hubs scheduled surgery


New Member
Bad enough when the general public doesn't understand, but the leaders and fellow military are acting so awful? What ignorance and cruelty. Mrs Obama should hear about this.....isn't care of our military families her big cause?


I don't think many people who weren't in or didn't support a husband through military service really understand how horrible it can be. Toxic leadership is kind of running rampant around this mofo. It's unnecessary stress that's for sure we so have enough on our plate at present with few answers. I told the doctor that they are treating him like he's normal when he is barely able to function on his own. I have no answers.


Janet- we have to use the on post doctors they are sending us across town to Air Force academy since we share resources. It would be a completely out of pocket expense if we went somewhere else. If he is still having problems after surgery I am driving him to Denver to the er and won't leave till he has an MRI and a ct scan. The insurance should cover at least that.