
  1. lizzie09

    Prader Willi Syndrome

    I have posted before about my son and PWS I had hoped we would not have our unusual behavioural epsiode again this year. It is a yearly event for the past 3 and a half years and was unmedicated. This time when the episode started just over 10days ago we tried to keep it at bay. it didnt happen...
  2. K

    Help I need help with my 4 year old

    I have posted here before a while ago. Things were going ok for a while but now I am in crisis. Josh my difficult child, is diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), odd, and pica. I really think that he has much more going on. His birth mom did meth and crack. He was severly negelcted before God placed him in our...
  3. Wiped Out

    Do any of you deal

    with non stop eating? difficult child is eating non stop these days. Seriously from about 11:00 in the morning til he goes to bed he wants to eat. We are trying to have lots of healthy things around. The problem is, he never chooses them. Another problem is we buy a certain amount of something that...
  4. M

    Weaning off Risperidone

    My daughter (age 6) was prescribed Daytrana (a nightmare), then tenex (no effect) then Risperidone (current medication) for her undiagnosed behavior issues. Temper tantrums, rages, non-compliance, general nastiness, hyperactive whatever you want to call it. The Risperidone seemed to work after...
  5. B

    New to this forum...could really use HELP!!

    Hi, I am happy to have found a place where there are other people who have similar "war" stories!! You can't just talk to anyone about these things....they wouldn't believe you or I have had people say it is just a discipline issue!! Anyway, on to my problem or concern!! My 12 yr old son was...
  6. N


    My son's psychiatrist wants to put him on risperdal for his defiant behaviors and moods. I am really leary of this medication since it is an antipyschotic drug. It scares me. He is on Adderall right now. The Adderall is helping his ADHD symptoms, but his ODD is not being very well controlled...
  7. A

    Tired of talking to people who do not understand!!!

    I found this site searching for information on risperdal. My son takes that and has gained weight he can't stop eating and he can't sleep. I want to take him off of it but I am not sure of the risks and benefits. He also takes concerta and zoloft. I honestly want to take him off everything and...
  8. W

    Impossible teen

    :sigh:My son is nearly 14 and out of control. He is diresectful. refuses to obey rules, he uses foul language and he has rages that can last for days. We have been more doctors than I can count and nothing is helping. He is on fluxetine and risperdone. The risperdone has caused him to gain...
  9. R

    Generic Risperdal recall - TEVA brand

    I went to pick up refill rx for generic Risperdal last night from the pharmacy. They told me they would have to order it because Teva (the manufacturer they usually use) had recalled all their stock. We are in California. I didn't think to ask the pharmacy if it was just a regional recall or...
  10. B

    Someone give me patience for bed wetting!

    Blue is bedwetting again. I am so tired of wet clothes, wet sheets - sigh. He is too big for pull ups so he is in small Depends at bedtime. Yet - he cries and begs not to wear them and gets hysterical. So I agree and in to bed he goes - only to wake up angry and screaming because he is wet...
  11. W

    Waiting & trying to survive (his RAGE) Anyone with Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) experience? (not sure that's it)

    I haven't been on here for a while, but reading through your posts reminds me how much everyone is going through. You people give me courage. Thank you for supporting one another and the advice given! It's hard to know what to say. My son was finally fully evaluated by the school but we are...
  12. D

    Nearly Koo-Koo.....

    I have a 13 year old daughter. In the past 9 months she has attempted suicide 3 times, with this past time... landing herself in ICU ....with liver damage.She has been hospitalized 4 times in 9 months - Pysch. Units. Been in php (partial hospitalization program) for almost 7.5 months...
  13. S

    Can take this another day

    I'm having such a hard time lately. Our older difficult child (19) has flunked out of college and has an entitled, narcissistic attitude through the roof, and our younger difficult child (12) is on the autism spectrum and presenting some extremely challenging behaviors. This post is about the younger one (Bubby)...
  14. Z

    And we are now in crisis mode

    All of our questions about whether the Risperdal was helping or not have been answered today. Yep, was doing something. difficult child has now put us in crisis mode. His behavior is back to where it was when we admitted him into the inpatient unit this summer. We made an emergency call to the psychiatrist who...
  15. AK0603

    UPDATE on my 10 yr old son

    Well after meeting with his psychiatrist yesterday, he explained to her that he wanted to die, etc...she admitted him into inpatient phyc hospital, I just got a call from his dr. in there. I was told she doesn't feel he has ADHD, she feels the depression is secondary from the anger/rage/post...
  16. S

    Quick medication question

    difficult child is starting to gain weight on Abilify. (not much though) She is complaining that she is hungry ALL the time. She is trying very hard to make good food choices, but... ANyway, is there something similar that doesn't seem to cause the hunger? She has been weaning down off it, but we are...
  17. D

    ODD & Tenex

    After 2+ exhausting years of increasingly bad behaivor from my now 4 year old son, I turned to the internet for help and came across this site and others like it. I read article upon article and researched mood disorders, ADHD, Autism, everything I could come across until I found an article on...
  18. Janna

    The medication Road, Yet Again

    After almost 17 very good, almost miraculous months, the realization that the medicine is no longer working for Dylan has hit us head on. He is hypomanic. Eyes bugging. Loud. The giddy, "I can't help it" laugh. It's beyond annoying. Truthfully, I saw what I thought was mania before, but within...
  19. K

    psychiatrist appointment. medication question

    Ok. difficult child has been awful, more awful since psychiatrist put him on remerom about a month or so ago. He has not been in class for about two weeks. (kicked out of one or another, or else refuses to go to class) Anyway. psychiatrist appointment. today. Stopped the remerom and put him on Abilify. Now, difficult child has a very...
  20. Janna

    Popular Night For psychiatrist Appts

    I just read Sharon's LOL, we had one also. Must be alot of difficult child'ness going on. Dylan's weight went from a concerning 108 3 months ago to a whopping 129 tonight. I cannot allow this to continue, no matter how great he is behaviorally. The psychiatrist agrees. Dylan is also still having problems with the...