
  1. M

    Constant Eating

    After reading Desperate's thread I got inspired to post about this. It's nothing new, but I thought those of us dealing with this issue could sort of touch base and share what is working. Manster is eating all the time. I have to physically stand in front of the kitchen at times to say...
  2. TerryJ2

    He's up again

    difficult child had a cup of coffee tonight at the school science expo. I was very upset with-him but didn't let it ruin the evening. We gave him his Vistaril and 1/2 clonidine but he is still awake. I just caught him watching TV. He is reading now. He has a huge math test tomorrow. In a nice voice, I told him...
  3. K

    Another "newbie"

    Hi all and good morning. Just joined the site this morning, but thought I would get my introduction out of the way... I am 30 yrs old and engaged to my fiance of 5 yrs. We are a blended family with my 7 yr old son from a previous relationship and my fiance's 10 yr old daughter from a...
  4. K

    Horrible and scary weekend

    I am on my way out right now. So must be quick. I am terrified. difficult child lost it, blew up, totally out of control, worse than I ever saw. We had attempted to go to dinner with easy child, his birthday is tomorrow and we were having his birthday dinner. All was fine until we got there. We took two cars...
  5. T


    Hi, Bug's neuropsychologist raised the possibility of bipolar disorder recently and I'm trying to learn as much about it as I can. Right now, his diagnoses are Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). He also shows some signs of NLD. He is almost 7 yo. Bug has always been a very hyper child...
  6. MrsLewis

    Hello from South Carolina

    :happy: Greetings! I'm Michelle... I have a 16 year old who has ADHD, ODD and Asperger's Syndrome (some forms of all but not all inclusive). Some days it's easy and others are a real challenge. The biggest obstacle seems to be his inability to effectively socialize properly. We've been through...
  7. M

    He said "I trust you" when

    I asked him if he wanted me to explain what all of the pills did as I handed them to him. I started telling him which one was for allergies, fish oil, Vit C, probiotics, clonidine and 10 mg zoloft. These are all 2x a day. He started listening and then stopped and swallowed them all and said "na...
  8. klmno

    prescription medications

    I honestly believe that there are times when people need medications rx'd to function normally. But, am I the only person that believes that sometimes medications are rx'd when they shouldn't be- just because a good therapist can't be found to deal with psychiatric problems so people start thinking medications MUST be needed?
  9. Stef

    psychiatrist Says- Can't Help

    difficult child and I went for a "medication management" review with the beloved psychiatrist, and were told that basically nothing more than what's being prescribed will help him. Presently difficult child takes Risperal .5mg x 2/day. We were originally told that .5mg x 2 would be a starting dose, and we'd most likely go up a...
  10. P

    I Need Some Help

    I am in need of some help. I have a 9 year old difficult child who is causing some problems. He has ADHD and I'm thinking maybe some ODD also. He has been very aggressive and just down right mean to his brothers and sisters, and me too. Right now he is one zoloft and adderall. Anyway, when I was taking him...
  11. TerryJ2

    He saw the psychiatric; new medications

    Well, difficult child actually went into the psychiatrist the other night. I promised him that I would not fill the scrip for Zoloft last month, if he would promise to just meet her this time. (He refused to go in last time and sat in the car for an hr and a half). We waited 40 min. for the appointment. and he...
  12. R

    When is too much concerta too much?

    Hi Everyone: We had our difficult child on Concerta of 27 mg. We hadn't been to a psychiatric for evaulation since our original diagnosis several years ago. Our family Dr. retired and we were given a new one who is very antimedication. He prescribes the Concerta based on weight not on conditions etc. We visited...
  13. J

    what triggers mania or hypomania?

    hi i hope everyone is happy it's friday. i am....... i absolutely adore difficult child but she's with-dad this weekend. so i'll get a chance to catch up on a few things, get my head together and ready for another week with-her and school. so i was wondering has anyone ever noticed particular triggers...
  14. J

    Hi to all

    hi everyone, not sure if you remember me, i dropped off about 3 mos ago. had to focus on handling stuff, getting answers figuring things out for my difficult child. here we are 3 mos. later no medications, new dr. and new diagnosis. alot's happened in three mos and alot hasn't lol. she was or is in the...
  15. shellyd67

    medication go round AGAIN ... Lexapro is new RX

    Here we go again ... difficult child does not tolerate stimulants well and has severe tics on them and his neuropsychologist suggested Wellbutrin which made him break out in a rash. Now he suggests Lexapro ... I just feel so bad for difficult child and all these medications worry me. In my heart I know he needs "something" to...
  16. S

    Thinking more and more difficult child has sleep issues

    difficult child fell asleep on the couch at 6:00 last night, and I got her upstairs at 9:45. No shower of course. Woke her up at 6 this morning, to see if she wanted to wash her hair as she planned. Too tired. It is like she has only had 4-5 hours of sleep. Can't even keep her eyes open. She is...
  17. I

    Coming off medications? (risperdal)

    Hi there. It's been a while since I've updated. Here's where things are and I am hoping the collective wisdom will have some words or advice or comments to help educate me. Really hoping to hear some positive stories of their difficult child's successfully coming off Risperdal. Please tell me how it's...
  18. D

    My 6 years old just starting taking Zoloft. Need help from others with- experience.

    Hi, My little girl is 6 1/2 and has had issues since birth. After lots of early intervention and therapy she/we have gotten through most things but it is clear she suffers from an anxiety disorder. She has been seeing the same psychologist since 2 years old it has helped tremendously. I had not...
  19. Chaosuncontained

    Can an antidepressant really work THAT fast? I'm amazed...

    Carson started taking Celexa on Monday of last week. Friday was his first "good" day at school. He got most of his work done in class. He didn't show defiant behaviour. He didn't hide under his desk. He didn't show anger or have "attitude". He had a good weekend. Told his 10 year old sister he...
  20. I

    Neuropscyh appointment. and the medication taper is not going well for my kids

    We had the parent meeting for difficult child 2 to go over all the test results with-the neuropsychologist today. She really didn't shed too much new light on anything. She added nothing to our diagnoses of ADHD and anxiety. She felt his learning, etc... is fine, which we knew already. She feels the biggest...