
  1. J

    pysch just gave difficult child risperdal

    hi went to doctor today with-difficult child. he basically leaves it up to me what to put her on, it's beyond ridiculous. i have to sit there and make an uneducated guess as to what medication to put her on with-o any info on the medication. he rushes me out the door. it's so hard. so i said we've tried ap's, ssri's...
  2. Shari

    Spect scans and medication question

    I haven't posted a lot lately, either my own threads or response to others because wee difficult child has been very, very "off" for a month or longer. I would say he qualifies as manic. Even sleep patterns have changed. A few times, we have had to use our emerency PRN medication to knock him down. Except...
  3. gcvmom

    Trialing very low-dose clonazepam...

    for difficult child 2's Sydenham's tremor. He's not doing too bad his first day off Risperdal after the lovely dystonic dance yesterday. A little reactive. A little trouble cocentrating even with his Daytrana patch today. We'll get the new rx filled tomorrow. I may wait 'til the weekend to try this...
  4. N

    Just me again venting...

    difficult child#1 is still in foster home. Originally we were looking at the end of the school year, which is next week, for her to return home. Nothing has really changed with her. She thinks she has changed and really wants to come home but when pressed about it, what she really wants is to return home so...
  5. totoro

    3:45 K is still up...

    husband and I have decreased K's medications her Geodon by 1/2 from 80mg 40mg and stopped her Neurontin it was down to 100mg once daily. I don't know if the medication change triggered this mood or if it was coincidental? She has not slept, is talking about imaginary friends... right now she is sobbing about her...
  6. C

    PRN medications

    My son is currently in a physchiatric hospital to get his medications stabilized. During this time (8 LONG days and counting) he has been given PRN medication either by mouth or injection (ativan and more often zypraxia) when he is having a violent meltdown. While the goal is to become satablized...
  7. gcvmom

    Bad reaction to Zyprexa -- anyone else?

    I had to take my son to the ER tonight -- apparently he developed a bad reaction to the Zyprexa. We were at a restaurant for dinner when he started complaining of his throat and tongue feeling swollen. I ran to a local drugstore and got some liquid Benedryl to give to him. On the way to the...
  8. L


    Hi Everybody! I just found you today and am happy to have found you. My difficult child is 14 and has High-Functioning Autism (HFA) (high-functioning autism). I can deal pretty well with all of it but since he hit age 12 he has decided the way to deal with the world is by brute force. With DEX not around anymore I have had to be...
  9. J

    Hi, I'm new here

    Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I think I qualify as an exhausted parent. My 14 year-old has suffered with and was treated for what we thought was depression for several years, but had a crisis this month that required hospitalization. When he was released, he was worse off than when...
  10. A

    Mood Stabilizer making things unstable....

    OMG, Mood Stabilizers are not going well... He was 5 days on a low dose and for the past 2 days has been on the full dose of Depakote, he is going for a blood draw early next week to see how his levels are. So far, not so good. While he was on the lower dose, he was somewhat unstable and...
  11. S

    inpatient residential facilities?

    Hello, Looking for a long term inpatient facility that deals with anxiety and ODD and or Conduct disorder for a 15 yr. old boy in NY. He is currently being held for evaluation for the second time this year. It looks like it may be adolescence onset. He has always been a student on the high honor...
  12. totoro

    psychiatrist apt. Confused of course!

    Well of course psychiatrist called us back when we were gone!!! A week and a half after I had called her 3 times... Then her office called to cancel our apt next week and could only get us in today, I took it! psychiatrist apologized for not calling us back and basically said she is SO overwhelmed right now...
  13. totoro

    And the Mania Persists part deux...

    Not to be a thread jacker or nothing....but I am hopping on to Weeping Willow's thread... Yes K is still manic... she is still not sleeping. psychiatrist called on Wed night and he said just stop the Geodon... we had titrated back down to 40 mg. He said just stop. That night she was up again seeing...
  14. Janna

    The medication Road, Yet Again

    After almost 17 very good, almost miraculous months, the realization that the medicine is no longer working for Dylan has hit us head on. He is hypomanic. Eyes bugging. Loud. The giddy, "I can't help it" laugh. It's beyond annoying. Truthfully, I saw what I thought was mania before, but within...
  15. G

    ER for medication reaction

    Just spent the evening in the ER. About 6:45 pm, he came to me with drool bubbles and his mouth at an odd angle. I thought he was choking on something. He got his drink, and it all ran out and he was jumping up and down, not able to close his mouth. I looked and could see nothing and his...
  16. O

    6 Year old now in mental hospital. Need advice.

    I know this is a lot to read.. but please do! Background: My daughter was the easiest of all my children. She didn't require much. We started noticing difference and she started exibiting some strange behaviors. She was getting up at night and taking things to her bed to tear apart. When she was...
  17. M

    Taking difficult child off medications, did I screw up?

    difficult child has been on Depakene (500mg/day) since July of last year, risperdal from July until April and Abilify (2mg/day) from April to now... well until a week ago actually. I had made the decision to remove difficult child from her medications for several reasons; finding out exactly who is under the medications, fears of...
  18. T

    difficult child's "brain feels funny" (long)

    Hi, difficult child has been wild, absolutely wild, and defiant since Thanksgiving, after four months of positive steps. He's had a growth spurt and we decided on Thursday (along with the psychologist and pediatrician) to increase his imipramine, which in the past has helped a lot with his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), leading to a...
  19. F

    medications for sleep?

    I'm going to make an appointment for difficult child for something to help her sleep. She's had trouble sleeping for years. Melatonin doesn't work, nor does benadryl. What do your kids take at night to help with sleep?
  20. givnmegryhr

    Antianxiety medications

    I may have asked this before, but I can't find the answer and to be honest, I forget. Not a big surprise. difficult child was on lithium in the summer, unfortunately he became toxic and the psychiatrist decided to switch to Lamictal. He had been doing pretty well,but his anxiety level has gotten worse. He makes me...