2Much2Recover, you're not listening (screams loud). Ok. got your attention?
We did it and we didn't have a lawyer. It didn't cost us anything. You don't understand what getting guardianship entails or what it requires. Trust me. $4000? We wouldn't have had $400 if it had cost THAT much. It didn't cost us anything. I think we went to court without a lawyer. If we had one, it was a free lawyer. You are making it a much bigger deal than it is, and I'm afraid you are going to scare this poster into thinking it's a money market to get guardianship. I know others who also have guardianship, none who have gone through that kind of mess you're talking about. Maybe if it's an older adult it's different, but a disabled child is not that big a deal and is not costly. IT IS NOT COSTLY OR HARD TO ACCOMPLISH! YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORK CLOSELY OR, I BELIEVE, EVEN HAVE A LAWYER!I just asked my husband, who was in this with me.
Me: When we went for guardianship for Sonic, did cost us anything?
Him: (shaking head) No.
Me: Did we have a lawyer?
Him: No. Why are you asking?
I let him read th e post.
Him: She's wrong. It's not like that.
There. We both said it. We went through it. We do know. No POA is even involved, by the way. You are making a simple process sound enormously perilous and complicated.
HLM, I can't make you change your mind, but I hope that the original poster will get information from Aging and Disabilities, where we did, rather than this forum. I may be the only parent here who has actually done it. It's not the right place to get information. I just brought it up because it seems that if the daughter is cognitively impaired she should look into it, rather than discipline this child, but I think her resources should first be from the school and her local office of Aging and Disabilities and not here. Then do what you are told to do from Aging and Disabilities. They will give good advice and if you actually need a lawyer in your state, you will be referred to one, maybe one that costs nothing. But I know we didnt' need a lawyer here.
Good luck to the original poster!!!