Yes, we have permanent legal guardianship of the three girls. Got it three days after we got the girls. Went to court for temporary guardianship and the judge said that was nonsense and said he was giving us permanent legal guardianship. Had the girls 6 years last April.
In Ariz they have KidsCare insurance for families that don't qualify for regular state medical. It is full state medical, but the family pays a small premium each month. I have the application, sent away for a copy of my birth certificate that I lost, am getting the pay stubs and bank statements together. Here's hoping that they approve us.
Had an IEP meeting for my difficult child 3. Took daugher with me to ask questions I probably wouldn't. The basic IEP was fine with me, but I want them to address the wetting at school issue. They wanted to to use Serenity pads. Well, trying to get her to dispose of them properly and change them when she wet would be a major issue and daughter stuck to her guns. I'm going to send a few extra changes of clothes to the nurse. Both teachers besides sending her potty more frequently, will ask her if she needs to go to the nurse and change clothes. This she might do.
Daughter and her difficult children are in crisis. The counselors want to put her difficult child 4 into group home. Sounds good - we can certainly use the quite, but it sounded to me like it was an indefinate long term. They don't want her to see him for awhile, she can't go look over the home to approve it, it is a good 2-1/2 hour drive one way from us, his sibs can't come for visits with him, he can come home for weekend visits only when they say so, she will not be kept in the loop for his schooling or medical treatment and cannot tell them she doesn't want him on a medication she doesn't approve of. She called this morning and told them to cancel any thoughts of a group home. I really thought it sounded like she was giving up parental rights and that is a scary thought.
Feel like crying this morning. Not sure why. Don't sleep much at night. Worry about kids, bills, work, husband health (heart stent) afraid he's going to have a heart attack (we've been out of his heart medications since April) and die on me and leave me with a mess and the girls to do it alone. I know I'm being irrational, but can't help it. On top of being exhausted, I'm just plain tired from not sleeping as I just can't turn off the daily stress or all the "what ifs". Anyone else feel that way??
I have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, liver disease (fatty liver), kidney stones (took 14 days to pass the last one), diabetes controlled by diet and pills, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), bi-polar, anxiety attacks, and probably PTSS so maybe it's no wonder that I feel like crying adding the stress of difficult children.
Here I whine about my trivial complaints and the rest of you are going through so much more. My heart goes out to each one of you and I pray that you all find peace and that your difficult children get on and stay on track. "Talk" to you all soon. Until then, thanks for being there.