Good Morning, Everyone
So, I awakened needing to use my inhaler last night again. This is what I had throughout the day:
two soft boiled eggs with butter
half a grapefruit
canned salmon
Windsor whiskey at Happy Hour with water
Italian sausage
olive oil
peas and carrots
plain Greek yogurt
So, I wonder which were the offending foods. There was a slight reaction to the canned salmon. I had maybe half a cup of it. We are trying to do protein for lunch and we had the salmon here and it was easy, so I did it. D H had some, too. The can states wild caught Alaskan salmon and salt and nothing else. Product of United States.
I did have a slight reaction to it, nonetheless. Not an inhaler reaction, but one of those reactions where you know things aren't just right.
I have been wondering lately about raw spinach. Whether I am allergic to that, now.
The Windsor I have every day. (I know. Bad Cedar :O) Coffee is a problem, and probably the Coffeemate, too. Oh, rats. I almost did not have coffee this morning.
Then, I came to my senses.
I will have to give it up again, I suppose. The point is that I drink it every morning, and do not always have to use my inhaler in the night. So, it was something else that caused the reaction. Something I can do without way easier than coffee.
I hope and believe.
Italian Sausage I can eat without reaction. Same with onions.
So, it has to have been the spinach, or the peas.
Peas are like legumes. I cannot do legumes and have my suspicions about peas.
We are trying to incorporate enough food so that we are not hungry after dinner and making popcorn which I also cannot eat.
Very frustrating.
So, I will stop spinach, canned salmon, and peas.
Beets could be added; coleslaw could be added.
I don't know what we are going to eat for lunch. We are going to try salami and olives and provolone. Those things do not seem to bother me the way you would think they would, as long as I do not have bread with them.
I can eat hot dogs and bratwurst, as long as I don't have a bun, and not have a reaction.
Fat seems to be no problem for me and in fact, I crave a certain amount of it.
Pizza I cannot do. I do sometimes, anyway.
When we go North? There is pizzeria there run by an Italian family for generations, now. The best pizza ever is served at that restaurant. I ate so much pizza there one time last summer that we could never go there again because I could hardly breath that night and for a day or two later.
It was worth it.
So we will keep working on what else it is we are allergic to and plan on a pizza with all the things we love and as much as we want for next summer. (In my case.) Donuts are not worth it, compared to pizza. That might be a way to stop eating donuts. If that darn D H would just stop buying them.
But he is getting so skinny. I don't blame him.
I am getting too skinny, too.
Now you know everything.