I have been gone for a little while. My son went to visit his grandparents, which is what I feel he needed. He got spoiled by my parents and brother. His trip was all about him finally. So when I got to the airport my mom surprised me with a visit for 1 month. I could not belive she was...
conduct disorder in children
drugs and alcohol abuse in teenagers
parents of drug users
signs of drug abuse
teen using drugs
Hello everyone, I am new here to this place. I have never been apart of a support group but this place seems like a great place to share stories and offer advice. I don't know exactly where to begin so I'll start with introducing myself as MyHrt (MyHrt) stands for MyHeart which is my son because...
I'll start with the history to help. Since 2002 my middle one has been in treatment. Initial diagnosis was simply ADHD inattentive with ODD and just didn't do well with school. She was born with some physical stuff that was addressed early in life that didn't really disrupt her life too much but...
Hello this is my first time on this site.. I have a 5YO who has been diagnosed with ADHD for about 4mos and on Metdate CD. It is working but he has also had ODD and Conduct Disorder added to his diagnosis today. The prescribed him risperidone for him today ...
Im scared of this medication but...
Hi everyone :) I'm Judy. I'm so happy I found this place as I've been looking for a support for a while now :)
Our ds4 is quite a little puzzle. He was born into our hearts when he was 8 days old. He was prenatally exposed to drugs and alcohol and his birth mother had a history of mental...
I am new to the group and just wanted to indroduce myself. After reading many of your posts it looks like I'll feel right at home here. I belong to an epilpesy group as well but my son's seizures do not cause me the daily problems that his behavior does so, I am glad to have found this...
Hi all, I'm not new, but for the life of me I can't remember my old log in.
I'm gonna just jump right in:
Difficult Child (9) had a great week last week. He was well behaved at school and home. He had a very productive therapy session, he was wonderful. Friday, he saw on the calendar when Mother's Day is...
Just wondering if anyone else out there has experience with a violent child that has any advice? On Friday he got so mad at me because he didn't want to go back to school after his speech therapy appointment, that he scratched me with a pen that someone made its way into the backseat, he...
My difficult child just turned 9 in January. She started her rages when she was 5. The first time she had a rage, it scared the day lights out of me! I looked in her eyes and she just wasn't there. That rage lasted 3 hours.
Her first doctor was a neuro psychiatric who said she was ADHD and potentially bipolar. I...
So, the instability with-the medications for my kids continues - particularly difficult child 1 this time. She was doing fair on Risperdal and Concerta. Much better than before she started on those medications. But her anxiety and ADHD were not really under control. The raging meltdowns were gone, though. So after a few...
So good news on the medication front. Focalin is helping difficult child 2 tremendously at school. He is producing more work than ever thought possible. His teacher is thrilled. So am I....to a point. difficult child 2 has always been on the hyperactive side, but lately his hyperactivity is in over drive as soon as that...
Hi there. I cannot believe I'm even on here typing this out. I have 2 children with-anxiety, ADHD with-ODD. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare every day of my life. My children are almost 8 and almost 10 and this has been going on for YEARS. I feel like I'm slowly coming undone by the chaos...
Hey everyone. difficult child's little brother was referred to the psychiatric due to his hyperactivity. So about 2 weeks ago we tried Stattera. First week I noticed that he seemed calmer. He wasn't running from couch to couch to stuffed chair literally diving head first, and then doing it over again. The...
Actually, it started last night! difficult child wanted easy child to play with him and easy child didn't want to. They start bickering about it, which is normal for kids. difficult child gets annoyed with easy child because easy child bickers back. In difficult child world, everyone just takes difficult child's crap and shuts their mouths while difficult child is verbally abusive...
I got a call from the school at 2 pm. Its the school therapist. She has difficult child 1 in her office and says he has something to tell me. (Of course I'm thinking he did something bad.) He gets on and it sounds like he is about to cry. He tells me that X hit him on the head on Friday. He is supposed to go to...
Any suggestions on where to begin with this site to get information or how to make the best of this site to cope with raising a daughter with severe behavioral and emotional problems. Been diagnosed since age 5 or 6 with ADHD and ODD and its been a downward spiral every since trying to deal and...
difficult child and I spent 2 hours in the evaluating psychologist's office today. In those two hours I had to restrain difficult child twice, put her at parade rest four times (what I use instead of time out, works much better for us... also prompted the psychologist to ask if I was prior military, oops I guess it...
I am so tired. I am numb. My life feels like it has been flipped upside down and shaken all about... my body hurts - it feels like I have been in an auto accident. I feel trauma - all because we returned difficult child's video game rental and would not get him another one! WHAT?! Wait... yep, you...
Hi all, I'm Jim, our son is 17, we just finally figured out, he has odd/cd, can someone please start us out in the right direction, this has been going on since birth, he takes 50mg of zoloft daily for his anxiety disorder, but I do not want him on a psychotropic medication
any and all...
per new psychiatrist, we have switched from abilify to risperdal. and went with-out concerta yesterday and this morning.(not pretty) i was thinking his abusive/manic/aggressive behavior maybe rebound. but after the morning of not being able to send difficult child to school. sending brother to grampa's house for the...