
  1. P

    another medication bites the dust

    HI Just wanted to report on the latest medication trial for difficult child #2 who has Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), and is quite impulsive, distractable, and very inflexible when he doesn't get his way. Doesn't really fit the childhood bipolar diagnosis very well, closest thing seems to be what Smallworld talked about a while back of...
  2. M

    Daytrana Questions

    I've been a visitor here for some time, off and on. Finally, our behavioral pediatrician has prescribed Daytrana for our little difficult child, who is now just about 6 years old. I'm hoping I see some changes, I can't take it anymore as is. She starts first grade in a month, and we'd like to have somewhat of a...
  3. --Eleanor--

    Daytrana update

    Hi all: I've been busy and haven't posted much lately, but I wanted to follow up on medication issues that various people discussed here about a month ago. I had very mixed feelings about ritalin, regular and extended release, because my son ranged from irritable to irrational when coming off...
  4. crazymama30

    Any difficult children on Daytrana Patch?

    psychiatrist is thinking of puting difficult child on Daytrana once he is stable on the Lamictal, which is working great. He is on 75mg now, and I do see results. We will go to 100mgs Lamictal in 2 more weeks. Anyways, just thought I would reasearch Daytrana now, and start here. Thanks
  5. N


    Anyone have any luck with Vyvanse? My son's psychiatrist wants to try him on Vyvanse because Adderall is just not working for him. He's only on 10 mg daily of Adderall, but everytime we try to raise the dose, he gets very emotional and can get aggressive and mean. I told the psychiatrist that I know he needs...
  6. crazymama30


    So now difficult child is acting up. He got super angry with me as I talked with his therapist last week about an incident at school. This week he got just as angry with me as I told her about psychiatrist changing his medications. He heard me talking her before his visit today, gave me a super dirty look as he went...
  7. I

    I think my son has a moter running him with no breakes

    My 10 year old just won't shut down . Its like he has a moter driving him with no breaks . How do you stop the bedtime fight ? That is exactally what it turns into after he pushes me and pushes me to see how far he can . Then in the A.M. It is jeck to get him going . I have tried...
  8. C

    Hypomania? Intuniv?

    difficult child was prescribed intuniv today in addition to increasing her Daytrana patch from 15 to 25 mg. He took her in his office for about 20 minutes to speak with her alone and then invited me back to talk. He said he feels she is much more impulsive and maybe somewhat hypomanic. Over the last...
  9. J

    Anyone Have Experience with Focalin?

    psychiatrist suggested it was time to try to address ADHD issue again since difficult child has been stable on Depakote, Abilify, Straterra and Tenex. We are eliminating Straterra and dropping Tenex so he should be done with-that one in a week. Introduced Focalin ER today. difficult child has never done well with-stims (Ritalin...
  10. crazymama30

    another evaluation?

    difficult child has recently started seeing a therapist (about 3 mos ago). Not sure if it does anygood, but willing wait and see. I realize this is not a quick answer. therapist has not seen difficult child in his full glory. She gets him one on one, and he is always better then. She has only seen him when he is fairly...
  11. crazymama30

    side affect

    difficult child has started losing his hair and eyebrows. The hairless scalp spots look normal, no redness or dryness. His eyebrows are getting scarce. I have not heard that this can come from Lamictal or Daytrana. Does anyone else have any ideas? Yes, we have an appointment with a dermatologist next monday...
  12. crazymama30

    Very unstable (Vent)

    difficult child is not stable. He is having rapid and pressured speech, is hyper beyond belief, and just cannot control himself. I am reading the explosive child and right now I just cannot apply anything. How do you try to work with a child who cannot slow down? He is going mach 10, and just cannot...
  13. gcvmom

    What's the difference between insomnia from Depakote and

    insomnia from mania or hypomania? Now that Risperdal is gone (which zonked difficult child 2 out very quickly), he's having a rough time getting to sleep. This is the second or third night in a row that he's still up at 10:30----make that 11:10pm now! He says he's excited about his play date tomorrow and...
  14. gcvmom

    Mood stabilizer/stimulant ratios

    If your difficult child is taking two stabilizers and a stimulant, here's my question(s): 1. When you added the second mood stabilizer, did you have to reduce the amount of the first mood stabilizer? 2. When you added the second mood stabilizer, did you also have to reduce the amount of stimulant...
  15. crazymama30

    difficult child update

    So I talked to the principal about difficult child and his overnight field trip. Really had a good conversation. He said that for difficult child his ability to go on the field trip would be based on his behavior, not so much his missing assignments. difficult child has been put on a behavior contract as his behavior that has...
  16. I

    Kids who react badly to stimulants...

    I'm looking to find any advice from parents whose children react badly to stimulants. My difficult child has tried Concerta, Adderrall, the patch (Daytrana) and all have caused horrible side effects, primarily: - not eating - difficulty falling asleep - violent outbursts - facial tics - psychosis (like...
  17. crazymama30

    doing better after Lamictal increase

    I was wondering if difficult child was having issues with daytrana causing hypomania type episodes. We increased the Lamictal just before christmas, and as of last week difficult child is doing much better. He is still loud, but is redirectable. He listens AND follows directions. Much calmer, not so out of control...
  18. crazymama30

    pressured speech

    Can someone explain/describe pressured speech to me? I have tried looking it up in different places. I am thinking it means something similiar to being forced to speak. Never mind, I finally found it.
  19. crazymama30

    psychiatrist went on vacation

    So that means difficult child has been a handful.. He was way out of control around the fourth, not eating, hyper, demanding, irritable and could not speak in a normal tone, everything was yelled at the top of his lungs. Now he is eating, and a little better. I took him off his daytrana, and I really...
  20. gcvmom

    psychiatrist calls today telling me to get difficult child 2 back on Lamictal...

    but I'm not sure if it's really necessary yet? Or will I be circumventing an eventual unravelling that could take a long time to fix if I wait too long on this? If you've been following our drama of late, we pulled Risperdal on Monday due to dystonic reaction. Prior to that, difficult child 2 was on...