conduct disorder in children

  1. E

    Conduct Disorders (male, 13yrs)

    My wife and I are new to this forum, and after years of doctors shoving ADHD pills down our sons throat, we have just dicovered...Conduct Disorders. I looked over the forum and either dont understand it or simply could not find other parents speaking about Conduct Disorders. Can someone direct...
  2. M

    Just labeled Conduct Disorder

    I have a 15 year old son. He just started a special school two months ago for Emo. Disturbed kids. He had been diagnosis with bipolar when he was 8 years old because he was having severe rage episodes. Around the time he was 5 years old I had a very serious psychiatric breakdown. I was really sick for...
  3. Californiablonde

    My friends and their "perfect children" are making me jealous!

    First of all let me say that I really, really don't want to sound like I am having a pity party for myself. One thing I hate is other people's pity. It makes me feel weak, and I am normally a pretty strong person. Lately I've been having issues with jealousy when it comes to my friends' and...
  4. ?

    School Issues --- Stories in Here

  5. J

    Suspended from school for the rest of the year. Problems, Problems, more problems.

    difficult child didn't like that the teacher sent her to in-house for the day for being disrespectful, so she had showed everyone, a fraction of what I get at home. They couldn't believe it, 5 school administrators, social workers and teachers couldn't redirect her. She cursed and screamed and tapped her...
  6. C

    New diagnosis is scary

    Hello this is my first time on this site.. I have a 5YO who has been diagnosed with ADHD for about 4mos and on Metdate CD. It is working but he has also had ODD and Conduct Disorder added to his diagnosis today. The prescribed him risperidone for him today ... Im scared of this medication but...
  7. hopefloats

    So embarressed!!

    I live in a very small town with a very small library in the town hall. My difficult child loves to go there and play the learning games on the kids computer. Every time I go, I end up so frustrated. My difficult child is very loud,& disruptive. He yells for me when he gets stuck on the game even after explaining the...
  8. 3

    New here

    My difficult child just turned 9 in January. She started her rages when she was 5. The first time she had a rage, it scared the day lights out of me! I looked in her eyes and she just wasn't there. That rage lasted 3 hours. Her first doctor was a neuro psychiatric who said she was ADHD and potentially bipolar. I...
  9. C

    At Home Care vs Hospital....

    Im to the point that things are going too slow the several years to slow for a proper diagnose for my son. Son is now always saying he wants to kill us or cops or doctors if they get in the way to help him. He now added hes going to stab me in the neck and wants me dead he will kill me he promises...
  10. R

    please help, need advice, I work in a Residential Treatment Center (RTC).....

    Hello everybody, I am new to the forum. I really enjoy the site, there is a lot, of, great info here. I have been working in an Residential Treatment Center (RTC) for around a year. I was recently moved to an all girls unit (I'm a male). I have been having a very hard time. I cannot go into detail due to legal issues...
  11. F

    Thoughts/Advice for medication

    It's been a while since I've been back here. We are at our wit's end with our eight year old son's behavior. He is currently on 200 mg. Seroquel, 10 mg. Lexapro, 30 mg. Metadate. His raging outbursts are far worse than ever. We have spent nine months at this psychiatric clinic, and it seems...
  12. M


    Ok, here's the deal. I am lost, confused, and just want to break down and have a temper tantrum all my own. My difficult child, is having panic attacks I think. His therapist is away for 2 weeks (not good as he is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and VERY ritualistic). So, I turn to you to help me get through this and bring it up to...
  13. I

    Morning from hell and Conduct Disorder remains the verdict...

    Our kids need our affection the most, at exactly those points in life when they are most unlovable. I can relate to how you feel... as a parent, I've had to learn to suppress that feeling, and love difficult child anyway. But it is really hard to learn. I'm going to challenge you on this one. Just...
  14. D

    Dr. Riley checking in to Early Childhood Zone

    Greetings to the board. It has been a number of years since I have participated, and I recently posted on the General Forum. Those of you who remember me probably associate my name with my book,The Defiant Child. I am writing to let you know that my latest book, entitled What Your Explosive...
  15. D

    I am at a loss....

    I am a greandmother, mother, wife, and a nurse and yet with my 9 year old grandson I am at a loss. I am very new with this conduct disorder diagnosis for my grandson ZZ. I am at a loss on just how you ladies and gentlemen deal with this issue. I have a hard time handling ZZ as he is very...
  16. B

    Conduct Disorder and Abilify

    I am new to this group. My 12 year old son was just diagnosed with a Conduct Disorder. We have been working with a psychologist and psychiatrist for over a year and nothing seems to be working. We have tried Trileptal. He has been suspended from school at least once a week. He is very...
  17. S

    How young can a child be to have ODD?

    You may think I'm crazy for even considering this, but I think a 9-1/2-month old baby I watch may have ODD. I have been around and taken care of a LOT of babies in my 35 years (being an aunt to 24 kids is just the tip of that iceberg), and have a 10-month old of my own. I stay home with my...
  18. TiredSoul

    Can You Call a 9-Year-Old a Psychopath?

    NY Times article. Have you read it? What do you think? Snipped from the article: " Michael’s problems started, according to his mother, around age 3, shortly after his brother Allan was born...
  19. Lothlorien

    ADHD/ADD vs. Bipolar

    It appears to me, from reading many many posts over the years that children with ADD/ADHD have meltdowns, but not necessarily the "Raging", am I right? The reason I am asking is because I am slowly coming to the realization that I really don't think Missy is actually ADD/ADHD, but rather may...
  20. gcvmom

    DSM-V draft available online for public comment

    I'm posting this over on the news page, too.