
  1. gcvmom

    Seroquel XR seems to be working.

    Just wanted to post a brief update on difficult child 2 and his medication situation for anyone else wondering about how well this drug works. He's taking 700mg Seroquel XR at bedtime, 5mg Daytrana patch in the morning (yeah, we trim it and it works just fine this way), and 400mg Seroquel XR at lunchtime. The...
  2. gcvmom

    Caught, confessed, conundrum...

    difficult child 1 and I were out running errands today. We're in Walmart and he's perusing the toy aisle when I come up to him and he's got a pack of Pokemon cards in his hand and asks me if he can borrow two bucks. I'm taken aback because I know he gave me the last of his money to buy Wii points for him...
  3. DDD

    ADHD Patch...does it have to be on the hip/fanny??

    GFGmom has her 5 yr old difficult child on the patch this week, and difficult child is yanking it off her hip or fanny at daycare. The medication seems to work really well when it's on. Any of you guys know if it can go in a location that is harder to reach and less obviously felt? I was thinking that maybe since she...
  4. L

    Sleep Advice for difficult child

    My difficult child has been off all mood stabilizers since November 08. Quite frankly, the changes I have seen are positive. She has been in a better frame of mind off medications than on. She has Daytrana patch @15 mg for her ADHD symptoms. Patch is off by 4 or 5pm daily. So I don't know if I am making a...
  5. crazymama30

    spiraling downward

    Since we stopped the Daytrana 15mg, difficult child has become increasingly out of control. On the Daytrana he was hypersensitive and irritable. He is not irritable now, but is over the top hyper and impulsive. psychiatrist has been on vacation, was supposed to be back in today, but he has not returned my emails...
  6. J

    Grrrr! Diagnosis Shmosis!

    I really thought the new team was onto something with the thought that difficult child may be on the AS. Last night we go to psychiatrist and he's is adamant, betting his last dollar that difficult child is not, because difficult child can engage and joke. Can't people who are high functioning do that or is that impossible? psychiatrist says...
  7. gcvmom

    Update on the difficult child's from our psychiatrist mtg 2-day

    Our psychiatrist is so great. I really mean it. He's totally focused on the big picture with my kids and not just the crisis-du-jour. He told me today that he's concerned about difficult child 1's reaction to prednisone this week, and that with his family tree, we have to watch for mania. That observation...
  8. smallworld

    Wecome Eden!

    Eden, I've copied your post into its own thread so that folks here will notice it and have the opportunity to welcome your properly. Welcome aboard! My difficult child is a total BEAR in the mornings and will rip anyone to shreds who even talks to him (especially me gently trying to help him get up and...
  9. crazymama30

    psychiatrist went on vacation

    So that means difficult child has been a handful.. He was way out of control around the fourth, not eating, hyper, demanding, irritable and could not speak in a normal tone, everything was yelled at the top of his lungs. Now he is eating, and a little better. I took him off his daytrana, and I really...
  10. gcvmom

    Does it make sense that a late medication dose is as good as none at all?

    On the days difficult child 2 forgets to go to the office to get his lunchtime dose of Seroquel XR, I know right away when I pick him up from school at 3pm because he acts like someone with bad ADHD. Even when I give him the missed dose by the time we get home at 3:30, three hours after he was supposed...
  11. crazymama30


    We have had a very busy last week, fourth of July, with a wedding on the fourth, then off to a bbq and to watch fireworks. On the 6th of July had husband's and easy child's birthday party. All this activity really set difficult child off. He was super anxious, demanding, irritable and his mood was swinging from one...
  12. T

    medications don't work if you don't take 'em

    My 6yo difficult child, is making me nuts about taking the medications. We have tried a couple since we started in late Aug (plus dosage changes), and have found Concerta 27 mg seems to be what he needs for his ADHD. The problem is he has convinced himself he can't swallow it. No matter that he HAS done it...
  13. E

    Stimulant medication Reaction Questions

    Good evening... 2 quick questions. Seb took his Daytrana (Ritalin) today and I noticed after school that he was talking a mile a minute. It looked vaguely manic to me. He was giving me a long winded explanation about something and was talking so quickly that I could hardly follow his thought...
  14. P

    At my wits end . . .

    I am - of course - new to this site. I don't know where to turn. I am a single mom of a 6yr old girl. She has been diagnosed with ADHD/ODD and the Dr. also thinks that she has Tourette's. I have no one where I live that I can talk to. She goes to a therapist every other week and has been for...
  15. SRL

    Sadlady Intro Post

    (I've moved your post to a thread of your own, so answers to two parents won't get confused. SRL) "My adopted daughter will be 7 in two weeks. She has ADHD/ODD. She has a total disrespect for me and my husband. Sometimes I am very sorry I adopted her. It's not the way my life was to go. I am...
  16. B

    Ideas to stop no-stop talking

    Hoping for a good suggestion to stop talking. I have been a Special Education teacher and consultant for almost 20 years but I am a bit stumped for an idea. Maybe I am stumped from sheer exhaustion of living with my son 24/7. I have written more BIPs(Behavior Intervention Plans) than I can even count...
  17. Lothlorien

    difficult children driven by money?

    Just curious..... can you bribe your difficult child to get homework done with money? Missy has issues with Word Searches....I can't understand this, because it's a fun thing, but this has been a source of meltdown after meltdown. Eventually, I asked the teacher (as well as a few other parents) to not...
  18. crazymama30

    The difficult child journal saved us

    For about 2 years or so I have kept a journal of difficult child and his behaviors. I just cannot track his behaviors/cycling without having it in writing. We saw psychiatrist yesterday, and difficult child has been doing well for about a week, but before that we had a bad 3-4 weeks. My thyroid is low, so I am not very with...
  19. gcvmom

    psychiatrist calls today telling me to get difficult child 2 back on Lamictal...

    but I'm not sure if it's really necessary yet? Or will I be circumventing an eventual unravelling that could take a long time to fix if I wait too long on this? If you've been following our drama of late, we pulled Risperdal on Monday due to dystonic reaction. Prior to that, difficult child 2 was on...
  20. 3

    Metadate questions?

    so here we go again.... Since September it's been (in addition to Lithium) Wellbutrin - didn't work, Concerta - didn't work and took away appetite, Seroquel - made him aggressive (but stopped the bedwetting), Adderal - put him on hyper warp speed, did nothing positive (bedwetting back again)...