I am sorry, Pigless. The sentence straight up HOOVERS!
Sadly, there are judges and DAs who agree to similar sentences for male teachers with female students of similar ages. If it is kept out of the papers after the initial flurry of press during the arrest, often the plea bargain is for a shockingly short amount of time. Sadly, it is hard to get a jury to convict on these cases because it is hard to get real proof. They come down to who is more credible, the teacher or the students.
Teachers who do this sort of thing are sickeningly good at making the kids think it is a great thing. This way the kids don't make a complaint, or come forward. If parents make a fuss, the kids won't admit to anything. So how do the cops get proof to show the court? The DA often has to make a plea bargain to get any conviction. The teacher obviously won't agree to a lot of time as she knows that it will be hard to get the students to admit anything happened, so she ends up with very little time in jail.
The whole thing is just wrong.