
  1. M

    Took ds off Concerta....any thoughts?

    This weekend I took ds off Concerta. Other than some increase in hyperactivity and impulsivity, we don't notice a drastic difference. My reason for taking him off was to see if it would minimize his anger/agression. Anyone in a similar situation????
  2. tinamarie1

    ADHD patch?

    I just saw an ad in a magazine for that and wondered if anyone has used it or is using it? If so, what are the good/ bad sides to it? Tina
  3. gcvmom

    Adding Lamictal to Depakote ER

    We had our regularly scheduled psychiatrist appointment last night, and it was decided to add Lamictal to difficult child 2's cocktail. I told him I'd been noticing that difficult child 2 has been having trouble sleeping at night -- often gets up and wanders around or complains of not being able to sleep until after 1am. He...
  4. gcvmom

    Failed medications, starting from scratch...

    difficult child 2 had a really rough year in 4th grade -- thank goodness it's finished. He is lucky to be blessed with a lot of smarts -- his grades were great but his behavior marks were AWFUL. His ADHD medications and mood medications have not worked, so we have stopped everything and will start from scratch next...
  5. H

    Newbie @ her wits end...looking for help.

    Hello everyone: I am very new to this support site, so please bear with me as I don't yet know all of the lingo here. I will try my best, and I'm sorry if this is too long. I am desperate for help. I have a child, or difficult child, who is the age of 12 right now. He is my youngest of 3 boys and...
  6. crazymama30

    psychiatrist visit

    We went to see psychiatrist today, and Cody was bouncing off the walls. He wants to try Daytrana patch to help with ADHD symptoms. We are staying at 100mg of Lamictal, and this seems to be a good spot for him. I am leery of stims. He has not been on Daytrana, or its pill equivalent. We will start...
  7. H

    Need to talk and need some advice

    I have a five year old son that was diagnoised with ADHD. He had problems earlier in life because he was born very premature. I just thought him being so busy was because of all that he been through. We have been having major problems in school and he was started on medication. The medicine...
  8. N

    Hello Again

    I haven't been on this forum for almost a year. It's hard to find the time with 2 kids and work and as I'm sure you can understand I really don't want to need it but I do. Overall things seemed to been improving but here recently there has been a change for the worse. Today I've just been so...
  9. E

    Teacher called me

    Joseph is 9yo and has ADHD. He's on 50mg vyvanse in the morning and .2mg clonidine at night. His teacher called me this morning to set up a meeting between us, the school counselor, and who knows who else. She is very concerned over his behavior. He has been hitting his head on things when he...
  10. gcvmom

    Nothing like a colonoscopy prep to bring out the best in a difficult child...

    Well THIS has been the night from hell! difficult child drank all his prep liquids fine today, but as soon as his medications wore off and the real hunger set in... let's just say he gave Mr. Hyde a run for his money tonight. I sat up guarding the kitchen because I had a feeling he would try to sneak out and...
  11. gcvmom

    difficult child 2 Update: Deliverance by Depakote!

    Each day seems to bring an increasingly finer-tuned picture for difficult child 2's mental landscape -- I am very encouraged by the Depakote. psychiatrist said it was okay to add low dose stimulant now to address the focus, inattention, hyperactivity. We've got Daytrana on hand here for difficult child 1 so he told me to try a...
  12. E

    peer problems helped by medications?

    I'm not really sure what to do. I had planned to take Seb off the Daytrana for the summer. Why? because I *thought* that without the pressure of having to perform academically, he'd do better to eat and sleep well (and the medication interferes with both his appetite and sleep). This seemed...
  13. M

    daughter-12 raging, destructive behavior ... help!

    He says the reason he is doing it, is because I took away the mid-week visit to Grandma's house. But the major problems did not start until last night and this morning, and I told the kids about not going to Grandma's during the week back on Tuesday. Last night he wouldn't get off the Wii...
  14. B

    Things are sliding downhill...

    Things seem to be sliding downhill for difficult child. I talked with psychiatrist last night and he agrees. He said he was afraid of this too - kind of knew it was a matter of time. He agrees that we need to take the opportunity of the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) opening (difficult child has been on the waiting list since March) at the end of the...
  15. T

    New 'symptom', totally bewildered

    My difficult child was diagnosed ADHD/ODD a couple of years ago. We went through the gamut of medications for this, until finally using daytrana patch, 10 mg, the lowest dose, which works extremely well for the focus/impulsiveness, but is wreaking havoc with her appetite. For this reason, I do have an appointment. set up...
  16. gcvmom

    Handwriting deterioration .... solutions?

    difficult child 2 had decent handwriting two years ago in 3rd grade. He did fine with mastering cursive that year, and for the first two months in 4th grade he was also doing well with his handwriting. Then, when his behavior started to change last November in 4th grade, his handwriting really began to...
  17. gcvmom

    No luck with-Rozerem & sleep -- upping the Depakote

    difficult child 2 has had NO help from the Rozerem he started about a week and a half ago. He is still falling asleep after 11pm (going to his bed about 8:30-9:00pm) and sometimes up until 1am or later, despite getting up for school at 6:45am and typically taking a solid 10-12 hours of sleep when left...
  18. gcvmom

    difficult child 2 earned a 2-day suspension today! LONG

    I guess I should be reading ALL the posts here, even if I don't think some things are relevant to our situation because I just NEVER know what's going to happen with my kids. husband got the call from school at 2pm that difficult child 2 had to be picked up from the office and that one of us needed to talk to...
  19. N

    Anxious Monday

    Good Morning Everyone, I haven't really been online since the holiday break, I've just been so tense with the way things have been going with difficult child and school I really didn't want to think about anything. OH but its Monday already and back to school. Boy I hope and pray he has a good day and...
  20. E

    Seb's diagnosis / rx update

    Deep breath. Seb and I saw the neurologist today and he revised his diagnosis and prescribed new medication. He added Sensory Integration Disorder to the ADHD-- and the dreaded suggestion of bi-polar. He said that he could not diagnose him as bi-polar at present but it has been on his mind. He...