Ant's first week

Ant sounds exactly like my difficult child. My difficult child never wanted the help he was offered either. Last time he was in jail (June) I racked my brain to send him pamphlets, brochures and everything on rehabs and places to go after he got out. We told him he couldnt come home. But he made no effort to g anywhere and then blamed it on us again. I understand that there is not rehab in jail. My difficult child always tells me mom this doesnt help me - well what does? If you dont want thehelp you need and continue to break the law - then what? I guess they can say they are mentally ill but how many doctors does it take to try and help someone who only wants the pills he wants. I am just trying to think now that my difficult child is probably Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) along with me! Seriously, I think they should reevaluate him in the jail and come up with something besides he just a drug addict. I know addiction is a disease but it must go along with something else. I understand your frustration totally. I am right there with you.


Well-Known Member
I think they should reevaluate him in the jail and come up with something besides he just a drug addict.

I think it helps to remember that "should" isn't "is". They offer help for drug addiction in jail. When you figure out the drug addiction, the end result, (or the beginning) is figuring out why you are addicted to drugs, and if you really want to get past the drugs you can ask for help with that.

Is it what should be? No. Show me something that is run by our government that is as it should be. I won't hold my breath.

We, the moms in Parent Emeritus, are not in prison. We're not topless dancing or smoking meth. We're not partying with our friends till dawn and leaving our children with goodness knows who thinking anyone would take better care of them than us. That's our difficult child kids. We have done what we could and our children are grown and the best we can do is still love them, hope they will figure it out, and honor God (or the Goddess, or Mother Nature, or ourselves, or whatever floats your boat) by making a good life for ourselves, and being thankful for the good things we have made for ourselves. Anyone who wants to argue that should step up, because quite frankly I can't get all worked up about crummy food in prison, or that my daughter is meeting men on MySpace. That's her, and I did stuff that was just as stupid when I was younger and all I can do is hope it turns out well for her because she's an adult.

Prison doesn't have an evaluation system. Prison is just plain for punishment. That's it. There are pre-sentencing evaluations that should have been done before our kids went to prison. That's why Nicole Ritchie spent 12 hours in jail and our kids don't. She has money to sway the evaluation in her favor. That's also why we will be reading all about Nicole Ritchie's problems again and again. Her money bailed her out when we can't bail our adult children out.

I know that the system :censored2:. I really do. I know that there is no one out there looking out for us and our kids. But that is the way it is. We can not make these decisions for our kids. We all know that s--t eating grin that they give when they know the consequences and say "I don't care, it's not going to happen to me!" or "I don't care, I can handle it!". It's not like they weren't told the food sucked. It's not like they weren't told there would be people there who might hurt them. They have to live these things themselves and make their own decisions about whether or not they want to take those paths over and over again. Just like we decided whether to :censored2: it up and raise them or dump them on someone else.

Not one of us who has a kid in this much trouble can say with a straight face that the day they took our kids off to jail he or she was voluntarily going to their meetings and clean and sober and not taking advantage of people. What's available to our kids isn't what's available to Nicole Ritchie. But it seems to me that she doesn't want to take advantage of what's available to her, either. We all know, and our kids should know, that if they play the game life will be easier, and it's too late to play the game after the cops have had to hunt you down and drag your sorry behind to jail. Is the game unfair? It's irrelevant. If someone told them life was fair they were lying. We are talking about adults here, not children. Life :censored2: when you don't play by the rules. Half the time it :censored2: anyway. I don't want to get up for work in the morning, and I rarely want to cook dinner or clean my house but somehow I get to work, we eat, and I don't live in a sty. We have to make the best of it, and at the least, good people don't drag people down with them.

Janet, again, I'm sorry that you are dealing with this. I hope that you know that these are his choices. I hope that you and your boyfriend will take this opportunity to move on without him. You deserve it, and it's past time that you recognized that and acted upon it.

P.S. All of the censored stuff in my note is for S U C K (s).


New Member
Janet, if he doesn't learn like he hasn't so far, what do you think will teach him a lesson? You think he should be removed from society, what do you propose be done and again, who's to pay for it?

There's the problem. We all pay for it every time someone doesn't "learn the lesson" society is trying to teach by locking them up. Not only with tax dollars going to fund their upkeep in prison (and build more prisons), but also in pain and suffering for the damage they do when they get out. And most will get out; most sentences aren't all that long, relatively speaking.

If the reasons why someone can't or won't change the behavior that landed them in prison aren't addressed, they probably will keep re offending. Yes, we can keep locking them up every time they commit another crime (using more of our tax dollars again), but then we're forced to deal with the damage they do in the meantime. Over and over again. We're shutting the barn door after the horse has run off. Wouldn't it be cheaper in the long run to make an effort to address the reasons they landed there in the first place? But we don't address those problems because we (as a society) don't think people who break the law deserve that kind of help.

Stella Johnson

Active Member

Don't let StressedtotheHilt get to you. She's a troll. Hasn't quite figured out that no one here values her input or comments.
She has her own board. It would be nice if she just trolled there.



saving grace

New Member
Are you kidding me! I cant believe what I am reading. STOP!

This is not what this post is about. We, the Mothers do not have the right or knowledge to disect the prison or jail system in any state. To take someones pain in wrap it in your opinions is cruel. This is not the place. Every boardmember on this board that know Janet and Ant feel for her and her family. The fact that Ant is an addict and has disregarded the law is not disputed. We all "know" it we dont have to rub it in Janet's face. People in glass houses should not throw stones!!! We all have children that have done stupid things at one time or another THATS WHY WE ARE HERE FOR PETE SAKE!!!!
Janet is in pain for her child, Thats it! She has always be the first one to direct someone to Melody Beattie's CoDependent No More, or to the detachement web site, she has called the police on Ant a few times, she turned him in. She has put him out many times. She has taken phone calls in the middle of the night from Ant in some distress and turned him down.
She is NOT crying "poor Ant" in this post. She wants help for her son, just like every single one of us. No she can not make Ant get help but that doesnt stop her from "wanting" it. Ant is taking his punishment, he is in jail, he did not run, he turned himself in on the day that court ordered him to. That tells me that he is accepting his responsiblity. that tells me that he knows what he did was wrong. The fact that he is hungry is understandable. Take anyone of us out of our comfort zone where we can eat 24/7 if we want to and give us and "adequate" amount of food and we are going to be hungry. He will eventually stop thinking about the food, he will adjust to his environment and learn to cope and deal with what is given him. We, the people here that know and love Ant will pray for him every night that he is safe and that his belief in God reappears and protects him. We will pray that Ant will get out of prison one day and be ready to and strong enough to be a good dad to his son and live a sober productive life. Thats all we can do.
Ant has a disease. He did try, for anyone who doesnt have addiction in their family you dont know you just dont know!!! You dont watch your family member suffer, you dont watch them day in and day out struggle with daily life. They are surrounded by their demons. My son is a good boy, he doesnt want to be an addict. He didnt choose to have low self esteem. He didnt choose lose his father to drugs when he was only 8 years old. Yes rehab and help is available and yes Ant went that route but for one reason or another he still has struggles within him. Ant will get there, I have faith in him. My tax dollars for all I am concerned are spent helping Ant, I may not get to choose how they help him but they are helping him. Prison is what it is, it can be help, it can be punishment it can be purgatory. Only Ant will decide what prison will be for him.

Sorry, for the Soapbox this morning but I am sick and tired of reading posts that are so far off from the reason I come here everyday.

Oh and stressedtothehilt I can understand that you have family in PA but to personalize this, and implying that Ant put your family at risk is going too far. Again this post is about Pain, Ants disease and love. Ant is a father, a brother, a son and a person who needs help. Dont you dare say that he got in a car and drove with utter disregard for your family. If you knew Ant you would know why he was in the car, I am not saying he should have driven that night he made a mistake, but no one was hurt. Leave it at that. God was with Ant that night.

Janet is in pain. period!



Active Member
Sorry if he's not getting his stuffed peppers and nice sandwiches like he likes. Surely you don't expect them to provide a banquet.
If I ever had the chance to meet you I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee or something harder and give you a shoulder to cry on

there is no way I would cry on the shoulder of someone with no heart. Ant drove drunk on a street you never heard of, I guarantee it. I feel sorry for your son-I have rarely met some one with so little compassion. a reminder that this is a support board, not a place to throw arrows. and by the way, thanks grace for your supportive intervention of another one thrown and thank you all who have sent PMs and other supportive thoughts to me.
as for mention of ant's favorite meal, it is truly sad that you used some personal info about him that I gave you to hurt me further. what goes around comes around and may you personally get to experience the inside of a jail one day.
I am asking the moderators to lock this thread before I get censored and thrown off the board by lowering my Christian nature and saying what I really feel about some of the unkind comments given.

Stella Johnson

Active Member
She's a troll. Don't take anything she says seriously. She lives to stir up trouble and is dilusional enough to think her opinion means anything to anyone here.


Active Member
First, I want to reiterate that this board is supposed to be a "soft place to land".

Janet, as you know I've been going through lots of turmoil with my difficult child alcoholic brother (I have to go to court on Wednesday to testify because I received a summons), so I just now saw this.

Please know that most of us do understand, and are sending you many hugs, thoughts and prayers.

On that note, I'm locking this thread, per your request. Please know, however, that the words of one do not speak for the majority of us.

We're here for you. I hope you know that.

Sending mega hugs your way,

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