i have been raising since 6 months old. At the age of 18 months everything went downhill. CC was kicked out of 4 daycares because of biting (making kids bleed) and physically...
  11. W

    Anyone ever used Intuniv

    Has anyone ever used this. difficult child 2 psychiatrist added this to her current medications. So I am just curious if it works. she just started this week.
  12. buddy

    Hospital just called

    They said I refused to let difficult child attend their school time, I said no, I refused to allow for an open dialog from school and hospital. He doesn't have any homework, only reading 5 minutes a night and recording it. I will bring that form for them. They said, well it is crossed out, I said I was not...
  13. S

    Going to crack! At the end of my rope- How do I deal with my son?

    My son is 8 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD shortly after entering first grade. He has always been what others kindly referred to as a handful. I would pick him up from daycare and other parents would go- oh- your HIS mom, wow- you must have a lot of patience! Lately I'm...
  14. tinamarie1

    Im about a mile from entering crazytown

    husband has been in California for a month training getting ready to go to Afganastan. He will be there until June next year. difficult child has been in RARE form since husband left. We homeschool and he lies to me every day when he says he did his work. I go check it and guess what, its not done. I walk by the...
  15. C

    Brand new here :-)

    Sorry - double post!
  16. TerryJ2

    Cyclothymia and Asperger's?

    So, easy child is studying psychology and instead of getting into the "I have this disease-a-week" syndrome, she's getting into the "Let's diagnosis difficult child" syndrome. :) In addition to Asperger's, she suggested cyclothymia. I admit, I've thought of this before, having read all of your notes and comments about...
  17. D

    What do you do in the moment?

    My DS 1 is continuing to have issues. He is seeing a therapist now and hopefully next week I can make an appointment with the neuro psychiatric. I have read The Explosive Child and I am trying to use CPS for some of the issues, but there are sooooo many moments where I just want to hang my head and cry in...
  18. L

    Help with 9 year old daugher

    Our daughter was recently diagnosed with ODD. She mainly displays the behavior at home and with the people who love her most – myself, my husband and my mother (she says she doesn’t misbehave at school because she doesn’t want to embarrass herself). However lately, it seems to be trickling into...
  19. R

    8 year old being agitated and not being able to concentrate at school

    My 8 year old difficult child is currently on 25 mg. Adderol, 2 mg of Intuniv both in the morning and 1 1/2 mg of Riseperdal in the evening. We just increased the Adderol to the 25 mg. about 2 weeks ago. Lately he has been very agitated at school. According to his teacher he is easily aggravated by his...
  20. Z

    Still moving along

    difficult child is nearing the end of his stay at the Residential Treatment Center (RTC). husband and I had an appointment with his team on Monday. The way things stand now, he will be released from Residential Treatment Center (RTC) in the next two weeks (this is mainly insurance based) and then moving into a day treatment program for a few weeks. They have diagnosed a...