My 16 year old son has been getting worse. He has been diagnosed with ADD and has taken Ritalin in the past, no help. Recently started Wellbutrin. Not helping. He is failing half of his classes and now he doesn't seem to care about anything. He has friends at school but doesn't do anything with them. He comes home from school and really doesn't do anything. He doesn't do anything on weekends. He is very disrespectful and rude to me and my husband. He swears and argues. He is a jerk to his younger brothers. He takes no responsibility for himself. Then all of a sudden he will be nice. It's almost like he is bipolar. His teachers say he is usually respectful. He just is very low energy all day.
I beginning to think he's using drugs but he is never around anyone but us so I don't really think it's the case. He has recently become more aggressive in his tone and demeanor. He continues to swear and not listen. Today he said under his breath I'll f-ing kill you when I asked him what he said he denied it. I said to him I heard you threaten me maybe I should call the police? He just looked at me and said I'm a
. I don't know what to do anymore. I am so sick of him screaming at me. He says I deserve it because I'm not listening to him or I'm accusing him of something so he's only defending himself. We have tried different doctors etc but he doesn't participate. I am so sick of this and how it is affecting me my husband and my 2 younger kids. If I could kick him out if the house I would. It's so sad. I'm worried his aggressive behavior will get worse. He's told me when he's calm, that he gets sometimes so mad sometimes that he feels rage and feels like he's going to snap. I've had to pry his phone out of his hand. He puts his hand on mine and tries to pull my hand off of his phone. He is much stronger than me. I'm worried one day he's going to hurt me or someone else at home. If he does do anything I will call the police. I hate to do it but I can't live in fear of a 16 year old. It's affecting so much in my life. I feel like I can't tell anyone I know because I'll be judged. I feel like I have to suffer in silence until he turns 18 and I will kick him out if my house. But what about the damage he will cause in the meantime to my other kids and me. I don't know what to do.
I beginning to think he's using drugs but he is never around anyone but us so I don't really think it's the case. He has recently become more aggressive in his tone and demeanor. He continues to swear and not listen. Today he said under his breath I'll f-ing kill you when I asked him what he said he denied it. I said to him I heard you threaten me maybe I should call the police? He just looked at me and said I'm a