Wow, it is really weird waking up on a weekday and not having Connor to get ready and bring to daycare! It was really hard on him with me leaving on Saturday. He wanted to go bye bye with me.
That just reaffirmed that this is so badly needed. He really needs to rebuild that bond with momma...she had all weekend off and was going back to work today so it is good that they had some time together. I know the trial period is going to go great so I am banking on this being permanent. We have cleaned up all of the baby stuff and put in his room and the garage. If we need to pull it back out, we will, but for now - it does feel good to have my house back. But I
do miss him. Sigh. Bittersweet, for sure.
M and I did a lot of hugging on Saturday. Our relationship is just SO different now. I remarked to husband about how there used to be SO much tension around her and he agreed but that is GONE now. I love being with her and I hate leaving her. Such a great place to be... <3
I am going to go back to yoga tonight. Time for me to focus on me again...