I'm desperate for help.....my not well-adjusted 21 year has decided that her dad and I are the reason for all the problems and bad decisions in her life. Some background....she was an excellent student in high school as well as a very talented artist. She always seemed happy, and never really gave us any issues. She seemed like a typical moody teenager, complaining her friends never included her, we were too strict, etc etc.
Fast forward, she goes away to college and is unable to adjust. She spirals and after 2 years, we refuse to let her return until she's ready, this was last year. She was a miserable person for most of the summer and then came to me asking me to help her seek out counseling..my prayers were answered. After a few months, she seemed to be making progress and it was like having my happy daughter back again. She's planning on taking a few college classes and planning for the future. Then comes last weekend....we have a cabin on a lake and we went up for a weekend. She seems really unhappy and moody, not at all like she has been the last couple of weeks. I take her aside to ask what's going on and that's when she unloads on me. She's decided that all of her bad decisions, her moods, her anger, etc isn't really her fault but the fault of bad parenting (and much worse) She's worried about my 19 year old son, that we might f@#k him up (her words). She accuses me of turning everything around and making it about me, and both my husband and I for always yelling.
She did stop going to see the counselor, and now she is telling me she is going to start going with. I am fine with that...I never wanted her to stop talking to someone, and I've always been supportive with that. I've encouraged her to talk to someone as soon as she started feeling down, instead of waiting until things got out of control.
As of today, she's barely speaking to us...only when she has to. I told her she is not allowed to come to the cabin on the weekends, because she tries to provoke anger and yelling, seemingly to prove her point that it always happens. Any help, would be appreciated.....
Fast forward, she goes away to college and is unable to adjust. She spirals and after 2 years, we refuse to let her return until she's ready, this was last year. She was a miserable person for most of the summer and then came to me asking me to help her seek out counseling..my prayers were answered. After a few months, she seemed to be making progress and it was like having my happy daughter back again. She's planning on taking a few college classes and planning for the future. Then comes last weekend....we have a cabin on a lake and we went up for a weekend. She seems really unhappy and moody, not at all like she has been the last couple of weeks. I take her aside to ask what's going on and that's when she unloads on me. She's decided that all of her bad decisions, her moods, her anger, etc isn't really her fault but the fault of bad parenting (and much worse) She's worried about my 19 year old son, that we might f@#k him up (her words). She accuses me of turning everything around and making it about me, and both my husband and I for always yelling.
She did stop going to see the counselor, and now she is telling me she is going to start going with. I am fine with that...I never wanted her to stop talking to someone, and I've always been supportive with that. I've encouraged her to talk to someone as soon as she started feeling down, instead of waiting until things got out of control.
As of today, she's barely speaking to us...only when she has to. I told her she is not allowed to come to the cabin on the weekends, because she tries to provoke anger and yelling, seemingly to prove her point that it always happens. Any help, would be appreciated.....