Hey Cat,
We are also rural. We live in Brenham, not terribly far from you down 105, and we used to trek in to TCH also. Let me just tell you that it's not worth it. They want for all of the children to fit in an easily medicated box and are not willing to research to find other alternatives. Not to mention that this is a teaching hospital so you will be training a new intern every 6 months...not fun. They serve more children and families than they can handle. We no longer go to TCH because they were not helpning and told me that my child was at the best he could be...sorry we can't do more. We are now seeing a psychiatrist in Austin who is really great but far for you. There used to be a man in Spring named Dr. Hugg, yes that's his real name, and he is very good. We sent our difficult child to placement for 5 weeks, something I swore I would NEVER EVER do, and they were truly gifted in understanding and research and it has made all the defference in the world. There is hope but, it's not at TCH. You might try UTMB.