Aspies and anxiety?


Well-Known Member
Evaluators here always send questionares to the school... and around here, if school thinks its Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) they will slant their answers that way... so it doesn't hurt to have school onside


Well-Known Member
IC, sure, it's GREAT if the teachers see it. The more help, the better.

However, many teachers in the U.S. never even heard of Aspergers. Yes, it's embarassing. But it's true. They think everything is ADHD, which is the only disorder some of them can even articulate in any way. Sonic's school did not believe he was on the spectrum nor did their answers indicate Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) behavior. It's too bad. I was fortunate the neuropsychologist kind of didn't pay attention to their ADHD bias.

So while I agree with you, the neuropsychologist will test for it even without the teachers thinking he has it. And they did send all sorts of forms to the schools and to us to fill out. It was very time consuming...I get tired just thinking about it!


Well-Known Member
I know I agree. Well, he said before to have her/us do therapy and retest her ( and son) in a year or two by him or another one. Ugghh!!


Well-Known Member
Insane, yes, your right it does help!! And with the school being specifically for " extremely intelligent, ADD/ADHD,Dyslexia,Autism/Asbergers, helps more so!! So they are very qualified to give their opinion. And I will talk to her old Prek Teacher again, I know she will write what she thinks too.

Your right Midwest, they do label kids with so many things right away esp adhd!!! I was in denial with mine because is it really real? Is it what he really has? But when hes on medications for it, grades and concentration go up as well as hyperness does go down. So.. if its not that its something! I know soo much paperwork! Alot of questions are reworded too, did you notice that?