almost 4-year old with impulse control problems


New Member
I've changed my mind about medication. I started out (like many, maybe most, people) hating the idea of giving medication to kids and being "against" it. Then gradually I changed my views when I realised how "handicapped" my son was in social and learning situations - if there was something that could significantly help improve his quality of life, why not be open to it? So we did start trying medications. However, in our particular case, nothing has been found that does not, sooner or later, have horrible side effects that make it impossible to continue giving them. Since April of this year my son has not been on any medications and I don't know if he will ever take them again - though I would be open to trying. I think you have to try, just to see if it could really help your daughter.
Im sorry to hear about your difficulty with the medications hope some helpful solutions come ur way good luck


Well-Known Member
Well, the "point" of my post was to encourage you to try medications, really, rather than go on about my own situation :) I just meant to say that I too was very hesistant indeed but would now be using them for my son if he did not have such terrible side effects. As for the magic something that may help... I have given up hoping to find that. I give him a high dose of magnesium every day, which is supposed to help calm and de-stress, try to feed him as nutritional diet as possible and eliminate additives as much as poss, give him as much exercise as poss... beyond that... he has ADHD. No taking that away. Can only learn to live with it, as best as one can.