
  1. jcox

    Elijah in hospital

    Yesterday Elijah's two week good spree came crashing to an end. He woke up very hyper. He pulled his ten y.o sister's hair so hard she fell to the floor. He threw a chair at his other sister who is twelve. He choked the puppy. He thew his television on the floor twice breaking it. Then got...
  2. TerryJ2

    PS2 at 3 a.m.

    Last night I checked on difficult child ... he wasn't in bed ... I woke up husband and asked where difficult child was ... turned out he was downstairs playing PS2, he leg hanging over the arm of the La-Z-Boy, a huge hunk of chocolate in his hand. The only reason I kept my voice down was because I was too tired to shout...
  3. TerryJ2

    We stripped his room again

    difficult child has been so full of himself lately. He refused to get up yesterday, insisted he had a stomachache. He got a hold of food at a friend's house that he wasn't supposed to eat and ... We try to get him up even if he's a bit sick, assuming he doesn't have a fever, because in Real Life, you...
  4. jcox

    Elijah day three in hospital/sick and anxious

    :sick: I went to see Elijah again this afternoon. Hubby had to stay home because my ten year old did not feel well. She has a fever, sore throat, headache, etc. I also had a meeting with the nutritionist from there. Right when I got there they gave me a few minutes to visit with Elijah first...
  5. H

    A moment...

    I have learned alot from this group. One thing is that difficult child seems to feed off of my emotions, stress, voice level. Today she came out dressed in dirty clothes (normal for her...sigh). I instantly could smell urine. I wanted to rip her face off and ask what she peed on this time. I simply...
  6. TerryJ2

    Halloween--no medications!!!

    I am so exhausted. I dropped difficult child off at a friend's house last night for trick-or-treating. The mom promised to give him his medications. (Clonidine and Vistaril.) It was nice to be able to leave him, because I dressed up, too, and went to a small party. difficult child's friend's mom had friends over, eating and...
  7. TerryJ2

    D average and in-school suspension

    husband and I met with-the principal and difficult child's teacher last wk. Our original plan was merely to give them the results of difficult child's testing. The test results still are not typed up, however :sick: so we just told them what we knew. And they had their own paperwork prepared. Turns out that difficult child has a D average...
  8. J

    switching doctor's

    hi, so i've thought alot past few days on how to handle stuff with this whole "thorazine" drug that was prescribed difficult child. I did my best, worked it through, read the clinical trials, went to the fda site to view the incedences of the drug. At end of day I am not giving it to her. I contacted her...
  9. jcox

    New member: mom to ds with- adhd, BiPolar (BP), sensory processing disorder (SPD), and cognitive disorder

    :anxious: Hello. I am the mother of three children. Two wonderful girls who are ten and twelve... and a challenging 6 y.o son named Elijah. He has been a difficult child since birth. He was my third child and my worst labor and delivery. He did not know how to **** his bottle when he was...
  10. TerryJ2

    difficult child sneaking up in middle of the night

    difficult child has only been on Zoloft for 2 days, so I don't think that's it. He has been getting up in the middle of the night and playing PS2, and sneaking snacks. I thought I had hidden anything with-wheat and oats in my locked office. I think these things have babies in the middle of the night. When you...
  11. jcox

    Elijah apt./medication changes/EEG/dr. says inpatient, ins. says no

    I had a psychiatric visit for Elijah today. The psychiatrist asked me to come alone so we could quickly finish up his intake process and also because he had some things he wanted to discuss without Elijah there. First off he was upset at the way the situation happened the other day with the...
  12. A


    Morning all.... My Doctor told me to give my difficult child bynedryl every night before he goes to bed and it should help him fall asleep.. What does other people think about this. My son is 10.
  13. TerryJ2

    He was up again last night

    I am SO utterly exhausted. I have a friend coming over next wk to splice the cord on the TV, so it can have a diff kind of plug that won't go into a wall socket, and then plug it into the remainder of the cord, which can go into a wall socket, so I can take 1/2 the cord to my office and lock...
  14. F

    medications for sleep?

    I'm going to make an appointment for difficult child for something to help her sleep. She's had trouble sleeping for years. Melatonin doesn't work, nor does benadryl. What do your kids take at night to help with sleep?

    Early Onset Bipolar Disorder in Children

    Good Morning - My 12 year old difficult child has been diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism (HFA), ADHD, ODD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I happened to pick up a book on Early Onset Bipolar Disorder which I am almost positive he has and yet it has gone undiagnosed. Does anyone know anything about this or have a child who has been diagnosed with it...
  16. TerryJ2

    difficult child trying Imiprimene

    Hi all, we visited the psychiatrist today. We are trying Imiprimene, which I'd wanted b4 we wasted our time (and difficult child's health) on Prozac and Zoloft, but you know how you have to jump through hoops. I hope this works. We have to do a blood draw in 6 wks. It also helps with-bedwetting and is...
  17. TerryJ2

    He's up again

    difficult child had a cup of coffee tonight at the school science expo. I was very upset with-him but didn't let it ruin the evening. We gave him his Vistaril and 1/2 clonidine but he is still awake. I just caught him watching TV. He is reading now. He has a huge math test tomorrow. In a nice voice, I told him...
  18. V


    how do i join a group? Im new to all this and has no idea on where to start. thanks
  19. G

    baffled and perplexed

    The psychiatrist from hospital calls today to tell us Depakote
  20. crazymama30

    more medication changes

    and I hate medication changes. About a month or so ago we increased difficult child's daytrana due to increased hyperactivity, impulsivity, and he was just on the go. The first week I saw no change, the second week he was great! Thoughtful, kind, calm, everything I knew he could be. Well that only lasted a...