husband had a talk with Ant yesterday about needing a plan B, just in case. It was a waste of husband's breathe.
I came home from work to Ant saying "I can't wait to start my new job working for C. It's been so hard not working"... I did good. I didn't start ROFLMAO! If it was so hard not working, why hasn't he looked for a job???? whatever.
Then he starts talking about how excited he and C are to take husband bike shopping tomorrow. (Star - softail or Road King would be the choice) And Ant continues on how husband could sell his old bike to help us out with money.
And then, since I hate my job so much I can come and work for him and C. Ummmm....even if this was true?...Not on your life! Spending 8 hours a day with Ant???
There is no waking this boy up from this dream. He's so sure his ship has come in when there is only a rumor of a ship on the horizon. Even when I ask things like "what kind of cars will you be selling?" he doesn't know and doesn't think it's weird that she hasn't told him what type. But he's sure that it has to be something like a Bently or something.
And no bells or whistles are going off at C moving from "the island" to the neighboring county. The Island is where the rich live, the other county is where you go when you can't afford anything else. But she and her whole family is moving there to be closer to Ant because she loves him so much and her family will do anything to make her happy.
I'm so glad that everyone is laughing with me on this. It's keeping me laughing a lot. Just wish the kid would open his eyes. But, in true difficult child form, the more we talk about it, the more he digs in his heels. So, we just go along with it. Actually, it would be nice if it was true - then C could take care of Ant the rest of his life. He wants the rockefeller lifestyle on a top romen budget.