Emotional Blackmail

Hi Everyone,

Since last time I wrote… My 29 year old daughter had identical twin boys. They were premies. They are fine now, healthy and walking. My daughter was evicted prior to giving birth, had a 2 year old daughter and would not tell me where they were. She ended back at my home briefly while she was pregnant , was disrespectful and nasty to me and refused to go to a women’s home for pregnant mothers prior to giving birth. She left my home after her refusal to go to the home and didn’t let me talk to or see my granddaughter for her 3rd birthday or just in general because I did not want her in my home because her nasty disrespectful attitude. Didn’t hear from her again until she was in labor and needed me to keep my granddaughter while she gave birth and was in the hospital. Long story short she ended up back at my home with two more babies and her 3 year old.

She came with baggage of course… The babies tested positive for THC and she had an open case with CPS which meant they had to come into my home, inspect to ensure thing we’re safe and in order to release the babies from the hospital . Meanwhile I had to buy baby stuff quick fast and a hurry for the twins, she had NOTHING for them. I also had to find afterschool care and transportation for my 3 year grandaughter because I still work.

My daughter was humble and seemed grateful at first then reverted to her old ways after the babies were 5 months old. My house was a wreck, she started back smoking weed, was doing nothing to help and was not planning on leaving. I was doing way too much in the care of her and my grandchildren and my daughter was back in my home basically using me physically and financially…AGAIN! Around this time I told her she needed to start looking for childcare and a job because her family of 4 could not stay with me forever.

She didn’t want to leave stating she needed more time but I couldn’t take it anymore. I found her an apartment and am currently paying her rent. I’m paying for my freedom. I’m also paying for peace of mind knowing my grandchild have somewhere decent to live. Well my daughter didn’t want to move, can’t stand the apartment, has given me ZERO money for the rent and complains about how hard her life is with 3 kids and how tired she is. She has a part time job making $250 a week. I helped her get this job and forced her to take it. She works 3 hours a day. She is late for work, calls in a lot and is just a sorry, lying excuse making individual. She gets child support from one dad. The twins dad tried to help out but is out picture and was just as dramatic as her.

The emotional blackmail started when she wanted me to keep her kids. I would watch them when she was home with me but she was not returning and keeping her word on when she would say she’d be home and I stopped watching them. Then I would help out by watching my granddaughter after I forced her into the apartment. Well of course that wasn’t going to fly and wasn’t enough. I’ve been told if I don’t watch ALL three and keep them overnight, I can’t see my granddaughter. She is now telling me that my granddaughter will now be spending more time with her other grandmother and her dads side of the family. The same family that wanted nothing to do with my granddaughter for the first 3 years of her life! She didn’t come over for Christmas to hurt me. She put on an award winning manipulation show yesterday to get me to keep all 3 and overnight. I did because wanted to spend time with them. I returned them today and BEGGED her to keep my granddaughter for a couple of days and she told me it’s all 3 or nothing. My granddaughter was in tears and so was I because we both love each other so much and we’re looking forward to having a few days together. My daughter is using this love between my granddaughter and I to manipulate me in to keeping all three at the same time and overnight from now. She is also talking bad about me to my granddaughter to try and turn her against me. This is lowdown and also very hurtful as well.

I don’t mind watching all 3 for a few hours but keeping them overnight is too much and exhausting with twin boy toddlers. Again, I still work and I have a right at 58 years old to dictate how I spend my time. I told her I would keep the boys for a few hours, when I’m available and when I feel like it and would definitely do more once the boys are a little older or keep them one at a time. This is unacceptable to her and it’s all 3 or nothing now!

I’m hurt because she knows how close I am with my granddaughter and she’s using her to hurt me me deeply. I’ve done and still do too much for her. I pay her rent and it’s still not enough, she still wants more. Her rent is more than my mortgage was! The lease is up in 3 months. She’s had almost a year to get herself in a good position to make it with 3 kids. She’s done nothing towards finding full time employment or securing full time daycare so she can work. April 1st the lease is up and I’m not paying any more rent or signing another lease for her ever again. She will not get another dime from me after March 2025. She claims she has a plan and she won’t be staying in that apartment. I wish her all the best with an eviction on her record. She’ll be 30 years old in 2025 with 3 kids and no real mess to support them if she even has her very part time job by then. She is abled bodied and is capable of working just like I am. She says the most disrespectful things to me with name calling and talks to me like crap constantly. She feels the need to constantly tell me off and put me in my place but constantly needs my help outside of the rent (diapers, gas money, car repairs, car insurance, etc…) I’m done.

She will keep the kids away from me, she will not let me spend any time with my granddaughter moving forward and when the lease is up. If she becomes homeless again, she’ll want to come to my home and the cycle would continue if I allow it. I’m not and I have to accept and be ok with not seeing my grandkids. I refuse to be disrespected anymore and I’m damn sure not giving her anymore of my hard earned money while she lays up, smoking weed, half ass working and half ass caring for my grandkids. i will pray for my grandkids safety and covering. That’s all I can do. God is in contol and after today I release them all into his capable hands. I’m hurt again to the core and I feel like a used up dog but I’m not going let her manipulate and use me up even if it means I can’t see my grandkids like I want to. I’m a firm believer that God doesn’t like ugly. She has burned bridges with my family and
me…the only person in her life that ever helps her no matter what. No more. Today was the last day she will disrespect and get anything from me.

Needed to get this off my chest. Tired of being used, hurt, manipulated, emotionally blackmailed and disrespected and will no longer allow this in my life. Seeking words of wisdom and insight to help me through this and the next several months as I work through the hurt and pain and staying strong and firm to end this vicious cycle.

Beyond tired,
~Skool Teacher


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome back. I hope you stay with us this time. (no pressure. no judgement) I applaud your firm stand. This is what it takes, in my experience.

What can I say? You foretold all of this. What I believe will sound harsh and judgmental. You don't ask my view but I will tell you anyway. Her situation is a sinking cargo ship. You are a canoe. There is no way in the world you can save her or these children. Only she can save them. Anything you do, is like splashing waves in the bathtub. Either she will save her family or she won't.

These babies, in her present situation and lifestyle would be far better off with another loving and stable family. If you were able to care for them, they would be far better off with you, only if she signed over complete parental rights. Right now she is using the children as pawns. She pawns them off to you, to get something she wants more. It's a terrible situation for you (and them) emotionally and every other way. I can't imagine how horrible it is.

Your last paragraph is a powerful manifesto. You have a place to stand. And there it is. I am so very, very sorry it has come to this. But such is life_ Ours is only to live it the best we can. I believe your stance is honorable, responsible and powerful. If there is anything that can help those babies it is your strong stance. Be well.


Active Member
Hello Skool Teacher, Welcome back and I hope you find your strength through the wise words of our members. Copabanana is right that your strong stance is what will ultimately help your grands. Please be kind to yourself, keep your eye on the immediate prize which is your own health and well being.


New Member
I wonder if CPS would step in and find a solution because I honestly don’t think your daughter will ever step up and parent her children. I have 3 grandchildren that are now 22,21 &19. My daughter did everything to try and turn them against me. But now none of them have much contact with her and she is blocked from all their phones right now. They chose to live with their father when they divorced. But my husband and I had to buy a house and rent it to him for very little, until the youngest was 18. Then he bought it for the price we paid for it 12 years ago. It was very difficult but it was worth it for the children. They are loving smart young people now. The younger 2 don’t touch alcohol (Dad was also alcoholic but functional) the eldest has 14 months sober now and did it with AA she didn’t tell us until she was 10 months sober so that we could prepare to attend her 12 month chip meeting with her. She understands the familial addiction dna that she has and is determined not to follow the path of her Mom. If your grandchildren are placed in a foster family then my guess is that you could have contact with them ? They are so young right now but as they grow up and see you as a solid grandmother I pray that you are lucky enough to be loved and respected as I am now. It’s a long road but along the way I hope you enjoy good times with them. I never said a bad word about their mother, but I did have to listen to some horrifying things they wanted to share. I feel sadness for my daughter because she has lost out on so much but it was her choice.
I hope it works out for your family, maybe your daughter will clean up her act if she loses the children and her ability to manipulate you?
Big hugs and prayers for you all. I have learned how children figure things out for themselves. I once told my therapist that someone reported to me that my 4 year old granddaughter was seen running the street naked. I didn’t call CPS and my therapist asked me who I was trying to protect ? I’m not sure what she meant except that I probably should have reported it. My granddaughter will not remember it fortunately but I couldn’t report it. I am so grateful that she came to no harm. It was during a period of intense anger from my daughter so I could never raise it with her. It is totally pointless trying to talk to an alcoholic or addict. I have learned that lesson over and over. I hope your grandchildren find a stable home and that you can have peace. Xx


Well-Known Member
granddaughter was seen running the street naked. I didn’t call CPS and my therapist asked me who I was trying to protect ? I’m not sure what she meant except that I probably should have reported it.
My son gets SSI income from the government which is because he is mentally ill. He gets an augmented amount to pay for rent (which he does not pay.) He gave my name and phone number to corroborate this expense. I told him I could and would not lie. I told him the mis-representation was de-frauding the government and he needed to tell the truth. My partner told me I was obligated to insist that he tell the rep, and/or I should tell the truth. I could not inform on my son. I just could not do it. I told him he needed to tell the truth. That was all. The rep called and left a message and I did not call back. She just let it pass. The inflated number.

These situations are very, very hard.


Active Member
My son gets SSI income from the government which is because he is mentally ill. He gets an augmented amount to pay for rent (which he does not pay.) He gave my name and phone number to corroborate this expense. I told him I could and would not lie. I told him the mis-representation was de-frauding the government and he needed to tell the truth. My partner told me I was obligated to insist that he tell the rep, and/or I should tell the truth. I could not inform on my son. I just could not do it. I told him he needed to tell the truth. That was all. The rep called and left a message and I did not call back. She just let it pass. The inflated number.

These situations are very, very hard.
Hi Copabanana, I think you handled this exactly right. I have had to learn to just step back. Not everything is our responsibility. Our adult children need to make choices. You told your son what he needs to do. Then let it go at that. I understand ignoring the phone message. It was the right thing to do...for you, to take care of you. Hugs


New Member
My daughter called me to find out where she could download a rental agreement, I found a site with a free form for her state. I suspect she wants to claim that she is paying rent somewhere, like your son, but she hasn’t told me why she needed it.