Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
Ok. You all know about K's husband.........so won't go on about him at the moment.
BUT K.......I'm wondering what is going on with this girl? We all have MySpace accounts, easy to stay in touch, view pics, ect. K has changed her statis from married to single several times. Currently......and for the past couple of months it is on single. She has had 2 guys not her husband commenting on her page........and it gives the very strong impression something is/or has gone on between them. Currently there is a new guy. Now normally K deletes these comments rather fast. The only reason I know of their existance is I'm up late and see them before she has a chance to delete them.
Sooooooooo, curiosity causes me to click on the new guy's link. Another looser type nut case. Ok. So I look at his comments. 90 percent of them are from K and uh yeah, they couldn't get anymore suggestive.
I haven't said a word to her. She's almost 30, she knows it's wrong. With her husband.......I might not even blame her for looking elsewhere.....but it still is wrong.
And she's been more distant of late. I don't get many emails and the ones I do get have little content. She supposedly lost her medicaid because they sent the renewal paperwork to the old address. (why didn't she do a change of address with the post office or leave a forwarding address at the other motel?) Her husband is still not working, no mention of him even looking. Did get a huge hint in one for shoes for Alex, he supposedly wore a hole in the bottom of the new ones I just sent at xmas. I get hints for lots of things that I ignore or offer other avenues for her to get what she needs.
We've been back in contact for what? About 9 months now?
Still no HUD. I don't think they're even looking or trying. It does not take that long to fine low income housing. And I got to thinking. If they are getting welfare, aren't they getting their rent paid? (someone from MO will have to answer this one, but usually welfare covers rent, even in motels) There are no utilities, no cable, no trash, no phone bills to pay. Foodstamps takes care of food. And while I know first hand that a welfare check is not huge by any means.......they shouldn't be as broke as she's always claiming to be, not with nothing to pay for other than rent, most especially if welfare is covering even a portion of that.
And another thing that is bothering me. Ok. You've got this serious terminal condition. You've got little kids to care for and raise. Aren't you going to do everything possible to make certain that you have your medicaid and get to the doctor to treat this condition? Well. No. She doesn't. She told me she was being referred to a neuro more than 3 months ago and still hasn't made the appointment, even though I told her a fam doctor cannot treat what she has. Now I'm sorry, but if I'm attempting to care for 3 kids and I'm in as much pain as she claims to be in......I am going to get my arse to the doctor and get treated.
I dunno. All of this is so hard to judge at such a distance. But I get this nagging lil thought in the back of my brain that maybe we were contacted in hopes of bringing them back here or helping them with money and gifts. Not nice I know. But there it is.
Much of what happened here when she was living here were misunderstandings, but the fact that she manipulated people to get what she wanted wasn't.
Sigh. Seems like in so many ways she's making it all harder than it has to be. If she doesn't want to be with her husband, just leave the jerk already. Lord knows her life can only go up at this point.
I dunno. I'm watching my hand rather closely.
BUT K.......I'm wondering what is going on with this girl? We all have MySpace accounts, easy to stay in touch, view pics, ect. K has changed her statis from married to single several times. Currently......and for the past couple of months it is on single. She has had 2 guys not her husband commenting on her page........and it gives the very strong impression something is/or has gone on between them. Currently there is a new guy. Now normally K deletes these comments rather fast. The only reason I know of their existance is I'm up late and see them before she has a chance to delete them.
Sooooooooo, curiosity causes me to click on the new guy's link. Another looser type nut case. Ok. So I look at his comments. 90 percent of them are from K and uh yeah, they couldn't get anymore suggestive.

I haven't said a word to her. She's almost 30, she knows it's wrong. With her husband.......I might not even blame her for looking elsewhere.....but it still is wrong.
And she's been more distant of late. I don't get many emails and the ones I do get have little content. She supposedly lost her medicaid because they sent the renewal paperwork to the old address. (why didn't she do a change of address with the post office or leave a forwarding address at the other motel?) Her husband is still not working, no mention of him even looking. Did get a huge hint in one for shoes for Alex, he supposedly wore a hole in the bottom of the new ones I just sent at xmas. I get hints for lots of things that I ignore or offer other avenues for her to get what she needs.
We've been back in contact for what? About 9 months now?
Still no HUD. I don't think they're even looking or trying. It does not take that long to fine low income housing. And I got to thinking. If they are getting welfare, aren't they getting their rent paid? (someone from MO will have to answer this one, but usually welfare covers rent, even in motels) There are no utilities, no cable, no trash, no phone bills to pay. Foodstamps takes care of food. And while I know first hand that a welfare check is not huge by any means.......they shouldn't be as broke as she's always claiming to be, not with nothing to pay for other than rent, most especially if welfare is covering even a portion of that.
And another thing that is bothering me. Ok. You've got this serious terminal condition. You've got little kids to care for and raise. Aren't you going to do everything possible to make certain that you have your medicaid and get to the doctor to treat this condition? Well. No. She doesn't. She told me she was being referred to a neuro more than 3 months ago and still hasn't made the appointment, even though I told her a fam doctor cannot treat what she has. Now I'm sorry, but if I'm attempting to care for 3 kids and I'm in as much pain as she claims to be in......I am going to get my arse to the doctor and get treated.
I dunno. All of this is so hard to judge at such a distance. But I get this nagging lil thought in the back of my brain that maybe we were contacted in hopes of bringing them back here or helping them with money and gifts. Not nice I know. But there it is.

Sigh. Seems like in so many ways she's making it all harder than it has to be. If she doesn't want to be with her husband, just leave the jerk already. Lord knows her life can only go up at this point.
I dunno. I'm watching my hand rather closely.