Callback mammogram


Active Member
No stitches, just a packet full of steri-strips. I was told I can take it all off tomorrow morning. I probably could have taken the dressing off this afternoon, I did think about going to the beach but decided to be a good girl. Besides, I'm feeling a bit shaky and decided to stay put, skip the beach. Maybe tomorrow - it depends.

In one way, having it all happen so fast gave me no time to panic. Plus they have kept insisting - they get a lot of call-backs, the majority are benign. And I only have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to find out if they need to do anything more. And if they do - well, these days, there are a lot more choices.

A friend of ours was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer, plus when they did the surgery and also took out lymph glands, they found that of the 22 or so lymph glands they took, 18 were positive for cancer. Not looking good, doctor friends of ours quietly shook their heads and one said, "She's dead; she just doesn't know it."
I remember she began chemo at about the time of the Sydney Olympics.

She's still with us, and apparently cancer-free. She goes for regular tests but has been really well (ie over all the treatments etc) for well over 5 years now.

So I'm not worried. Really. This is not me protesting too much or anything. Maybe I'm just too tired to worry. I'm more curious than anything. I'd rather not have to go through chemo or radiation, because I tend to react badly to a lot of medications anyway, but whatever happens, happens. The lump is there; it is whatever it is. That's not going to change in 24 hours.

As for soreness - it was a bit sore at the time (not too bad - the local didn't hurt as much as I expected it to, the second bigger biopsy needle was a bit uncomfortable but it was momentary). It's fairly right, now. A bit sore if I press over the area and they warned me that there would probably be a bit of deep tissue bruising, although I can't really feel any right now. But they pumped a lot of local in there, not just on the skin but deep inside. So I suspect it might be a bit more sore by morning.

I was really impressed - the people were lovely, all female and all highly qualified. Very efficient, very kind and supportive but also good at reassuring us to relax and not worry. This is a "BreastScreen" clinic plus plus, although they do the basic BreastScreen mammograms, this particular clinic seems to be more specialised again in that it deals directly and efficiently with the call-backs. So they're expert at exactly tis scenario.

Tomorrow there will be people there prepared to support, counsel and advise women who have to face a "malignancy" diagnosis from the pathology.

My niece has been through this, as well as the friend I mentioned. Apparently there are a whole range of services which kick in for support. Not just emotional support, but support with prostheses, with cosmetic procedures, with support at every level both practical, physical and emotional. All neatly dovetailed to just happen when they're needed.

I'll update tomorrow afternoon my time.



Well-Known Member
Still praying for you today Marg! I hope it turns out to be a positively negative report ;) You know what I mean!


Well-Known Member
Oh, my, you have a lot going on--your mother in law, too! Just as well you didn't go for a swim with-that huge thunderhead nearby.
Funny about the knitting. Good idea!
I've got my fingers crossed for you!

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
I am clutching my left breast after reading all the phases of testing you went through...and I have significant "sympathy pains". :anxious:

Hugs, Marg, you are correct - it's probably just a cyst, but I am so glad they are being so thorough and quick about it. I agree that having a one-stop-shop and to be able to move from one phase to the next so seamlessly like that is probably better than scheduling followup appts and then having to deal with the anticipation, etc. Much better. I also love the knitting squares - I find that very relaxing also. And that it's all women, in my opinion, just puts one at ease. Praying for a clear outcome!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you had such positive support. Waiting for results has got to be a bit discombobulating but it sounds like you have the right attitude. Like the other family members I am hoping and praying that it is just a benign cyst and you can frolic on the beach again soon. Hugs. DDD


Crazy Cat Lady
Keep us posted, Marg. Your medical system amazes me. Even with good medical coverage; it would've taken weeks to get from a suspicious mammo to the biopsy what with scheduling, and it certainly wouldn't all be done at one center like with you.

I like the idea of the knitting squares.


Active Member
Sorry I'm so late getting back to you all. I've been busy visiting mother in law at the hospital and then after I got dinner tonight I needed to call people.

Yep, it's cancer. Probably no huge deal, from what I've been able to find out, it's the most common kind and also probably the most survivable. But I did need to let my kids know (still haven't told difficult child 3 yet, although he must have overheard my phone calls. However, I don't think he 'heard' if you know what I mean). And a couple of friends. Next calls - my sisters. I've only spoken to two of them, left a message for another two. Spoke to easy child. Don't know if easy child 2/difficult child 2 knows yet, she was working this afternoon and tonight.

The diagnosis is Stage 1/2 (that bit is tentative) invasive ductal carcinoma. I have to see a surgeon on Tuesday to book in for a lumpectomy plus removal of a couple of lymph nodes. Once we get that result, we'll know what to do from there.

So, girls - don't delay those mammograms! It's been five years since I had one, because it used to be too painful. The ones I had yesterday and a couple of weeks ago were uncomfortable, but the excruciating pain was gone.

I'm OK about this. Fatalistic. Because whatever is there, is there. From here I have to put myself in other people's expert hands. I have a couple of friends to talk to who have been through this, including one who had a very aggressive cancer diagnosed and when her lymph nodes were removed, almost all of them were positive. That was 10 years ago and she's still cancer-free. She didn't even had a radical mastectomy, only had a partial (I would have opted for removing the lot).

The other friend had what sound very similar to what I'll probably get, but more recently. She is also a doctor herself and we talked a lot at the time. She also has a son with autism, he was at difficult child 3's current school at the time. So we've talked a lot over the years, as you can see.

I'll keep you all posted on how it goes. Maybe do a journal?

Thanks for all your thoughts and good wishes. I just got off the phone after a LONG call with my eldest sister. We needed to talk about a lot of things (including our kids, and grandkids in her case - I've actually told her to pass this website on to her daughter).

It's ironic - we Do have a good medical system here, certainly as far as this has been concerned. But I stepped outside it when I decided to get the results from the GP instead. If I'd stayed with the system, I'd have gone back to the clinic today for the results and instead of my GP giving me the results this afternoon (right before 5 pm, close of business) I would have talked to the surgeon at midday, and already had surgery booked.

It's a good system. Times like this, I'm really glad of it.


I'm so sorry to hear your news, but I'm so glad that you found this out and are quickly moving ahead with your treatment. I walked this path with my Mom 7 years ago. Her diagnosis was the same as yours, and she had a lumpectomy with lymph node removal with radiation treatments following. Her surgeon was a very sweet guy and he treated her with special care. Seven years later, she is cancer free!

She was in her late seventies at the time of her diagnosis and she really sailed through the entire journey like a champ. She and her surgeon developed quite a relationship and he asked her to volunteer at her local breast cancer office after her recovery. She calls all of the women in her community several days after their surgeries to see how they are doing and offer a compassionate ear. Other volunteers from the office go to visit women in the hospital immediately after their surgeries to offer assistance and information about services . A couple of years ago a film crew came to her office and asked her to be interviewed for some public service information spots about mammograms on the local television stations. She reluctantly agreed, and my 83 year old Mom has become a mini celebrity in her retirement community and local town. I'm just so proud of her! In a strange kind of way, this situation has added a real passion and focus to her later years.

Marg, please keep us in the loop of your treatment. My thoughts and prayers are with you. My Mom's experience has shown me that this is a problem that can be treated with great skill and success.



Crazy Cat Lady
Marg. I have a dear friend who had the same type of cancer with a positive sentinel node. She underwent a lumpectomy with radiation treatment and is considered in the clear with no recurrence after seven years. She still has to go for regular followup exams, but is doing fine.

From what I understand; ductal carcinoma is the easiest breast cancer to treat. I hope you have the same good results my friend has had.

You will be in my thoughts. Please keep us posted as time goes on. We're all here for you to lean on.



Active Member
I'm sorry to hear this, Marg. I am glad you went in and they went thru that process quickly. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Hugs, Marg. I'm sorry to hear that it came back as cancer, but everything you posted sounds very reassuring. I hope that your treatment from here on in goes smoothly and without pain. Please do keep us in the loop.


Here we go again!
Sending hugs and prayers for a smooth journey down this new path. There are so many breast cancer success stories for women now, and your situation sounds very encouraging too. You can count on us all being here for you.


Well-Known Member
Marg, I am so sorry to hear the results of your testing. I have known 3 people with this and 2 are clear of it today for many years - the last one just found out in December, has had her surgery and is back at work now. Doing great she says.

You stay strong and be sure to be good to yourself. Make sure your family pampers you a bit, too.



Former desparate mom
Many hugs. You are a brave and valiant survivor of many medical challenges over the years.
I'm sending wishes for brilliant professionals to help guide you and maybe a lift and enhancement when they are done with the lumpectomy. : ) Just making a bit of a joke. Ctmom is going through treatment now. Maybe the two of you can exchange notes and train us for when it may be our turn.

Hugs, hugs and more hugs to you and to your family who loves you so much.


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry this wasn't better news. I *am glad that it is not more serious than it could have been. It does sound like it was caught really early and good results are expected. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Mom? What's a difficult child?
I am so sorry for your results. You are such a pragmatic person that I think you can face anything!
I do hope though that the rest of the family can remain as strong as you.
That being said, I have had a RX for a mammogram in my purse for a week. I am going to make an apt. first thing on Monday. I have been scared of the pain.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm sorry the results came back as they did. I love your attitude. My mom had breast cancer about 10 years ago (or more). They did a mastectomy on one side and she never needed chemo or radiation. She is completely cancer free! Keeping you in my prayers.