I agree with Oceans. I'd try to get him in sooner. A counselor should not be the person who thinks of what medications is best for your child. She has no medical training. Now comes the Mom gut: Take it or leave it. in my opinion, he isn't acting this way because he's a brat and doesn't know better. A child with a mood disorder, which he very well could have, may do worse on antidepressants, so I'd definitely want another opinion. If he's placed on them, watch him carefully. There is a black box warning for kids under 18 on antidepressants. They can cause suicidal thinking if the child has an undiagnosed or diagnosed mood disorder or even autism. Both of my kids flipped out on them. I'm an adult who took tons of ad's, and some made me suicidal! I finally found one that worked for me, but, if he is prescribed any stims or antidepressants, I'd watch him like a hawk. He MAY do best on an anti psychotic or a mood stabilizer or both, but I'd definitely try to get him stable before he hurts someone. Obviously he needs to see a Psychiatrist--and the good ones, unfortunately, do tend to have long waiting lists. However, I wouldn't punish the child by calling the police--I'd just do the hospital. in my opinion he is just a very ill child who hasn't found the right treatment yet and he won't learn by calling the police--it will just make him more afraid of his own behavior. I used to rage. Yes, I was terrified and didn't know why or how to stop. Hugs :smile: