Anyone care to spare a prayer? Just a little one


New Member

I have been wanting to quit for weeks and months and years now. I haven't been able to. I am quite sure this smoking is doing severe damage. My name is Melissa and I am a nicotine addict :hammer:.
Please don't start again DDD. It isn't worth it.
I am trying to change my way of thinking about is an addiction, physical and mental and I think that it has to be treated that way. I am thinking that I need to apply the philosophy of NA to my own smoking......
Today I don't have to smoke....just for today :smile:

Stay strong DDD, have a cutty and a vita-bath instead.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
husband and I quit when we realized that our second hand smoke not only could, but had, impacted easy child/difficult child. We couldn't believe that
we had actually done something that will cause him harm. He had
chronic ear infections and when I took him to the specialist I was asked "Does anyone near him smoke?" We never smoked next to him or in the car with him but evidently he could pick up the smoke from our clothes when we held him. Yikes!

Even after that it took quite a few tries before we beat the weed
and got smoke free. Now he and husband smoke and their 2nd hand smoke
waifs in from the patio and makes me want to light up! DDD


New Member
Isn't that funny. I quit when difficult child was a year old because I wanted to be around to see him grow up, and now he smokes like a chimney!!


Active Member
As another nicotine addict who has to go outside or to her car to light up ... DON'T DO IT !!!

Glad the urge has passed.