Well, first of all this is not a game he is playing, nor is he manipulating me with these conversations. He is truly distressed about his state of being, and worried about why he is having these thoughts. He doesn't know what to do, and I am the only person in his life he has to talk to. After I told him I couldn't talk anymore, because I was done - he ended up calling an old. old friend who really helped talk him down. Which was good - but it was obvious the words were not to twist the knife in me to do something.
He ended up becoming manic over the stress he was feeling and stayed up for 72 hours. I spoke with him again yesterday after no sleep, and he was calm, but he still has the same thoughts that are disturbing him. However he is not threatening anyone, me, or to kill himself. I am sorry if I made it sound that way. He is saying he sometimes feels like doing this - and he doesn't know what to do. He says the feelings are intense, and it scares him - but there was not a moment in the conversation where he said "I am going to kill myself now" -
I really cannot go into all the many, many details as to why Matt will never be able to get help from a professional again, (That is a book - it is just too extensive) but he has been damaged beyond ever trusting a mental health professional. He will go to get his medications checked, but that is it. Which is better than nothing. And that is where I am going to start, having him get in with the Dr.
The bottom line of why he is feeling intense rage and suicidal/homicidal thoughts is because he has no self worth, at all, zero. He has never once succeeded in anything - not one thing. He has either literally failed, been kicked out, or quit, anything he has ever been a part of. He hates himself, and he hates others that seemingly have it so well. Until that path of destruction can be stopped, until he can start to feel good about something, I am not sure this problem will change. And that is disturbing to me.
He is in a viscous circle, everything he tries now, he is so afraid of failing at he quits, ie school. Now he has to find a job, and he flat out told me that if he fails at the job than it will impact his life in catastrophic proportions - his exact words. In addition to this he greatly struggles with agoraphobia, which just compounds this equation.
He sees all of this/him/his world with clear reality. I was shocked at his insight. But he also has a million walls, walls that some things or people will never ever penetrate. psychiatric professionals are one of those walls.
Nomad your thoughts on sociopath and the mother I have heard before. It kinda made my stomach turn that you brought that up though, as perhaps I might have something to do with this? Or am I being too sensitive. I have had so many people blame me for Matt, I am just ultra touchy. Or maybe I did contribute, because the kid was so out of control when he was little I could only give consequences for A infractions, but B and C infractions often got dismissed. And I was a single mom, and yes, probably in the attempt to be his advocate at school, or others, I am sure it seemed as if I was actually rescuing him. I don't know.
The other thing that he also told me was that he felt unable to feel his emotions - he could only feel anger or love - but not sadness. He said he knew he was said over Pop dying, but he could only feel rage, and not even rage at Pop, but just rage that something else happened to him. He said he had been having these feeling since Pop died, and that they were the same ones he had when H died. I so wish he would talk to a therapist - but he refuses - always has - even in Residential Treatment Center (RTC) - he would just sit there.
Anyway - I am still at a great loss - and so sad and scared for him. I do not know how this is going to change if he won't help himself - and shoving him into a 72 hold will only make it worse - believe me. Now if he was actively running around threatening me or people than of course I would call the police, but that is not how this went down. I know he needs help - but in order for him to effectively get the help - I think it has to be a progression not the police arriving and putting him in a hold. He just goes into fight or flight mode, and never receives or processes the help.
And by the way - the reason sociopath is stuck in his head is because a punky, non-educated staff worker at one of his Residential Treatment Center (RTC)'s told him he was. That started the fear about 2 years ago.