Allergy Help

Loving Abbey 2

Not really a Newbie
No biopsies to date. The GI doctor thinks it too invasive, but he also seems to not understand how this all impacts difficult child's life. I don't want to put her through an invasive proceedure but geez, answers would be really nice.

I'll keep doing research and maybe take her another Pedi GI at a larger children's hospital?

Sometimes I think this will never be figured out, the illusive allergy symptom disorder that tests negative for everything, yet makes life miserable!



Well-Known Member
I would take her to an endocrinologist, Michelle. That's how my aunt found out that she had Porphyria. I bet that an endocrinologist may be able to help you figure this out, Porpyria or whatever it may be.


New Member
My daughter developed terrible stomach pains from a calcium supplement that contained undeclared cornstarch. (She doesn't tolerate corn in any form). For some reason, the combination of calcium and corn caused this reaction, but just corn doesn't. Just thought I'd throw this out there as I see you avoid dairy and thought you might give her a calcium supplement.


Well-Known Member
modified cornstarch is another fancy term for corn syrup (corn syrup is chemically altered cornstarch).

Tee does your daughter have trouble with corn syrup?