conduct disorder in children

  1. Dixies_fire

    I could talk for days, new to board.

    Okay SO I joined because my daughter is.... something. she's 8. She has something akin to a eating disorder that we've been dealing with since she was 8. she's 50lbs and is 8 years old and this is a vast improvement a year ago she was 36lbs. So this is actually improving... I have long thought...
  2. hopefloats


    Just wanted to say Hi! Have a four year old son that was diagnosis with a behavioral disorder a few weeks ago and doctor is going to send him to a psychotherapist. So I'm just starting out. From what I've read up on, I think he is ODD. He has a lot of aggression and argues with us about every little...
  3. timer lady

    I've been pushing for.....

    a serious consideration of the autistic spectrum/Aspeberger's/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified diagnosis for wm for years. wm fits the criteria to a tee. I've been brushed off for 5 maybe 6 years with the same story....this is all the Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) & PTSD with a bit ADHD & bipolar in the mix. Saying that, all of the interventions...
  4. FeatherAhead

    Would love some advice

    My daughter was recently diagnosed with ODD, Anxiety-which then brings on some ADHD. We are in transition from changing to the new ways of helping her from the way we did things for 4yrs. We have never been able to happily travel with her. As explained by the Psychiatrist, she doesn't have the...
  5. V

    'Nother Newbie - ODD for 4 years

    Hi Everyone, I've just spent the past few hours (yes hours) reading the threads here. I just wanted (or needed!) to stop for a second and introduce myself. I have two wonderful daughters; my difficult child is now 5 1/2 and her adoring easy child little sister is 3 1/2. difficult child's behavior problems surfaced...
  6. Dara

    We need help

    HI. I am new to this board. I have an almost 3 year old son. He has been in ABA therapy since he was a year. They have helped on many levels like they taght him how to stand, walk, eat, and many other things. Sammy has many developmental delays including speech. These are all being...
  7. gingersgrl

    Why do they do even worse things when they are in trouble?

    Hi everyone - I just found this site and feel such relief that I am not alone in this. My 12 yr old has just been diagnosed with conduct disorder. She's broken our dogs leg jumping on it in anger. After 2 surgeries to pin it back together she went back and stomped on her back leg. I made...
  8. D

    totally, totally fustrated!!!!

    Im new and need some help or advice, have a 14yr old who is diagnosis with adhd, bipolar, and conduct disorder, who has now been going around telling my exhusband's best friends that my husband has been beating him up. Exhusband and his wife and me got in argument last night over it and now child...
  9. A

    Lead exposure tied to behavioral problems

    Hello, I am curious if anyone has ever checked into lead exposure as an explanation for some of their children's behavioral issues? Many of the issues described in these forums could(?) be a side effect of lead poisoning. ADHD, anxiety disorders, aggressive tendencies, ODD, conduct disorder...
  10. D


    My son Seth, is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. He has behaviour issues at school that the teachers and I have discussed. He has been placed in the In School Suspension program several times for his behavior. The teachers and I stay in contact daily. He brings home all of his classwork, and...
  11. southernmomma

    ADHD/ODD underlying causes

    Hey everyone, tomorrow is difficult child's first appointment. with a 2nd dr. to get a 2nd opinion. I have read a lot of info on ODD and there are a lot of underlying problems/causes, etc. What can you guys tell me about things like that? I don't want to be unprepared. Thanx
  12. TerryJ2

    Interesting case study: bipolar vs depression

    It's not easy to get professionals to admit they were wrong. I wish more things like this would be published.
  13. H

    Hi , Newbie here and need advice .

    Hey everyone ! This is my first post . I came across this site while doing research and Im happy I found it because I need some advice . My son Hunter is 6 years old and his behavior lately has just gotten out of control . He was diagnosed at 2.5 years old with ADHD and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified . But today at...
  14. M

    Newly Diagnosed and Freaking Out

    Newbie mom here. What is "difficult child," please? I have 4 great kids; 3 adopted, all born to drug addicted/boozing moms. Each has their own set of challenges. My son, now 13, first attempted to kill his then 2-year-old sister by dousing her with lighter fluid and trying to set her on fire. He was 6...
  15. O

    Glad to finally find all of you! I NEED HELP!!!!

    Greetings everyone, I hope someone will respond to this, I am new to your site, and I have been searching endlessly for some help. I have two children, my son is 6 yrold and my daughter is 8 yrold. From Sept. of 2011 till Nov. my daughter was hospitalized 4 times at different institutions. She...
  16. JJJ

    Family Therapy

    We are, once again, about to start Family Therapy with a new therapist. Now, family therapy has helped me bring out some of Kanga's issues for the therapist to see (i.e. put cracks in her honeymoon shell). FT has shown Kanga that society expects her to speak to me respectfully, without threats or swearing...
  17. M


    Today my son's school called me because he threw a desk at a student and cursed at everyone. When they put him on the phone with me I told him to apologize but he kept saying no. He finally apologized but in a really mean way. I spoke with the assistant principal and told her that he would only...
  18. W

    Please help! Advice needed...have you gone through this issue?

    hi new friends, I posted for the first time last week (reposted it below) and only got a couple replies. I thank you 2 for replying. Our 10 year old son is stealing and lying. This has been confirmed. He keeps finding $, I keep finding stuff that I've never seen before and ask him where he...
  19. L

    SD has run away...

    Well, it's happened. To this point, SD (age 14)'s behaviour has been (in my humble opinion) somewhere on the line between rebellious teen and someone with more serious behavioural issues. But I think we may have just crossed that line. wife let SD back on the Internet this week, under the condition that wife be...
  20. J

    New Here

    Hi everyone. My son is 8 and in grade 3. He has recently been diagnosed as having ADHD, Conduct Disorder and Cognitive Delays. The school is starting him on an IPP which is helpful. I also have him on a few herbals suggested by his naturopath. Now I'm going to try acupuncture as I was told this...