American Idol


Well-Known Member
Have you guys been watching? I was so upset about Chris Medina getting booted. Then I just read this article

I hope it really works out for him. I just fell in love with him during the audition and I think he's a great guy. I hope they follow up with him and keep us in the loop with how he's doing. I think it's really awesome that his story on AI conjured all kinds of support for his fiance.

I'm also pretty interested in James Durbin, the boy with Aspberger's. He's not my cup of tea, regarding his singing (though he's really good), but I'm hoping he does really well, especially because of that little baby he has. I kind of think a lot of posters here are going to have a place in their hearts for him, yeah? He's very talented. I just hope the screaming gets honed a bit.


Former desparate mom
Hi Loth,
I didn't watch the first few shows so I missed the emotional parts of this contestants life. Read some of it and heard about some of it. I'm glad the judges stuck to the main points of the show. Eventually everyone would have a story to share and it would make the show a bit of a joke.
Hopefully, he will try again or some of his songs will get picked up. The inspiring part of the story to me wasn't his loyalty to his girlfriend but the fact that he didn't become a victim. He is doing something to help their situation. He is courageous and has heart.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the singer who has Tourette's Syndrome and AS. It's a worry since his dad died of a drug overdose. Our kids are such innocent prey. I hope his wife(who seems like a rock) will contain his impulsive energy to just his music. If not, his money and his talent will get wasted and he will self destruct. I'm crossing my fingers that he shows the world that despite not being n/t, he has value and worth. He doesn't have to bag groceries for the rest of his life if he doesn't want to(typical job offering for anyone with a disability). The fact that he has aspirations and is trying to find a way to use his talents is hopeful. Takes planning and vision of the future.
It's sort of ironic and funny but my difficult child knows all the stories and will read about it slightly but he seldom watches stories about people who have some of the same symptoms he does. It's almost as if it's too close to be comfortable for him.


Active Member
I have been watching Loth ... So far my favs are Casey and of course I am pulling for James ! ALot of talent this searon


Well-Known Member
I don't know his name, but one guy (he sang Blackbird during the Beatles theme with that girl) reminds me of Kenny Loggins. I like him too.


Well-Known Member
I am really liking this season. My Lumberton girl bombed badly in Hollywood week. She was awful! However, I am thrilled with our boy from the Raleigh area that made it. He's the 17 year old with the really deep voice. He did so well with Long Black Train as his final song. Tony and I kept saying...he should sing that song and then he

I really like James too. And I like the guy who plays the piano who did the duet with that girl in the Beatles round. Cant remember his name.


(the future) MRS. GERE
Crazy, (don't hate me) I have never been a fan of Steven; I never understood the attraction or what his fans saw in him. I must say, though...that I think his personality is very kind and I am enjoying Steven and Jennifer a lot and I'm becoming a fan myself! It's been a very pleasant surprise.



Former desparate mom
I have to admit I have been impressed with Steven and J. Lo. Much more so than I would have expected.
I agree Suz, Steven Tyler seems so kind and warm but fun with a good sense of humor.


Well-Known Member
I have been rather impressed with Steven and J Lo myself. I have gotten so tickled at some of the comments that just erupt from Stevens Now I do have to say that every time I see Steven Tyler, all I can think about is him and Mick Jagger and all the other old rocker's from back then and what I know went on during those times. Steven, Mick, Rod Stewart, Bon Jovi, etc....ahhh...a 70's sex, drugs and rock-n-roll festival...lmao. I know...bad Janet. Bad bad Janet.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oh I don't necessarily find Steven Tyler attractive, but I do like Aerosmith a lot. I meant, I started watching because he was an unusual addition, and I'm glad I did.. I think he's funny and thorougly entertaining. He'll keep me watching for now. J-Lo is pretty good, too, even if a bit overdramatic with the crying etc.


I met Steven Tyler at a Cumberland Farms when I was around 16. My friend and I were in the store purchasing "munchies" and as we were leaving my friend remarked how much this guy looked exactly like Steven Tyler. I laughed it off and she says, no, seriously, go back in there in look! So I turn around, go back in the store and walk up to this guy with long hair. I tapped him on the shoulder and spun him around and it was Steven Tyler! They were in town recording at a studio up the road. He ended up checking me out up and down and hitting on I see him give that same look to the girls during the auditions and it totally cracks me up! He really is such a great guy you can't help but love him. I think the addition of him and J Lo is the best thing that could have happened with American Idol. I'm definitely a fan :D


Well-Known Member
He does have some of the funniest lines. They keep having to bleep him out and I just crack up. Im also a fan of long hair so he has that going for

I do have to say that I was tickled pink that we have another NC guy in there. I think we have had at least one person from NC in every season so far. Look at how many have made it big from NC. Clay Aiken, Fantasia, Kellie Pickler, Bucky Covington, and Daughtry. Bucky lives about 50 miles from me.