
  1. A

    Update on difficult child - Happy Post!

    Well, at long last, we have taken the step on putting him on Risperdal. We are finally comfortable enough with the diagnosis of Tourette's Syndrome and BiPolar (BP) and have had a CAAT scan, EEG, blood tests and have a BiPolar (BP) Specialist who is closely monitoring things. It has been two days on the medication and so far, so...
  2. P

    really bad night

    hey all. Rough night. Need to vent. DS13 went completely 'manic'. After the visit to psychiatric 3 weeks ago, they had blamed that episode on the Prozac. Fine. It was the Prozac. However, a couple days ago, he started with the insomnia again. Absolutely would NOT sleep. Eating EVERYTHING in sight...I...
  3. B

    Refusal of medications

    I know that some of you here have dealt with this issue. difficult child is on Celexa (20 mg) and the psychiatrist wants him to start Risperdal (.25 mg) and he is refusing to take it. He says that it's the Celexa that is making him behave badly (because we put him on it in the first place because he was behaving...
  4. crazymama30

    And back to an ap

    So difficult child has been acting increasingly hypomanic, bordering on manic. He has the pressured speech (which is non stop), racing thoughts, impulsivity, and irritability. I hate to add an ap back in, but I can see it is needed. We are starting risperdal tomorrow. Just .25mg, but psychiatrist and I are...
  5. nvts

    Medication Information/Assistance

    Hi! difficult child 1 is at it again! He's back in the psychiatric hospital. for an overnight due to a meltdown (got home around midnight last night!). Very - extrememly long story...he's in a Community Residence about 5 miles away so I'm not involved on the daily behaviors. He comes home for about 5 hours on Saturdays...
  6. I

    New here and glad I found you!

    :happy: Wow - I did a search on Trileptal and aggression and found this forum! Hurray! I've never known a place where people can understand what my life is like!! (although I am both married to and mother of a difficult child, so I'm hoping to find someone else who knows how that is - anyone on here?)...
  7. C

    How does everyone cope??

    I have posted here once or twice before and enjoy this forum a lot. There are some very kind poeple here. I am back to just vent and ask some questions. My son is 10. We are STILL unsure of his diagnoses, even though he has had diagnoses since 2 years old, because he is sooooo complicated. We...
  8. B

    New to this forum...could really use HELP!!

    Hi, I am happy to have found a place where there are other people who have similar "war" stories!! You can't just talk to anyone about these things....they wouldn't believe you or I have had people say it is just a discipline issue!! Anyway, on to my problem or concern!! My 12 yr old son was...
  9. Janna

    What To Do When There Are No More medications 2 Try?

    Honestly, I think we've done most of them. This is kind of a follow up to the ADHD thing. We did meet with psychiatrist on Friday, and she was gracious (as always) to go ahead with my thoughts on re-trying the Concerta (just one more time, even though we've tried it two or three times, I keep hoping...
  10. W

    Klonopin for 11 year old?

    Complicated difficult child! Has Tourettes (Tourette's Syndrome) with mild, barely noticeable tics. But has all the co-morbids seen with Tourette's Syndrome (ODD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).) Perfect at school, great group of friends, saves all the ODD for home! Several therapists and P-docs stumped by how to treat her and have had many possible diagnosis's...
  11. Debdeb1031


    I've been browsing and browsing this site, and i have been reading all the signature's with great interest....i read some of yours and i want to slap myself for XXX about my difficult child(learning the letters slowly...i usually have my blonde moments)...many of you have it much harder than i do...i hate...
  12. Janna

    Week 1 therapist/psychiatrist & Zoloft ??'s

    We held our one week review today. therapist/psychiatrist/myself/D and our MH/MR worker. D is doing MUCH better, thank God, with his initial anxiety of being placed. The first few days were very, very rocky, but the last several have been good. His spirits are much better, much happier - many gripes, but...
  13. totoro

    psychiatrist called back... hohum...

    So she just called back... She doesn't know if the Lamictal is affecting K. Wants to give it a couple more weeks. Which is fine. I let her know how troubled I was and my concern with all of K's symptoms and how I have no-one to talk to, or discuss if she is OK with... That this can not be good...
  14. C

    New and glad to find you!

    I have a nearly 7 y/o son with ODD, ADHD, and who knows what else...just wanted to add to the archived thread you may have a ...if: You feel better when he takes his medications! I'm sure I'll post a summary soon...first grade starts tomorrow. No surprise- he said he's not going. We retty much...
  15. M

    What *has* worked for you?

    This is directed to those moms who have some experience with protocols both medicinally and other. Every time someone posts about a medication you hear tons of horror stories about bad experiences, few good ones really. I sure know what *hasn't* worked for many. Realizing that everyone's...
  16. S

    Question about Depakote

    Peanut has been on Depakote for about 2 months. Two weeks ago his psychiatrist increased it from 500mg(250mg am & pm) to 750mg in pm only. I have noticed that about 1 1/2 hours after taking his pills he is starving. We eat at 5:30pm and bedtime is at 8:00. He takes his pills at dinner. He also is...
  17. S

    Need some ideas

    On how to keep myself from being a nervous wreck every morning wondering of difficult child is going to get up and get ready on time. I get so stressed that I bug the koi out of her wondering if she is going to be on time. Not fun for either of us. I want to trust her, just having such a hard time. ANy...
  18. M

    Your experience with medications (7 yr old)

    daughter has a very difficult to manage regulatory processing disorder (here's some background info http://www.conductdisorders.com/community/threads/first-post-desperate-for-support.44680/ ) She's been on increasing doses of Abilify for the past year. We know it's helpful because when things start...
  19. klmno

    We tried the ativan

    Actually, it is the generic (lorazepam) and psychiatrist had prescribed 0.5 mg tablets as needed but cautioned not to give it to difficult child often due to addictive nature. He said to start with one tablet and if it was too much then give 1/2. If it wasn't enough, give more but not to exceed 2 tablets in one...
  20. I

    Would like some response to this question

    Who here has had success with-putting their kid on an anti-anxiety medication? As you may or may not have read in another post of mine, I started my son (difficult child 2) on Zoloft, and he got worse than he ever was with-his meltdowns, rage, etc... the medication is definitely out of his system, but the meltdowns and...