
  1. JJJ

    Police here, again

    Kanga went nuts again. Neighbors called the cops. Luckily our police department seems to have had very good training on the mentally ill. They asked if we needed help. Waited until she took her medications. Told us we were "saints" for adopting her (the one time when it helps to have transracially...
  2. K

    psychiatrist / new medications today

    I do not like difficult child's psychiatrist. Never listens. Talks real quick and gives him a new drug and shoots him out the door. All within 10 minutes. After therapist said Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and ADHD and we discussed this and decided to treat the anxiety first, I called Friday to make an appointment. Today was the...
  3. A


    Provigil didn't do too much for my son. We are now trying Vyvanse. It's supposed to be better for those who cannot take stimulants. Anyone tried it yet and with what results? B
  4. mama2boys

    New Member looking for advice

    Hi, my story is that we adopted our son from Russia at 9 months old. We knew right away that he was not a "typical" child. He never stopped moving. I use to kid about him being my on-the-go child. He talked early and with an incredible skill. He is bright, happy, full of joy at life. He is also...
  5. C


    Hello, i am new at this but need some ecouragement. This is my sons 2nd medicine in 3 months. Last week was his best week ever at school (according to his teacher). We are on Christmas break and he is so emotional. We have already lost about 4 pounds. The part i am struggling with is his...
  6. A

    vyvanse: weekend medication vacations?

    I was wondering if anyone gives their child or themselves a weekend break while taking vyvanse? I won't be seeing my dr. for awhile and was just curious. I know many who take addrall and ritalin give themselves weekend/vacation breaks. Thanks B
  7. Shari

    Next up: Strattera

    I'll be picking it up this afternoon, we'll possibly try it this weekend.
  8. S

    Ritalin Stunts Growth

    FWIW, a new study has determined kids who take Ritalin (and presumable the other methylphenidates -- Concerta, Metadate, etc) for three years are one inch shorter and 4.4 pounds lighter. WebMD article.
  9. Janna

    Okay, The Concerta Wasn't It - medication Trial #2

    I should have known, going through this twice now, the medication trial is going to be a huge PITA. But, silly, stupid me, I thought, just thought, MAYBE, just MAYBE, this kid will be different, and a small stimulant will take all the worries away. Hello? Who was I kidding? He's still ADHD...
  10. smallworld

    Post from new member Jamie

    (Jamie, I've copied your post here as a separate thread so posters can respond directly to you -- smallworld) "Hi am ne here to and at the end of my rope my difficult child is 6 (m) had full neuro psychiatric done in July ADHD,ODD,Aspergers,anxiety disorder and depressive disorder. Started therepy in august with...
  11. O

    Medication for ADD- what have you tried, what has worked, not worked, etc.

    Some may remember, I've posted a few threads about my niece. Mom has been trying to be consistent and firm with her but she fights her every step of the way. Calls her B word and tells her she can't tell her what to do. She has been communicating with her Bio-Mom which is against the no-contact...
  12. P

    emotional dysregulation/bent out of shape

    Does anyone have any ideas for dealing with difficult child 2 who gets so bent out shape when he doesn't get what he wants. Friends aren't available to come over, he wants something now, somebody didn't get something at the store, he wants to do something, something doesn't go his way, he gets bummed out...
  13. B

    Our own good/bad experiences with medications for our kids

    Someone suggested this and I thought it was a good idea. We have to remember that everyone is different and that this isn't a "yes" or "no" on anything, just our own children's experineces. I'll start. Ritalin was my son's first medication and it didn't do anything much for him. He was then put on...
  14. G

    It can only Get Better!!!

    Recently my son had a major melt down and to be honest I thought I saw the devil. I had to sit on him to dress him and he refused to take his medications. That day we had a check up with his pediatrician and my son preoceeded to tell him that Nobody Can Make Him Stop Being Bad... I cried for 3 days...
  15. Shari

    We're trialing Ritalin and...

    OMG. I gave him a short acting dose at 3:45. He has not stopped talking since. His brain is going even faster than his mouth, he's stuttering and having a horrible time keeping up with his thoughts and getting frustrated. He's not moving like a crazy man. Sure is talking like one, tho...
  16. Sheila

    medication adjustment and a compliment

    After about 5+ years of difficult child’s Adderall working well, it stopped working. We’ve been going through one medication adjustment after another. Upped to 30 mg, then back down to 25 mg but added Tenex, then increased Tenex. All to no avail. We went back to the doctor again yesterday afternoon...
  17. F

    I am about to walk away

    Granted I don't really mean that I am going to but living with a child who is NEVER happy is exhausting. I posted this almost exactly a year ago: He has gotten worse. He is never happy and he's usually crying and/or raging over something. He hits me, his siblings, punches walls, and he is...
  18. K


    difficult child went to see therapist yesterday. It is near my work, so for me to leave work, drive and pick him up, bring him back and then return it is like 80 miles. husband doesn't work on Monday's so I had him meet me half way. Then when he got there I was feeling really sick. difficult child wanted dad to take him. So...
  19. L

    difficult child, Male, 11 yo, ADHD, ODD, (poster boy) HELP

    I found your site last night. What a god send. I'm grateful for all the posts. We need a medication for our difficult child (finally breaking down) to combat ODD stuff. He's currently on Focalin for ADHD -- works well 'til it wears off then LOOK OUT! YIKES! Major BS'er, brat, liar, etc. doctor prescribed Lexapro 5...
  20. timer lady

    Possible medication change ahead????

    kt has a psychiatrist appointment this afternoon. As many of you know she starts at a high school this coming fall .... in a level 3 self contained setting. However, there will be a push for a more mainstream for kt if tolerated. Now we've done the medication merry go round over the years & finally have...