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I've been thinking of my difficult child lately, not like I've ever stopped, but wondered how other parents handled or thought about this.
Our situation is unique right now because our difficult child is involved with CPS and her son is in foster care. The CPS caseworkers, investigators and generally everyone there at CPS are quite upset with and befuddled by her. Mostly because........... She won't accept responsibility for her actions. (Just to be fair, she did not abuse her son. He was living with his father when he was removed.) They are scratching their heads trying to figure out "what's wrong with this picture?".
I have not shared with CPS that my difficult child has been diagnosed with bipolar. I did tell them about her abnormal EEG and that she was diagnosis with ADHD as a child. When she was maybe 17 yrs. old, CPS did a psychological evaluation on her that showed ADHD, depression, bipolar and the characteristics of maybe 3 different personality disorders. Not a pretty picture at all.
I'm having a hard time as a parent with knowing how much of her past (which is very damning) to share. I don't believe (I pray I am correct) she is a physical threat to anyone. She doesn't "present" well, and if I met her without knowing her, I'd figure something might be "off". She's not blatant visibly, but once she starts talking, she becomes obvious. Talks way too much, too loud, too silly and very grandiose and inappropriate. In the CPS meeting, she referred to herself, her ex and his wife as the type of people that would be on the Jerry Springer show!
Who in the world wants to publically align themselves with that type of people?
I want so bad for her to succeed! In my heart of hearts I know she'll probably never be able to live an ordinary life. I can't get her to see or admit that she has problems. When I spoke to her about it 2 weeks ago, she told me that the info I shared "was hurtful" and why would I do that to her if I loved her? She wants to fight about all that now, but I don't go there with her.
My family, who has always been supportive, and who DO love our difficult child, feel that she is lazy and could do better if she wanted. I just had to have a chat with them and told them that they hurt ME! when they speak like that about my difficult child. I'm not about making excuses for anyone, and we certainly have not supported or participated in our difficult child's bad choices. I really feel that her mental health issues play a big part in her failures.
If I bring those issues up to ANYONE, my difficult child will hate me even more if that is possible. I believe our family will be split forever and I don't want that. I can't have a normal relationship with her as it is. We are extremely superficial and barely speaking now. I do feel however that everyone deserves a family and I want to at least be her family.
How much, as a parent, do you share or blame on mental health issues? I don't want others to judge her by my word alone. I don't want that responsibility. What if I am wrong????
Our situation is unique right now because our difficult child is involved with CPS and her son is in foster care. The CPS caseworkers, investigators and generally everyone there at CPS are quite upset with and befuddled by her. Mostly because........... She won't accept responsibility for her actions. (Just to be fair, she did not abuse her son. He was living with his father when he was removed.) They are scratching their heads trying to figure out "what's wrong with this picture?".
I have not shared with CPS that my difficult child has been diagnosed with bipolar. I did tell them about her abnormal EEG and that she was diagnosis with ADHD as a child. When she was maybe 17 yrs. old, CPS did a psychological evaluation on her that showed ADHD, depression, bipolar and the characteristics of maybe 3 different personality disorders. Not a pretty picture at all.
I'm having a hard time as a parent with knowing how much of her past (which is very damning) to share. I don't believe (I pray I am correct) she is a physical threat to anyone. She doesn't "present" well, and if I met her without knowing her, I'd figure something might be "off". She's not blatant visibly, but once she starts talking, she becomes obvious. Talks way too much, too loud, too silly and very grandiose and inappropriate. In the CPS meeting, she referred to herself, her ex and his wife as the type of people that would be on the Jerry Springer show!

I want so bad for her to succeed! In my heart of hearts I know she'll probably never be able to live an ordinary life. I can't get her to see or admit that she has problems. When I spoke to her about it 2 weeks ago, she told me that the info I shared "was hurtful" and why would I do that to her if I loved her? She wants to fight about all that now, but I don't go there with her.
My family, who has always been supportive, and who DO love our difficult child, feel that she is lazy and could do better if she wanted. I just had to have a chat with them and told them that they hurt ME! when they speak like that about my difficult child. I'm not about making excuses for anyone, and we certainly have not supported or participated in our difficult child's bad choices. I really feel that her mental health issues play a big part in her failures.
If I bring those issues up to ANYONE, my difficult child will hate me even more if that is possible. I believe our family will be split forever and I don't want that. I can't have a normal relationship with her as it is. We are extremely superficial and barely speaking now. I do feel however that everyone deserves a family and I want to at least be her family.
How much, as a parent, do you share or blame on mental health issues? I don't want others to judge her by my word alone. I don't want that responsibility. What if I am wrong????