Well, I'll tell ya what. I had some hesitation on whether or not to reply for fear of standing in judgment. But I am just gonna throw this out there and judge me if you will(I don't think you guys are judgmental because many of you have experienced many of the things we have and have perhaps been down the same road but, we have been judged by many...its what we are used to). I know "WE" aren't the ones that made the bad choices. I know "WE" have done EVERYTHING in our power to set him on the straight and narrow. Nothing worked. Sooooooo, that being said.............we will not be going to court to defend our son. He started this when he was in 3rd grade with sexually inappropriate behavior and social services was called and Jeremy(in "3rd" grade)told them that he and my husband watched porn together. :grrr: and he had stolen some stuff from a museum on a field trip and was talked to by the police for an hour before he admitted taking the stuff(by the way, THIS talk with the police was on OUR accord, the school didn't have a CLUE). And just one thing after another. Bad bad behavior at school. Now his deal is to tell other friends parents that he is being mistreated even to the point of crying, saying he's afraid to come home. He's manipulative and lies ALOT and he doesn't give a

about all this. All's he cares about is him, without thinking about how this affects other people. We have had many visits from SS, the first contact about the sexually inappropriate behavior and that consisted of weekly visits for 12 weeks. He has literally(this year) RAN from 3 squads in our town. And no citations were give. He has vandalized the funeral home in our town in the amount of 500 bucks. Again, NOTHING. He has (this year too) stolen money from my purse, I called the police and while the police where here it magically appeared back in my purse and they couldn't prove he intended to keep it so NOTHING. He has been caught 2 times lighting off fireworks again, NOTHING. He has spent almost 3 weeks(total of 2 visits)at a mental health hospital. Before that we took him to a public youth counseling center for 2 weeks. Several psychologist(can one actually find a psychologist that can see behind the manipulation and lying). My 17 yo daughter goes the the same school as difficult child and her relationships are being affected by difficult child behaviors. EVERYONE at school knows him. Not for good reasons either. We have a total of 55 pages of all police contacts re difficult child. That doesn't even include records for the 2 felonies(those are still open cases so we can't have access to them). He has adversely cause damaged to all the relationships within the house. I, daughter and other DS are going to a psychotherapist now. I feel there is nothing more we can do. And yes, he is on medications. For what reason? I am still not sure.
We call the police just about everytime when he doesn't come home from school or takes off on the weekend, which is weekly(sometimes more). Speaking of, while I was distracted on the phone(about 11:00 a.m.) he took off and he is still not home and he has been entered into the database as missing. For us it is now just documentation to go to court with. I absolutely HATE to see him go to "juvy" because of the stories I've heard but I can't help but be relieved to think that we could live "normally"(for whatever that means

)and I would actually have happiness again. Does any of this make sense? I am really scatterbrained sometimes with all the crud going on. Okay. Thanks EVERYONE for all you help, suggestions, support, hugs, etc. I do appreciate every last bit of it. (((hugs)))