
  1. H

    Afraid I'm looking at a long road ahead . . .

    My wife & I adopted our son at 2 days old. He just turned 5 on 9/11/13, and is an only child. He was about 4 weeks premature, and tested positive for stimulant exposure, but showed zero signs of any effects from it at birth, and thereafter. He was the perfect infant: Slept through the night...
  2. B


    I will not go through the whole long story so, the short version is my difficult child is diagnosis with mood disorder. We have been trying many medications for quite some time. He was doing fairly well for 2 months and then the spring "March Madness" set in and it has been a huge decline. Rages/meltdowns, obsessive...
  3. L

    switching from Geodon to Zyprexa - IDDM risk ?

    So Geodon is no longer working. Much like every other medication we've tried, it worked for awhile but he always ends up crazy again. He's back to being over-the-top anxious and paranoid and seeing shadows and hearing things and being e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y violent at the drop of a hat and constantly...
  4. L

    Metadate CD/Ritalin

    We started "A" on Metadate CD 10 mg Sunday and the only thing that I have noticed is that we have had times of hysterical outbursts. He had three such outbursts on Sunday--none of which were related to anger or frustration that I could tell. They were all related to more sadness or...
  5. F

    difficult child attacks again for hours, this is getting old fast!!!

  6. Alisonlg

    Side Effects and no one to call....

    Poor M. He's been complaining about his "blue and white pills" for the past couple of weeks now and I was just hoping the side effect was temporary, but it doesn't seem to be going away. It seems the Strattera is making him randomly nauseous and it's even causing vomit to reflux up into his...
  7. Malika

    I think I've accepted

    that J is not going to go down the medication route, at least for the time being. Of course I can't know for sure until it is tried but my intuition is that the side effects, particularly inability to sleep early and diminished quality of sleep, would be worse than what we live with now. I...
  8. M

    Our first ride on the Rx merry-go-round: Strike One

    Hi all, I'm a newbie and this is my first post. I am glad to have found this forum. My son is on his fourth school, and he's in Kindergarten. We've been asked to leave two schools, been ostracized from playgroups, and dropped out of more sports activities than I can count. My son is bright...
  9. A

    Saw the psychiatrist!

    We finally saw difficult child's new psychiatrist yesterday and we have a good place to start working. First thing he wanted to take him off Ritalin because in kiddos with high anxiety that can cause voices or hallunications. WOW! That made him feel somewhat better about what was going on. Now he is on Concerta...
  10. P

    Need input before psychiatrist tomorrow

    Hi difficult child 2 has been on Abilify (very low dose) for a few years for impulsivity, getting in other kids' space etc. He has major focus issues. executive function etc. Stimulants made him miserable, have tried just about everything else. (Abilify is only AP though). We finally decided to...
  11. M

    New medication choices

    Hi all, I haven't posted for awhile. difficult child is now 13. His diagnosis is Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified, ODD, ADD. He's been on Abilify & tenex for a long time, years. We've kept him on those after trials of many other medications, as these worked out the best. difficult child is maxed out on the dosage for both. He's still very defiant &...
  12. mum2JK&TH

    Can ritalin effects change with age and maturity?

    difficult child has progressed so much in the last year. Although the adhd and odd are still there, it is far less noticable. We have always in the past had to give him a small dose of ritalin in order to for him to play any extra curricular sports and it's always worked. He has started his hockey and...
  13. W

    Any ideas on which ADD medications are the best?

    I'm becoming more frustrated with my difficult child medications. He was on adderall for two years. He's been on Vyvanse for two months. It works pretty good on the inattention but he is extremely difficult now. He still has his days where he doesn't quite get all of his school work done but his grades are...
  14. Anna1345

    ADHD medications? What do yo use?

    Okay so M has been on Concerta (successfully) since 2nd grade. Dosage adjustments have been made , but over all it has really helped him. Since he has been having some ODD issues really apparent recently, I have been doing research on Concerta and feel that perhaps this may be the cause. Anyone...
  15. P

    New today and brokenhearted

    Hi, I just found this sight, and I am hoping I can get some advice on what to do for my son, because I am so heartbroken & defeated, I just don't know what the right thing is to do anymore. He is 16, was diagnosed with ADD when he was 6. He has taken a variety of medications: Ritalin...
  16. KarenB

    Venting before I explode

    I don't know how much longer I can do this. He's GOT to go! Half of my family has been torn apart already. I refuse the lose the rest of them!! NO remorse! NO feelings for anyone but himself! If I don't send him somewhere soon he's going back to bio-dad. I can't take it, and I won't subject my...
  17. --Eleanor--

    ADD-advice on medications?

    We're off to see the pediatrician tomorrow for a medication check, and I'm going to lobby hard to try something other than Ritalin for my son. He basically can't stay on any task at all (particularly at school) without some kind of medications at this point, but he becomes a totally evil monster when he's...
  18. totoro

    Kids can not be diagnosis'd BiPolar (BP), nor Mood-Disorder...

    My husband is taking a walk... I am drinking a Mocktail and eating chocolate... OK, What??? Do you just Follow the DSM-IV guidelines??? Or do you agree that young children can indeed have cycling maybe even rapid cycling? Indicative of a Mood Disorder or Early Onset Bi-Polar (EOBP) showing that the symptoms can be...
  19. kris

    medication vs. drugs

    yes, i realize that the most common term used when we talk about our kids medications is *drugs*. it's a bit of a hot button for me. i think it's all about perception....mainly the public perception ~~~ teachers, family, neighbors. drugs has such a negative conotation ~~~~ brings forth such bad...
  20. J

    Panic attack???

    Is it really possible for a 12 (almost 13) year old to have a full blown panic attack? My son for the last 2 nights right around 9pm starts complaining of right sided chest pain, inability to catch breath and just starts pacing almost. If I get up he jumps up and asks where am I going and why...