
  1. L


    Can anyone tell me about Lithium? Today my son had an appointment with his psychiatrist and he was totally himself during the appointment. His psychiatrist got to see him in true form today! MH was argumentative and disrespectful to me. He “corrected” me and spoke to me as if he is my equal and not my son...
  2. jenndyson

    our story in a nutshell

    I've just joined this group and am thrilled to find others going through many of the same things our family has. As an introduction, I'd like to give a brief recount of our son's life thus far. "E" as we call him is now 5 years old. He was difficult from birth....developmentally delayed...
  3. gcvmom

    Mood stabilizers and nightmares

    I'm curious if anyone here has experienced increased dreaming and/or nightmares while on a mood stabilizer... especially Trileptal. Since going on this drug, husband periodically has some really violent dreams. He shouts in his sleep, he kicks (a few times he's gotten me good), and he once fell...
  4. Janna

    So, I Jinx Myself Alot....

    Like, all the time. I came and said how well D was doing, didn't I? :knockedout: Well, he was. And then, a couple of weeks ago, something happened. I don't know what. He started talking - more - alot - like, from wake up til bedtime, it was one very, very long run on sentence that never...
  5. J

    got diagnosis, drug thorazine

    hi so i went to dr. and he diagnosis difficult child with bipolar (not otherwise specified), adhd, and severe anxiety disorder. so there it is my ex husband is screaming and carrying on which is a nightmare for me and additional stress. i think he's going to take legal action against me at this point and try to stop me from...
  6. R

    Does your child's psychiatrist order any labs?

    Just wondering, I don't hear this mentioned much on the board but perhaps folks wouldn't bring it up if everything is OK. If your difficult child is on psychiatric medications - does your psychiatrist or your pediatrician/pcp order any labs for your kiddo and if so which ones and how often? Patricia
  7. P-nut2004

    Need medication advice!

    Ok so I've been doing some research online on difficult children medications (concerta, risperdal & zoloft) and I think I'm more confused now than I was when I started. Concerta info says it should not be given to ADHD kids with anxiety, which difficult child is diagnosis'd with and has serious issues with. Zoloft says it is only...
  8. H

    Next medication change, round.... something

    OK, doctor still not really feeling the need for more testing. I ask for a full evaluation and get asked what I'm wanting. Is there some more specific name that I'm missing? I said a full psychological/neurological profile. Why? *headdesk* Let me think... because she reacts so oddly to so many...
  9. F

    Drugs?No drugs?Some drugs?

  10. maniacmansion

    new here

    Hi! My difficult child is 11, bi-polar, & ODD. He drives me nuts!! Right now we're doing alright, but every time he loses it it gets a little worse. In a few weeks he goes to court for a change of plea. They're letting him plead down from domestic violence to dis-orderly conduct. I got lucky with the...
  11. gcvmom

    Attended NARSAD's Healthy Minds Across America yesterday

    I highly recommend attending this FREE public event on mental health if you live anywhere near one of the lecture locations: http://narsad.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.eventGroup&eventGroupID=6263140E-0171-8415-FE9BCA2DC16E59F9 The talk I attended had three WONDERFUL...
  12. J

    switching doctor's

    hi, so i've thought alot past few days on how to handle stuff with this whole "thorazine" drug that was prescribed difficult child. I did my best, worked it through, read the clinical trials, went to the fda site to view the incedences of the drug. At end of day I am not giving it to her. I contacted her...
  13. W

    Seroquel and Abilify together?

    difficult child just turned 11 last week, and had a pretty stable 18 months since his five months stint in residential in 2007-2008. By stable I mean no physical violence towards people and no auditory hallucinations. We've had the usual impulsive behavior, food gorging/hoarding, lots of lying, and unless...
  14. gcvmom

    difficult child 1 gets another medication in the mix... fingers crossed!

    psychiatrist appointment Friday went well. I met with him privately to talk about the $500 in data charges difficult child 1 ran up on his brother's phone looking at porn, his violence and destructiveness, his general ability to pi$$ everyone off around him -- all when he's off stimulants in the morning and at...
  15. gcvmom

    psychiatrist follow-up today!

    Both difficult children are going back this morning for a follow-up with the psychiatrist. For difficult child 1, we are evaluating the Tegretol -- I think it's helping. I want to know if there's wiggle room for more improvements (hope I'm not chasing sunshine... I just want the best possible outcome). I also want to know if...
  16. Steely

    Not such good news for our bi-polar difficult children

    The FDA has just stopped short of black boxing 11 anti-seizure medications claiming that they increase the risk of suicidal ideation. They instead chose to include warnings and send information to all doctors about the potential risks. I think that more than a LOT our difficult children take these medications! I guess just...
  17. B

    Bipolar medications update

    The doctor just called. They will be taking my daughter off the Concerta, if they can get her to agree to take a new medication. She freaked out and demanded to stay on Concerta, saying she needs it to concentrate. She wasn't even open to a discussion about it. I told the doctor to tell my difficult child that if...
  18. buddy

    You Want the Good News or the Bad News first?

    Pass started out good. went to ranch and he rode really well. Got in car to go to my sister's and he fell sound asleep. so strange. When we got there she couldn't answer, something wrong with her phone. IT is a new place and no way to get to her and I tried email and text too...nothing...
  19. S

    My first post

    My name is Sherri, I have three children - two daughters (grown, living on their own and doing great!) and a difficult child that will be 20 in June. He is my biggest blessing but also my biggest worry. Anthony is classically Autistic, non-verbal, violent, funny, loving, etc. Gathering from what I've read...
  20. R

    Thought I'd vent if anyone cares to read it...

    I'm sory, I've got to put this in writing, so i dont start screaming it instead. It's been a HORRIBLE week. I'm exhausted, tired and just plain lost! My son is making it so hard for me to 'like' him right now. I love him with all my heart, but there are days I wonder where he came from...