Huge upset and change in our direction....
So my Difficult Child was standing on the side of the road just outside our home town and my husband saw her. He called me and said, I can't leave her there, she is coughing and sitting on a garbage bag. We talked for a quick minute and he said let me get her off the side of the road and we will need to talk about what to do next, so he did.
I got home from work just an hour later and found my Difficult Child sitting in my kitchen very sick. Fever, coughing and looked terrible. We took her to our local community clinic as a walk-in patient and they said she has pneumonia and bronchitis. My husband insisted on a drug test, which they did and she was clean for meth (to my surprise) but tested positive for marijuana.
They wanted to put her in the hospital but my husband felt strongly about getting medication and taking her home instead so they agreed but she has to go back every other day to check on her 02 levels because of the severe chest congestion. She is slowly improving.
We had a very extensive conversation with her last night and ask her multiple open ended questions because we wanted to see where she was in her head, what her intentions are and where we go from here. She was very remorseful and said she wants to get a job and make her own money so she can eventually live on her own. My husband told her that he wouldn't mind having her around if she would straighten her act up. I felt like nails on a chalkboard because I am so angry with her. I voted for taking her to a local young adult home/shelter because I still feel like she needs to NOT have the privelege of living in my home BUT my husband said he thinks she needs a time-limited stay at our home to get her well physically and IF, she gets a job and takes care of her legal problems on her own, he would allow her to stay. The other requirements is that she be respectful, no drugs or alcohol, no use of any vehicles, cooperation and helping around the house and that if these things aren't followed, she is out and out for good.
I feel like I've totally betrayed the path I have been on these past 30 days while she was gone. I was learning how to reclaim my life and not tolerate her abusive behavior and lies! I feel like I have betrayed all of you as well and all the help and support you've given me!
I also feel like a mother, and don't want her to be ill and standing on the side of the highway either.
So, yesterday, she called a local fast food place near our home and has an interview scheduled for today. To my surprise, she also got a ride to go to her court date yesterday for the drug possession without my assistance. She was told by her attorney that he is going to ask for 1 year probation and drug tests every 30 days with a consequence of 6 months jail time if she tests dirty or fails to comply with the probation. Not sure yet, if the prosecutor will accept that but we'll see on her next court date.
She came home after court with a positive attitude and said she is absolutely going to stay clean and change her life. She said, Mom, the solution is so simple! Get away from all of these so-called friends that I thought were friends but did nothing but bring me down while I was homeless, don't do drugs and get a job to make my own money so I can take care of myself. Aaaaaahhhhhh(angels floating around me) Could it be that the last 30 days have been the eye-opener she needed to see that her life will go NO WHERE if she doesn't make good choices? My first reaction is No, she will eventually go back to her old ways. I've been through this before but this time, is the first time that she has said, I get it! I can't get an apartment or do the things I want to do if I don't stay out of trouble, so I can work and have money to do things. Such a simple concept but one that I think she might be finally seeing.
I don't know what the future will bring with my Difficult Child but I do know one thing: I am so much better equipped to live my life even with her home by not taking responsibilty of her commitments to attend court dates and get a job, etc - I don't have to do anything with those things....that is for HER to deal with! I also know that she knows and recognizes what she has living at home which she pointed out, are the very basic things. She said, Mom, to have a place to sleep without finding someone to let me sleep at their place is so great! I don't have to find someone to let me sleep inside somewhere instead of outside or in a car! She has never had that epiphany before so I have a bit of hope.
There is certainly the possibility that she will return to her old ways, if that is the case, she will be taken to the young adult shelter and left there to live and that will be it... I know now that it's not my responsibility to make sure she doesn't screw her last opportunity up, it's hers. Only she can decide if she is going to be respectful and compliant with her rules, I just need to be ready to enforce the consequences which I am prepared to do.
My heart has been on a yoyo string this week, no doubt, BUT I also know that when I wouldn't allow her to come home over the past 30 days, that I survived it. It hurt me immensely but I survived it! I will do it again if I have to - no doubt.
I wanted to update you all, which took me some time to do because I feel as though I have betrayed the work I have done and that all of you have helped me with but I've done it now, which makes me feel a little better.
I will still need your support especially that at least for now, she is back in the house and in our lives knowing that it could change at any second.
Still very weary....
So my Difficult Child was standing on the side of the road just outside our home town and my husband saw her. He called me and said, I can't leave her there, she is coughing and sitting on a garbage bag. We talked for a quick minute and he said let me get her off the side of the road and we will need to talk about what to do next, so he did.
I got home from work just an hour later and found my Difficult Child sitting in my kitchen very sick. Fever, coughing and looked terrible. We took her to our local community clinic as a walk-in patient and they said she has pneumonia and bronchitis. My husband insisted on a drug test, which they did and she was clean for meth (to my surprise) but tested positive for marijuana.
They wanted to put her in the hospital but my husband felt strongly about getting medication and taking her home instead so they agreed but she has to go back every other day to check on her 02 levels because of the severe chest congestion. She is slowly improving.
We had a very extensive conversation with her last night and ask her multiple open ended questions because we wanted to see where she was in her head, what her intentions are and where we go from here. She was very remorseful and said she wants to get a job and make her own money so she can eventually live on her own. My husband told her that he wouldn't mind having her around if she would straighten her act up. I felt like nails on a chalkboard because I am so angry with her. I voted for taking her to a local young adult home/shelter because I still feel like she needs to NOT have the privelege of living in my home BUT my husband said he thinks she needs a time-limited stay at our home to get her well physically and IF, she gets a job and takes care of her legal problems on her own, he would allow her to stay. The other requirements is that she be respectful, no drugs or alcohol, no use of any vehicles, cooperation and helping around the house and that if these things aren't followed, she is out and out for good.
I feel like I've totally betrayed the path I have been on these past 30 days while she was gone. I was learning how to reclaim my life and not tolerate her abusive behavior and lies! I feel like I have betrayed all of you as well and all the help and support you've given me!
I also feel like a mother, and don't want her to be ill and standing on the side of the highway either.
So, yesterday, she called a local fast food place near our home and has an interview scheduled for today. To my surprise, she also got a ride to go to her court date yesterday for the drug possession without my assistance. She was told by her attorney that he is going to ask for 1 year probation and drug tests every 30 days with a consequence of 6 months jail time if she tests dirty or fails to comply with the probation. Not sure yet, if the prosecutor will accept that but we'll see on her next court date.
She came home after court with a positive attitude and said she is absolutely going to stay clean and change her life. She said, Mom, the solution is so simple! Get away from all of these so-called friends that I thought were friends but did nothing but bring me down while I was homeless, don't do drugs and get a job to make my own money so I can take care of myself. Aaaaaahhhhhh(angels floating around me) Could it be that the last 30 days have been the eye-opener she needed to see that her life will go NO WHERE if she doesn't make good choices? My first reaction is No, she will eventually go back to her old ways. I've been through this before but this time, is the first time that she has said, I get it! I can't get an apartment or do the things I want to do if I don't stay out of trouble, so I can work and have money to do things. Such a simple concept but one that I think she might be finally seeing.
I don't know what the future will bring with my Difficult Child but I do know one thing: I am so much better equipped to live my life even with her home by not taking responsibilty of her commitments to attend court dates and get a job, etc - I don't have to do anything with those things....that is for HER to deal with! I also know that she knows and recognizes what she has living at home which she pointed out, are the very basic things. She said, Mom, to have a place to sleep without finding someone to let me sleep at their place is so great! I don't have to find someone to let me sleep inside somewhere instead of outside or in a car! She has never had that epiphany before so I have a bit of hope.
There is certainly the possibility that she will return to her old ways, if that is the case, she will be taken to the young adult shelter and left there to live and that will be it... I know now that it's not my responsibility to make sure she doesn't screw her last opportunity up, it's hers. Only she can decide if she is going to be respectful and compliant with her rules, I just need to be ready to enforce the consequences which I am prepared to do.
My heart has been on a yoyo string this week, no doubt, BUT I also know that when I wouldn't allow her to come home over the past 30 days, that I survived it. It hurt me immensely but I survived it! I will do it again if I have to - no doubt.
I wanted to update you all, which took me some time to do because I feel as though I have betrayed the work I have done and that all of you have helped me with but I've done it now, which makes me feel a little better.
I will still need your support especially that at least for now, she is back in the house and in our lives knowing that it could change at any second.
Still very weary....