It sounds like you have done everything you possibly can to help your daughter, and sounds like she has had plenty of opportunities to do so herself, I.e, been given the chance to stay in that kind lady’s home, she had a job, got the medical attention she needed and you had asked her how much her car payment was, assuming you were wanting to help her get her car functional again. I understand that she didn’t want an immobiliser because she wanted to drive, yet when you asked how much the car payment was, this wasn’t a big issue for her anymore.
I fear maybe she may have been pulling on your heartstrings in order to get money, as she knows this has worked so many times before.
You mentioned she gives the doctors and nurses a hard time. My sons have had a pattern of blaming anyone in authority (well anyone at all besides themselves) for how ‘they’ got themselves in their situations. I wonder is that what your daughter was doing, taking her anger out on them because she was angry at that particular scenario. Of course it’s not the doctors or nurses fault, but your daughter I guess would rather blame them than accept her own wrongdoings, as I guess she does with you too.
You said you listened to her for a long time and had sympathy and no judgement. That’s wonderful that you done it with empathy and no judgement, as we are all just humans plodding along in our own way, but how much energy and pain did that take from you to digest all she had to say? To then be greeted with a horrendously hurtful message like that

I know it’s difficult to try detach from your daughter, both your daughters but they will carry on living the way they want to, no matter how much you listen, regardless of how much money you give them. I think the long calls and generous tokens of money isn’t appreciated , it’s expected and ultimately to your detriment. Would you struggle to possibly say to both daughters that ‘unfortunately I am not able to give you money anymore’, when they ask. If they ask again, just repeat that, no explanations or alike. Also I think you had previously said you messaged your daughter as you found speaking to her too difficult, could you maintain that or if you do speak on the phone, could you put in place a way to end the call on your terms….possibly something like I need to take the puppy out now. I done that with my eldest son because I found the more I listened, the more he talked, hence the more he had control of me, and any healthy relationship can’t be based on control.
Your other daughter had sent you a very mixed message, possibly to grab your attention, and maybe get a reaction.
I can’t say I have ever heard of Gabor Mat’e if I’m honest, but I’ll definitely check that out, sounds very interesting, thank you.
I truly hope you are doing your best to mind yourself and your peace. Much love to you and your puppy