I think you are on the right track - especially if it ends with chocolate pie!!!
Your feelings are natural - Signorina explained them well. Chances are very high that you are, and have been for a long time, experiencing depression. in my opinion it would be incredibly unusuali f you weren't, though I am not a doctor. Depression can make everything worse, so have a chat with your doctor. MANY medications for this are one the cheap lists at various stores.
I have a WONDERFUL activity for you to do with your husband. Go to an Alanon meeting!!!!! Even if you and husband didn't drink, what you are going through is codependence. Professional help from a dr (incl medications if warranted), personal decisions to change your life and way of thinking is crucial, and alanon meetings or something simlar are often the key to really understanding and changing so that you ca not only live a healthier, usually happier, life, but also to understand that it is not just okay but excellent to do that. Even if, ESPECIALLY IF, your son is out there floudering. NOT because any parent is happy that their chld is struggling, but because it s time for you to set yourself free and for him to start muddling through it on yourself.
Alanon gives ou people right there to help you with this. If not alanon, then see if you can find a group for codependents, or whatever fits for you.
Share this wth husband, and also go to meetings separately by each of you NEEDS some time to talk about stuff without the other one there, and your future will be a LOT happier than you have any clue it can be. Your son't future will be whatever he CHOOSES it to be, regardless of what you do. So work through your stuff so that you can fill your future with peace andall the good things that come from a healthy life.
Your feelings are natural - Signorina explained them well. Chances are very high that you are, and have been for a long time, experiencing depression. in my opinion it would be incredibly unusuali f you weren't, though I am not a doctor. Depression can make everything worse, so have a chat with your doctor. MANY medications for this are one the cheap lists at various stores.
I have a WONDERFUL activity for you to do with your husband. Go to an Alanon meeting!!!!! Even if you and husband didn't drink, what you are going through is codependence. Professional help from a dr (incl medications if warranted), personal decisions to change your life and way of thinking is crucial, and alanon meetings or something simlar are often the key to really understanding and changing so that you ca not only live a healthier, usually happier, life, but also to understand that it is not just okay but excellent to do that. Even if, ESPECIALLY IF, your son is out there floudering. NOT because any parent is happy that their chld is struggling, but because it s time for you to set yourself free and for him to start muddling through it on yourself.
Alanon gives ou people right there to help you with this. If not alanon, then see if you can find a group for codependents, or whatever fits for you.
Share this wth husband, and also go to meetings separately by each of you NEEDS some time to talk about stuff without the other one there, and your future will be a LOT happier than you have any clue it can be. Your son't future will be whatever he CHOOSES it to be, regardless of what you do. So work through your stuff so that you can fill your future with peace andall the good things that come from a healthy life.