It never crossed my mind that you were not doing everything within any human mother's capability, and more.
And by your last post, I am reassured that there is documentation. Being one, I do not necessarily trust professionals. But that is my problem.
I do not see how anybody could ever doubt your intention, your capacity, your devotion, and your responsibility, and your protection of your children and their best interests.
But the thing is, you are human. You are not bionic.
It sounds like the situation at this point is thus: You are doing everything. You are trying everything. You are accessing any and every form of support and treatment and counsel available to you. At this point, while the situation at times feels intolerable, you believe it is in the best interest of your family, in b's and your own best interest to take it day by day. To have intention and hope that, together, you can do this and B will get better. And that you can act to mitigate or control the risk to your other child and to yourselves.
On bad days, you feel you cannot do it. But most days, you are willing and feel able to keep trying. Your husband and you are communicating, and gradually you feel you are coming to a common understanding. You are more able to support each other and to comfort each other.
Personally, I think the attorney makes sense. Because this is an evolving story. You need to know your options, and how to best protect them. For each of you.
I hope you find it helpful to post. None of us really understands your situation fully, and that is why we seem to come from left field. In a short time we will be as aware of each contingency as you are, and you will not have to keep explaining things to us. We are in this with you. Please know that.