
  1. S

    bad reaction to risperidone?

    I am new here, so I'll try not to make this too long. Here's our background. We have a 10 year old non verbal autistic child. During the summer he started having horrible fits of rage all day long. We finally decided to take him to a psychiatric dr. He was being incredibly aggressive at school...
  2. C

    Bipolar diagnosis--Starting Lithium

    Anyone have any experience? My difficult child who is 9 was just diagnosed with Bipolar a couple days ago. The psychiatrist was very good. He wants me to get into my prim care doctor so that I can get on different medications also because paxil just doesn't seem to be working for me and I also have bipolar symptoms...
  3. Janna

    The A-Typical Dilemma More and more, parents at wit's end are begging doctors to help them calm their aggressive children or control their kids with ADHD. More and more, doctors are prescribing powerful antipsychotic drugs. In the past...
  4. pasajes4

    Court Update

    We had the 2nd detention hearing today. The courts are releasing him on an electronic monitor. He will not be able to step outside unless he is going for court on Dec. 5th or to a Dr.s appointment. I do not see him being able to handle this. We will see how long before he violates.
  5. ChiefDramatist

    difficult child took double dose of Abilify last night

    IF YOU WANT DETAILS, START HERE. IF YOU WANT TO GET TO THE QUESTION, SKIP DOWN TO THE BOLD. (I can be wordy) My 9 yo difficult child has been doing very well on Abilify after switch from Risperdone 2 months ago. She was invited to a sleepover at a friend's home nearby. difficult child's dad was home, and I was out...
  6. I

    Blah - more medication stuff - I HATE this

    Well, I posted a few weeks back that my easy child/difficult child 2 had turned from doing fair to becoming a complete nightmare after adding Zoloft into his medication mix. The only choice was to of course discontinue the Zoloft & start him on Risperdal, which has helped some, but not completely (maybe 50%...
  7. HMBgal

    Battle weary Grandma and Grandpa

    Summer is killing me already. My sig says it all (I just updated it). I pretty much had a sobbing breakdown today. I have the kids from 7 am (6 am on Thursdays and Fridays), M-F, and Saturday afternoon through Sunday evening. So yeah, with my husband and myself most of the time. The...
  8. S

    New here...confused and need advise

    Hi - this is my 1st time posting. We've recently (3days ago) started our 6year old DS on clonidine. My son has been diagnosis with anxiety. He is competitive beyond belief and is becoming extremely disruptive with team sports, camps and continues to be difficult at home. He has rage outburst...
  9. F


    Hi, I've been off the site for a little over a week now. partly because I just could not get it to respond, it just wouldn't load properly ( anyone else experience this?). Secondly, We have had a crazy difficult time, which included my daughter and I fleeing house last Wed. heading to office of...
  10. I

    I thought we were supposed to have good days?!

    I just found this place and I oh so need a place to vent. Some place other then on the cell phone to my poor working hubby while my difficult child beams with pride over the chaos he's caused. I'm just lost on what to do. We don't have health insurance and even when we did difficult child wouldn't take the medications. So I...
  11. C

    So Tired of Defiance and Verbal Abuse

    I feel totally defeated by my 13 year old son. He has always been difficult to deal with mentally, but when he was younger I could handle it. The last 2 years have been exhausting. Every day is a battle to get him up and to school. He has been suspended numerous times for disrespecting...
  12. R

    Any thoughts on Lamictal or Geodone for my defiant 6 year old?

    We are having such trougble with my daughter not behaving and she is impossible to deal with. Abilify has not worked at all. In fact it made her start being violent with classmates and I finally got it out of her system and the violence stopped. She is just totally moodly, irritable and...
  13. F

    Wow! I love this site. I'm not alone.

    Hi, I'm Lynne, a brand new member. I was searching for info on medication. alternatives and found you. I've been reading over some of the threads and thinking, " wow, there are others out there who are also holding on by their fingertips just like me." I love how quick you all are to support each...
  14. P

    New here

    I have been reading the forum here and there just lurking. I have finally decided to join. I have a 5 year old Son. because of my insurance the doctors would not see him to diagnose him until he was 5. Well he finally started the process in June. In July he was diagnosed with generalized anxiety...
  15. Tiapet

    Some questions about experiences/results with medications for ya'll

    I'd like to know any experiences you all may have had or can offer on the following: Invega- how long did it take to see any results? What were you using it for? Were are currently using it for mood stabilization and are not quite a month into it and I figure it's going to take time to get to a...
  16. Aneau

    HELP!!!!! 8 year old boy with- ADHD has me in tears!

    I have this beautiful child whom both my husband and I adore, he has been in and out of Dr's offices here in Alaska. Needless to say we just don't have the help that the lower 48 has to offer. He was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago, started on nightmare after 2 weeks. He...
  17. W

    Waiting & trying to survive (his RAGE) Anyone with Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) experience? (not sure that's it)

    I haven't been on here for a while, but reading through your posts reminds me how much everyone is going through. You people give me courage. Thank you for supporting one another and the advice given! It's hard to know what to say. My son was finally fully evaluated by the school but we are...
  18. J

    At The End of my Rope

    Boy oh boy has it been a LONG time since I have had to post anything here... B2 is just spiraling out of control these days. He is starting to show signs of regression again as far as being physically agressive towards me and B1. We have been having some issues over the past month or so, but...
  19. Chaosuncontained

    Worn out...mania in my 10 year old is like a 3 year old on crack...

    Two weeks ago we took Carson off of Respiridone for his major weight gain (30+# in a year). We also took him off Intuniv because he was still SO sleepy in class after being on it for months. We did this over Spring Break. The first day back at school he was in trouble. The second day...
  20. P

    new!-ptsd, Borderline (BPD), adhd, anxiety

    Hi everyone, im a little new to this. My daughter(17) has post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, adhd, depression, and social anxiety. She currently takes prozac, respidon, and concerta. I am always having problems with her. She was raped at an early age, and has...