Hello KLMNO,
I haven't been around in a few months, but I wanted to address your situation as I have the same exact one. Some background: My son was diagnosis with-EOBD & ADHD at 4 1/2. He started kindergarten in the Fall of 07. I was in contact with the SD a year before that. We hounded them. They did an "evaluation" and said he did not qulaify for special services. We kept on them and they agreed to meet us again in the summer before school started. We had info from his psychiatrist, plus a new evaluation from the neuropsychologist. The Dir. of Pupil Services wanted to push a 504. We agreed to give him 1 month in Kindergarten and then meet again. I told tem @ that meeting we will be back here in 1 month writing an IEP. Well it only took 3 weeks in school and we were writing one.
My son, since week 5 of school has his own para (they had to hire an extra one for his class), he gets movement breaks to help with his high energy and/or inappropriate behavior (normally 3X's, but yesterday upon the return to school it was 8). They offer a brushing program to him (helps more with Asperger's, but he likes it) and he also has a behavior program in place. My son is extremely smart and intelligent, but he gets highly over anxious and has trouble letting things go. Push for this, as it has truly made a difference. After having this in place for a month and a half I had a parent teacher conference that was so positive, it made my heart swell as every PPT meeting before seemed to focus on the negatives about him.
I must say that though not every SD is as supportive, our first foray into this with our SD has been so positive. Everone has been helpful and supportive. Our team includes the Principal, Kindergarten teacher, SPED teacher, OC Therapist, Social Worker, School Nurse, my son's former daycare provider, my husband and myself.
Best of luck to you.