
Well-Known Member
Um, I also wanted to say there are a lot of things you are doing right too. I think you did do the right thing by standing by your word on the phone. Hang in there you are doing much better at this that we were when are difficult child was that age. (That's also how I know about the spending money and mixed messages) Been there done that, learned the hard way.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Good job, Jenn. And your son sounds like he WILL listen to your rules if you insist on them. Very good sign. Don't let your guard down because he did one right thing. He will probably need constant reminders, as my son did.

But, hey, celebrate! :victorious:

Jenn M

New Member
You guys are the best.
And by the way, guess what he is doing as i type this...?
The dishes. Yep. The dishes! And I only asked him ONCE to do them. Not 12 times. Once!

I will keep my guard up as to not let him walk all over me anymore.

I will also keep you updated as to how we are doing. Bless you all for being so caring!

Tanya M

Living with an attitude of gratitude
Staff member
Jenn, so glad things are better today. I agree with everyone, stick to your guns and do not feel guilty for doing so.
I hope his good behavior lasts, you are smart to stay on your guard.
Remember, our kids are good at using our love for them as a weapon against us when they want something.



Well-Known Member
I go back in my memories and of course we sent mixed messages. She would stay out all night, or weekend (pre-cell era) and we would be furious and emotional - and yet the very next weekend we would give her money and a full tank of gas and guess what would happen again? Although DNA may a big part of the problem we don't do ourselves any favors by giving them the training wheels to ride us and our emotions in the future.

Jenn M

New Member
So true. So true!
I am guilty of all that myself. We want them to be happy but they need to show responsibility as well. Thanks for sharing.