families of bipolar

  1. JJJ


    Is anyone's difficult child on something for anxiety???? Probably should have asked earlier as I'm leaving for psychiatrist in 30 minutes and he really needs to do something to get Tigger's anxiety under control.
  2. bramblewoodbabydoll

    need advice on handling tantrums

    Firstly an update since last posting about the biodad drinking and driving. X1 agreed to let Sniper move back in with me with little protest. He is seeking treatment also. Sniper has been back a week and things are going fine with him. Sprite has had a few outburst but tonight an all out...
  3. Blissful_Betty

    Newbie quest for further answers...

    Hi, I am mom to 4, wife to one and utterly overwhelmed at this point. It feels as if the system and society is failing my son... and I am running out of time and answers. My main question at this time is how to stop an ODD/CD = Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) 13yo from defiantly walking out of the house for hours on end...
  4. Janna

    Head Went Right Thru The Window

    Yeah. D came home today visibly manic. Eyes bulging, again, flush face, rambling, racing thoughts. therapist at partial said (and his points confirm) a very inconsisent day of up and down behaviors. He was very, very active. He was annoyed there wasn't anything he really likes (there is, but he...
  5. Janna

    Back To Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) For D

    So sad... psychiatrist can't do anything. Has no suggestions. Wants to tirate off Seroquel (even though I said twice in the meeting today I wanted to talk about increasing it). Mentioned Thorazine (uhh, after hearing side effects, no thanks - I don't need my kid's eyes rolling around in his head...
  6. TiredSoul

    ADHD medication Trial - Need Help

    Hi Everyone! It's been a couple months since I posted. I'll post a quick summary and then my questions. 5 yr old son in 1/2 day Kindergarten diagnosis'd with ADHD (combined) and severe ODD in Oct. 07 Finally got evaluated by school and an IEP in place in Mar. 08 IEP is for...
  7. Janna

    Week 1 therapist/psychiatrist & Zoloft ??'s

    We held our one week review today. therapist/psychiatrist/myself/D and our MH/MR worker. D is doing MUCH better, thank God, with his initial anxiety of being placed. The first few days were very, very rocky, but the last several have been good. His spirits are much better, much happier - many gripes, but...
  8. totoro

    psychiatrist called back... hohum...

    So she just called back... She doesn't know if the Lamictal is affecting K. Wants to give it a couple more weeks. Which is fine. I let her know how troubled I was and my concern with all of K's symptoms and how I have no-one to talk to, or discuss if she is OK with... That this can not be good...
  9. Janna

    Well ~ Hi!

    Yes, I know, I have taken a very long absence. I kinda missed everyone so I thought I'd pop in to say hello and spread some good cheer :) I tried to edit my signature, but the site won't allow me to do that. Not sure what the deal is. I was only at 122 characters and it still wouldn't take...
  10. C

    New and glad to find you!

    I have a nearly 7 y/o son with ODD, ADHD, and who knows what else...just wanted to add to the archived thread you may have a ...if: You feel better when he takes his medications! I'm sure I'll post a summary soon...first grade starts tomorrow. No surprise- he said he's not going. We retty much...
  11. Alisonlg

    Input on Mood Stabilizers

    Ok...so, I'm working on getting an appointment very soon with the psychiatrist to review difficult child and his medications. I really want him OFF the Adderall and I want to discuss alternatives to adding an SSRI (like Zoloft) to his medication plan, which is what they wanted to add early this week. It's pretty obvious that the...
  12. P

    New here to forum - experience with-courts needed

    Hi. I'm new to this forum and was interested in anyone with experience with the courts and their kids. I have a daughter who's 13 and is BiPolar (BP), ODD, SAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). We've been dealing with her issues for about 10 years. Her BiPolar (BP) is stable for the most part but her ODD is raging right now. She's been under...
  13. TerryJ2

    Looks like a pattern here

    He's home again. Last night his heart was racing and beating so hard, I could feel it through his shirt. He got down on his knees and said his chest hurt. I rubbed his shoulders until he fell asleep but I suspect he got up again. He is dead tired this a.m. and caught my cold. :sick: The...
  14. J

    Medication Crossroad? Any thoughts/experience?

    difficult child's psychiatrist is wanting to try another d**n medication. psychiatrist absolutely believes that difficult child is bipolar and ADHD. Now I had a neuropsychologist done at an early age and it agreed with a mood disorder. Even though it was independent, I don't think it was as thorough and again he was young. He saw a pediatrician...
  15. M

    Your experience with medications (7 yr old)

    daughter has a very difficult to manage regulatory processing disorder (here's some background info http://www.conductdisorders.com/community/threads/first-post-desperate-for-support.44680/ ) She's been on increasing doses of Abilify for the past year. We know it's helpful because when things start...
  16. L

    Auditory Hallucinations

    difficult child 1 has been having auditory hallucinations. He has had auditory and other types of hallucinations since age 4. They stopped when he was in the Residential Treatment Center (RTC). Two months after he got home they started again. Mostly they have been murmuring or yelling. They do scare difficult child 1. There is no way he is saying he...
  17. A

    I'm spiraling down into black hole

    My ds, 13, is odd. Not a diagnosis from doctor. God forbid I ever get him to a doctor. He is non compliant about getting help, thinks there is no problem, defensive and angry. I am the absolute worst mom to be his mom. I am shy, non confrontational, feel responsible for everyone's feelings and whatever...
  18. S

    Day 3 of PHP

    And she was up and ready on time. But, before anyone gets excited and cheer, the weekend was $h!t to say the least. I am so tired of crying over this child of mine. Friday night she stayed up all night from what I could tell. I think she finally went to sleep around 5am. She had riding...
  19. J

    problems i'm stressing

    hi i just called husband and we talked and he's on same page as i am. i had to run it past you guys. i'm not so happy right now and getting that jump on plane feeling in my gut. i'm trying to calm myself down just ordered lunch. ok, first of all upon calling here before we flew i asked do you...
  20. buddy

    ROFL...HOSPITAL Called...to be continued...

    So first they called and said difficult child wanted to talk to me. He talked for 25 minutes, in fact, the phone disconnected and he called back. He was wondering about a pass to go the mall next door to hospital because he took a flyer from the restaurant we went to that said they had a bouncy house, face...